[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

Here is what I suggest: we fast forward straight to the shore when we'll reunite and decide what we should do.
Right-o, here's what we'll do. Fast-forward to the shore, and you guys can just ask me if you managed to get any details about things from the prisoner if it becomes relevant.
boy is my face red... I thought I was in the OOC thread when I did my posts in the IC thread... need to pay more attention. :oops:

The reason I asked what authorities is very simple.
You are in a fantasy-type setting, with a captured man in the middle of the seas.

Given that there is no central law enforcement or even any -rules- between the various nations, past a certain point of the region that they hold.

I ask again... what authorities? The Realm? Some backend western nation? The spirit courts? The fey courts? Think about it.

Heck, even in the real world, international waters are controlled by no one authority/nation.
Well, we got to a town and then he said he'd turn him in to the authorities. So I assumed he turned them in to whomever was in charge at the town we just arrived at. Most seaside cities would have piracy rules, etc.
Ah... fair enough... have to wander if said necromancer is wanted as a pirate... if not, it's kind of your word against his insane babblings ^_^
If his trial and punishment is part of the story that might come into play yeah. Otherwise you just turn them over and let them disappear from the plot instead of worrying about it. Somehow I doubt Wavecrest would hesitate much from just tossing him into a volcano.
Well.. if he's -wanted-, there's sure to be a bounty... basically, some seashells that those westerns will fob off to you... ^_-
Hey guys, just to let you know, we really aren't doing so well at keeping the IC thread clean of OOC content...
True, it does look a little cluttered and is sort of easy to mistake for an ooc thread at the moment....
Which is why I'm shunting things to the new one.

You've got your hook, two of them to be exact, what you do about them, if anything, is up to you.

The hooks are, for those not paying attention, as follows:

1. Silver Prince is up to something with Coral. Stop that Deathlord!

2. What were those demons doing there, and why was the Skullstone ship so far south and so off course?
Are we supposed to be joining you guys on the beach? I see you mentioned something about others joining you. I have no problems wandering down.
Come on down. Here is a good chance for us to go along with the story, without being blackmailed into it by the storyteller. :wink:
Sherwood said:
Come on down. Here is a good chance for us to go along with the story, without being blackmailed into it by the storyteller. :wink:
Yeah, I tend to steer far away from rail-roading. If you don't follow something up, I'm not going to force you too... of course, that means that demons and dead burst forth and devour the world, but hey, them's the breaks.
Of course, the Sidereals had to choose right now to go on strike for less hours...

... in the day.
To be veeery hones, I like some orientation from the ST. I I'm kind of slow on getting plot hooks.

Tome, how much did we heal from the battle with the Necromancer?
Flipping through the Core...

You've healed your entire health tracks, barring someone with Ox-Body taken twice. Seriously, unless you were knocked down into the -4 or below, consider yourselves fully healed.
Exalted healing... it's so full of yummy goodness. Much better than what ordinary mortals get. 8)
*rubs shiney hearthstone for luck* x10 healingz is good enough for now until I get the medicine charms later on to do damage conversions...
We should have someone with that sweet instant-healing combo (the one of the Wound-Mending Care Technique plus Instant Treatment Methodology). Maybe when Team Anathema is composed of only Essence-15 god-kings and rules creation over the DBs, I'll buy it.
Nuuuuu... :shock:

Wait... what am I nuuuing at? I haven't taken any damage yet... and if I do, I'll heal perfectly with a little bit of time.

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