[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

fhgwdads05 said:
Hey Aleph, just wondering... Does Aether actually know the Combo you're having her help train you? Cause I think that's the only way she could.... :?
The only thing Aether is teaching me is occult. The combo I'm developing myself, assisted by her (but that assistance is not being counted on the training time).
Hey Tome, I'm gonna try cutting open the top of the letter with my knife, though with enough finesse as to not disturb the seal. What kind of check do you want me to make?
I was going to post more, however, I wasn't sure if you wanted to have some things done specifically by you, Tome (such as the Guards of the holding area, the Necromancer's appearance upon Theran's entrance, etc).
Perception + Medicine to inspect for signs of life? Perception + Awareness to see if he's faking it? >.>
I'm getting back to my manse, mainly to finish repairs on Lotan.

There's also the letter, which now that I've got the gist of its contents and meaning I will be relaying that back to the rest of the group. After I interrogate the Necromancer, that is.
That's up to you really. I've left a little hook in that letter, if you folks feel like chasing it. If not, I can just as easily come up with something else.
Tome said:
The hidden message appears to be an Essence laden suggestion, meant to convince the reader to openly attack Skullstone. Fortunately, it's specifically targetted at the Sea Lord, so your mind is safe. One has to wonder though, why would the Silver Prince want the Coral Archipelago to attack him?
Oh, I thought he meant a hook for everyone. I'm just trying to find something for Lane to do on the boat but not much is happening except for the letter thing.

And I'm convinced, lets attack Skullstone.

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