[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

Whales are anything but harmless... they're like giant behemoths of the ocean. The tyrant lizards of the depths where they battle with giant squids.
That's killer whales. Besides, everyone knows Killer Whales are more like bears. They're only dangerous unless you take them out from range :D . And they taste delicious.
Haku said:
Althou... why someone would wanna try infinite attacks without an infinite die pool? They wouldn't be able to sustain it. :D
Unlike some whiney Dragon-Bloods, Lunars have various Charms called Excellencies that can be used to reduce the cost. So, I can boost my dex by three in any form for however many attacks I need to without blowing motes on each strike. Just a one time fee and I'm set to go for the scene.
Yes? and the extra action/flurry penalties would EAT the vaunted 3 die you're talking about.

Heck, even buying extra successes wouldn't do that much, depending on if Tome used the commonly accepted house-rule of extra successes + infinite rate, not being able to buy 3 extra successes if there is nothing to roll.
But the charm gives extra actions, one for each limb you have. That eliminates the extra action penalties quite nicely, thank you. :)
Though Sherwood, that Charm you were talking about isn't an Excellency. It's a Mastery. Big dif there. >.>
Perhaps that one air elemental's mission should be "check if Coral are gathering forces to attack Skullstone, and if so, deliver the message".
That is why I was going to call up several. One to be a messenger back and forth, and some to speed our trip along faster than any other mortal ship can move.
Well, we don't want the elemental delivering the message unless we're sure Coral is going to attack Skullstone. Even if we speed our ship, the messenger elemental will still get there faster.
Right. That Elemental should be told to spy on Coral first. If it looks like Coral is gearing up for war with Skullstone, the message gets delivered.
It will be the Exalted version of a UAV doing recon over Coral.
Heh, exactly.

Can we keep OOC stuff out of the IC thread? Such as OOC talk about the summon? Don't mean to nag, but its unsightly. >.>
I don't think it'd be THAT cheap or easy to get that much equipment... not unless you have silly resources like smiths dedicated to forging weapons
IMO, they most likely won't get more than 10 or so suits and weapons, considering the size of the town. But we'll see how Tome plays things out :P .
No, but they might have a dozen or two. Depends mostly on the size of the town and various other factors. Hunting spears would likely be fairly common and easy to purchase.

It's not like I'm looking for thousands. 100 good men would be enough for Skullstone. I'll get the other 200 for when I fight the Realm.

But not Heroic mortals, then I'd need relays and they'd stop listening to orders. 75 farmers don't need relays and have a 2 magnitude penalty when changing formations, etc. 75 heroic mortals have Magnitude 4 and need 4 or more relays and have a -4 penalty to changing formations. Silly rules quirk.... :)
It's not like I'm looking for thousands. 100 good men would be enough for Skullstone. I'll get the other 200 for when I fight the Realm.
You do that, I'll just go stand over here..... *awaits to hear Lane's bloodied screams* :P

Or simply bribe the militia captain to join our forces and sell us the weapons while he's at it... :)
Now that's a little better. :P

EDIT: Hmm.... I think I may need to pick up Summon Elemental....

>.> <.< >.> *shifty eyes*
Right, you can pick up about 7 Buff Jackets, with plenty more if you're willing to wait a few days for them to be made. Spears can brought in fairly large numbers, being much more common.

And Rowan, I was asking more about Cselenite/Abscissic/Task binding.
Going with task binding for two of them. Once we reach our port of call, the two speeding us along are free to go, and the recon/messenger one will serve and relay info for a month and will be free to go after that.
Aleph... You realize that if you screw up the summoning you can reflexively Banish the demon as part of the same spell, right? >.>

Plus, I don't think there should be need for physical guards.

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