[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

Well, with 16 pages at 3 points per page, it should be 48 points, plus the 2 bounus we got for winning the fight.
We've received a total of 4 bonus XP, actually. I can't remember what the other 2 came from, but I do remember us receiving a total of 4.
So that should put our total at 52. I guess its time for me to get my next charm, since we have some time before we reach port.
Spending points on Wasp Sting Blur and a 1 dot specialty with Daiklaves. My sparring with Lane has paid off.
52! Excellent. I'm taking another dot of Sail, building on my already passable experience by working with the crew. Are they going to say no? :twisted:

I'll need it when we get our Navy together... :wink:
Lane, just to let you know I haven't said anything about the Necromancer being almost dead to the rest of you guys. If you want though, I can. Give me a bit and I'll work something up.
Well, it's been like 4-5 days since the scene started so I just wanted to get things moving before a week is spent on back and forth posts when a simple roll could get things moving and include everyone on the next step. Besides, the old proverb is that there are no secrets on ships so I assume crewmen mention the Necro, plus it's not a secret we carried him over to our ship so he's obviously somewhere.
Ya, but I haven't said I moved him anywhere. As far as it is right now, we just finished surgery. Plus, considering the time schedule is a bit off, you are probably training right now, or at least in the conversation with Rowan. That surgery probably took 6 hours or so.
Well, if you wish, Aleph could help, but I don't think you should have any trouble interrogating him. Just say that if he doesn't tell what we want you'll send his soul to Lethe or something like that. I don't think he knows much besides what we already know, anyway. He seemed pretty low-ranked.

Hey, Tome, how will we play the process of learning Celestial circle? If the game keeps going at this speed, I believe I should be able to start training in about 1-2 weeks, and I'm not sure how to do it. We will use the normal system, just spend the xp and the training time or we will do that 5 trials thing?
Yep, 52xp it is.

And Sorcery training will require the five trials. Don't worry, I'll work them into the course of normal play. this means of course, that letting me know well in advance that you intend to take a Sorcery Charm would be helpful.

Oh, and what have all the current Sorcerers given up as their sacrifice?
I'll be learning the Celestial Circle soon. It's on my to-do list.

Aleph's sacrifice was the life of comfort he had in the Realm. While learning sorcery, he sacrificed it permanently to live as an Anathema and enemy of the Scarlet Empire.
Given that you're an anathema... a life of comfort in the Realm is kinda hard to do... unless you like, you know, have SOME massive method of hiding what you are from the Dragonblooded, the spirits what are loyal to the Realm, and certain "astrologers"...
Tome said:
Oh, and what have all the current Sorcerers given up as their sacrifice?
I have no idea how special sorcery learning rules work. But just in case I decide to ever learn spells I've given up my humility.
I don't that it works the way you think it does.... :twisted:

For the sorcerery initiation and what it entails, check out the black and white book. :D
I don't have B&W currently, it's okay though. The slight extra work required dissuades me. It's like Martial Arts, I'm just not keen on finding a tutor to teach me how to punch while I'm supposed to be a celestial god-king saving the world.

If I have to go through trials and sacrifices then nah.
Yep, there are five trials for each circle of sorcery you learn. The first four are more lessons, the fifth is giving up something important to you. The trials get more and more substantial as you reach the higher circles, as does the sacrifice.

If I remember, the trials go something along the lines of humility, tutelage, journey, fear and sacrifice.
So I can't give up humility because it's not important to me? Bummer...

Tome said:
Quaking in his boots, assuming no one has stolen them, the Necromancer starts blurting out whatever comes to mind. In amongst a deluge of details about his personal life is the following info:
His name is Captain Amondris Taklar.

He was simply assigned to messenger duty, and knows nothing of the contents of the letter he was assigned to carry, save that is would be his death if he were to open it. He was also originally escorting a new diplomat to Coral, but the diplomat was killed by the demons that attacked his ship.

He's still fairly crazy.
Okay, I assume he's working with Skullstone? Is he a ghost blood or a mortal essence user? DB? Is that some of the details he left out?
Jukashi said:
So I can't give up humility because it's not important to me? Bummer...
Terrestrial Circle doesn't take much. Chopping off a finger will do, I believe.
Solar Circle on the other hand, might require, say, the sacrifice of your first-born child.

The Necromancer, by the way, is from Skullstone, and is a Ghost-Blooded.
You can add me to the list of people to eventually learn the Celestial circle. I have to raise my Essence first, along with all the spells, knacks, and charms on my to learn list, not to mention raising attributes and abilities.

Are we ever going to get to shore? :? I don't see us learning much from the prisoner if he's so nuts.
Ok, we learn the secrets of how to access the Imperial Manse, what the difference between butter and margarine is, and why the chicken crossed the road. Oh, and all the gritty details of the Silver Prince.

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