[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

Aleph said:
We should have someone with that sweet instant-healing combo (the one of the Wound-Mending Care Technique plus Instant Treatment Methodology). Maybe when Team Anathema is composed of only Essence-15 god-kings and rules creation over the DBs, I'll buy it.
That'll be me. >.>

You'll get an IC post from me tonight, hopefully. Thanksgiving has been hectic, from a funeral to spending the last day down at the family cabin working on plumbing -_- .
I personally did not expect much over the weekend with everyone traveling and doing family stuff. No big.
If you ask the retailers, they consider Thanksgiving to be the first shopping day for the Christmass season. The in-store decorations go from having tons of holloween stuff out, to tons of christmass stuff out. Thanksgiving is the forgotten holliday, just a excuse to eat too much to prep us for the Black Friday shopping deals. Ugh. It makes me ill.
Nice speculation there Jukashi. You hit on a fair number of points that are correct, but it's still not completely accurate. For one, it leaves out all the other tricks that are being played. No good mastermind worth his salt will rely only on one gambit.

But yeah, mostly accurate.

Must. Resist. Temptation to. Tell. People. My. Master. Plan.
A perfect plan would be no fun! :wink:

Of course, realistically, some of the things Fury missed will be countered by other people with interests in the scheme. We've got to leave something for our puny Realm friends to deal with, after all... :twisted:
The Realm Inquirer has a shocking expose of nude pictures of the royal hiney? :lol:
Nah, more along the lines of [spoiler!] an invasion of Fair Folk/the return of the Scarlet Empress. [spoiler!] :twisted:

Team Realm, no peeking.
fhgwdads05 said:
Oh god, I predicted the first bit, but the second.... *shudders* >.<
Don't forget, you guys are getting the really challenging stuff... eventually. But let me put it this way; I'm designing one of your future opponents as I type this, and his Familiar alone has over 50 HLs. Not factoring in the DV 9, Soak 23L/27B and the Perfect Defence. And remember, that's the Familiar. :twisted:

You guys should look into an uber-death Combo at some point. Maybe throw in a Perfect Defence as well.
Aleph said:
Hope he enjoys chatting... and has a veeeery low MDV :roll:
The Exalt? Perfect Social Defence(s). The Familiar? Righteous Lion Defence to his master.

But don't worry, I won't be using this guy for a while now. At least until the majority of you have Perfect Defences/ridiculous Dice Pools.
Tome said:
fhgwdads05 said:
Oh god, I predicted the first bit, but the second.... *shudders* >.<
Don't forget, you guys are getting the really challenging stuff... eventually. But let me put it this way; I'm designing one of your future opponents as I type this, and his Familiar alone has over 50 HLs. Not factoring in the DV 9, Soak 23L/27B and the Perfect Defence. And remember, that's the Familiar. :twisted:

You guys should look into an uber-death Combo at some point. Maybe throw in a Perfect Defence as well.




I hope you're planning for us to be around Essence 5 at that time. >.<
fhgwdads05 said:


I hope you're planning for us to be around Essence 5 at that time. >.<
Essence 3-4, actually. That should put you on even terms with this guy and his master, assuming that you fight smart and use your heads.

His master has some pretty sweet Combos though. "Eightfold Sun-To-Moon Implosion Array", "Exploding Stolen Heart Technique" etc.
Tome said:
Actually, the Realm will be nice and distracted by... other things. :twisted:
Sherwood said:
The Realm Inquirer has a shocking expose of nude pictures of the royal hiney? :lol:

There IS a Kiyo image of Her Redness that is nice... but it's hardly nude, even if it's rated XXX. :D
fhgwdads05 said:
Tome said:
fhgwdads05 said:
Oh god, I predicted the first bit, but the second.... *shudders* >.<
Don't forget, you guys are getting the really challenging stuff... eventually. But let me put it this way; I'm designing one of your future opponents as I type this, and his Familiar alone has over 50 HLs. Not factoring in the DV 9, Soak 23L/27B and the Perfect Defence. And remember, that's the Familiar. :twisted:

You guys should look into an uber-death Combo at some point. Maybe throw in a Perfect Defence as well.




I hope you're planning for us to be around Essence 5 at that time. >.<
What? Exalts CAN get silly familiars if they're willing to push boundaries. The DEADLIEST ones are Eclipses/Moonshadows, and maybe the Lunars (if Fey Behemoths work like they did in 1e and you could get them as artifacts).

Remember, Bio-Genesis, Familiar Enhancement charms AND Spirit blessing/gift charms (essence 1 targets get enhancements for 'free' and 'persistently', the charms aren't even committed on the spirit's side) are a DEADLY combo.
Tome, how do Intimacies work? Can I gain one towards the Circle? Does it cost xp? I couldn't find anything on Core.

Edit: people, here is my to-do list. Is there any suggestion you could give me? I'm having a little bit of trouble balancing my own safety with offensive stuff for the battle. Anyway we could get 55xp until the attack? :lol:

-Developing combo Irresistible Majesty of the Unconquered Sun (5xp, 9 days left);

-Learning Celestial Circle of Sorcery (8xp, ? days left);

-Learning Torrential Cascade (8xp, 14 days left); <- This is a veeeery cool spell.

-Learning Dipping Swallow Defense (8xp, 1 day left);

-Learning Bulwark Stance (8xp, 2 days left);

-Learning Heavenly Guardian Defense (8xp, 4 days left);

-Learning God-Forged Champion of War (8xp, 14 days left);

-Learning Principle of Motion (16xp, 3 days left);

-Learning Viridian Mantle of Underwater Journeys (8xp, 7 days left);
Aleph said:
Tome, how do Intimacies work? Can I gain one towards the Circle? Does it cost xp? I couldn't find anything on Core.
It's free, you just need to spend a number of scenes developing that intimacy equal to your Conviction. I'm gonna say there's been about three scenes so far.

Aleph said:
Edit: people, here is my to-do list. Is there any suggestion you could give me? I'm having a little bit of trouble balancing my own safety with offensive stuff for the battle. Anyway we could get 55xp until the attack? :lol:
-Developing combo Irresistible Majesty of the Unconquered Sun (5xp, 9 days left);

-Learning Celestial Circle of Sorcery (8xp, ? days left);

-Learning Torrential Cascade (8xp, 14 days left); <- This is a veeeery cool spell.

-Learning Dipping Swallow Defense (8xp, 1 day left);

-Learning Bulwark Stance (8xp, 2 days left);

-Learning Heavenly Guardian Defense (8xp, 4 days left);

-Learning God-Forged Champion of War (8xp, 14 days left);

-Learning Principle of Motion (16xp, 3 days left);

-Learning Viridian Mantle of Underwater Journeys (8xp, 7 days left);
God-Forged Champion Of War? Very nice, that's one of my favorite Celestial Circle spells.

Oh, and you are aware of the updated version of Principle Of Motion? Ya' know, the one in RoGD?
Tome said:
It's free, you just need to spend a number of scenes developing that intimacy equal to your Conviction. I'm gonna say there's been about three scenes so far.
Which is exactly my conviction value. Gonna add that.

Tome said:
Oh, and you are aware of the updated version of Principle Of Motion? Ya' know, the one in RoGD?
Yep. I still like it more than the equivalent Melee charms.

And Haku, maybe you should sue White-Wolf for copyright violation :roll:
Question for you Tome:

Would I have regained that Essence I spent casting The Parting of the Seas during my time out in the water, or would it have been committed to the spell?

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