[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

Hey Sherwood, I know I was a bit vague back there... The summonings I was speaking of waiting to do till later were those for the Demons. I was trying to say that the Elementals were a higher priority and that those needed to get done, while the Demons could be done at any later time. >.>
fhgwdads05 said:
Aleph... You realize that if you screw up the summoning you can reflexively Banish the demon as part of the same spell, right? >.>
Plus, I don't think there should be need for physical guards.
I certainly do, but in case I fail I'll be an essenceless Eclipse with orichalcum needles and a metal stick against a full demon of the first circle... I'd like to be close to you people, just in case.
So, Lane and Aleph are heading off to the Tavern. And yes, I do want you to RP this bit. The long awaited sea-god plotline starts there. :twisted:

What about the rest of you? Any interesting things you'd like to RP in the meantime, or shall I just spring something on you?
I've always wondered about the needles, while it helps you to avoid being found by people wanting to harm you. It doesn't prevents people from knowing ABOUT you, right?

So the fact that you are a solar would eventually get out, right? If you do typical solar things that could be considered suicidal and stupid, like saving people and stuff from certain death and doom? Even if it's in the Realm?

Would it be cost effective to have those needles or just really good diguise charms? Hypotetically speaking?
Well, they have several powers, in fact. The most effective one is ABSOLUTE stealth. So absolute, in fact, that it shields even from Sid magic. But you are right, mechanically speaking, some larceny/stealth charms do as much as good. It's just that they are more expansive. Plus, the needles matched perfectly with my background.

And tome, I'm kind of confused, the new thread is Team Anathema IC our Team Realm IC?!?!

EDIT: This poster is mistaken. There is no error. Move along.

-The ST
*nodnods* It just seemed kind of odd to me that it had a perfect and absolute stealth ability, but charms would work better in some ways. Given that it's there on your cheeks, and it doesn't hide who you are.
With all of the threads running here, what is our xp at?
Yeah... I don't think I've seen any game that provides bonus points after it's started. It's just xp this, xp that. :D
Yeah yeah, obviously I just meant a bonus xp apart from the page xp. Not Bonus Points as in the mechanical term.
Rowan's perception roll on the beach:

7x(D10+0): 6 9 8 6 1 8 2

Three successes
fhgwdads05 said:
Rowan.... Why didn't you just check behind the rocks by walking over to them...? :?
Because I was hoping that whatever took the sword wouldn't see me shift, and most people don't think to look up to see if anyone is watching them.
Tome said:
Behind the rock is a small creature of child-like proportions, it's entire body made of light blue coloured liquid. Bright pink markings on teh surface of what can assumed to be it's face depict a stylised eyes and mouth. It's holding your sword and waving it around in the air, laughing. Or at least it was, but it noticed you take flight and started scrambling towards town. As it flees, it rotates it's head in your direction as the markings change to :P .


Oh noes.... Tome... you didn't just do what I think you just did.

I pity those poor Anathema bastards.

Sherwood said:
Diving down, Rowan shifts forms back into his human one a short distance in front of the creature. "Taking things that don't belong to you is not very nice. If you return my sword now, that will be the end of it."

Do I recognize what this is? Fae? Elemental? Wyld-twisted child?
I think it doesn't matter and that you should start running... run fast and far...

For when you meet something that uses emoticons for faces, you're gonna get screwed....
In the DnD game I'm playing in, my archer gets my magic bow taken from me and I have to run all over hell and high water to get it back. Now, my Daiklave gets yoinked from me, and I have the peanut gallery of Dynasts telling me I should run in fear from the little happy-faced kid.

Its not fair, I tell ya! :cry:

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