[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

I would say its safe to assume that was a misnomer. They probably meant for rout checks. Of course, Tome has the final say on any of this. :)
I think the whole process is called a hesitation check. Rout and hesitation is what happens when you fail.

I think they have a vocabulary with all the terms defined in a concise and clear manner on p xx.
They refer to it as a rout check in every place I can find it save for the description of unordered formation. It also makes a lot more sense that way. Your troops won't necessarily leave you if they hesitate when under heavy fire. A whole number of WWII and Civil War movies come to mind. However, if part of your unit is running away from you, they sure won't be listening to your orders.
I think it's a case of bad editing and when the wrote the chapter they initially called it hesitation checks and never edited the unit descriptions.

Anyone have a 1E book to see how it worked?
I have it. It's in the 1e Player's Guide, and it's called Mail and Steel. Funny, it has the same exact issue. They call it a hesitation check under unit descriptions. However, under the section Rout and Morale, it's different. Here's how it works:

You make two checks. First you roll a Valor check using the lowest of the Unit Commander's Valor, the Unit's Valor, and the Unit's Mounts' Valor. Success allows you to act normally. Failure means the unit hesitates. Then the Commander makes a Charisma + Presence roll at difficulty 1, modified by the Units (Magnitude - Drill), as well as the bonus or penalty from formation. Each success the check is failed by indicates how much Magnitude the unit loses from rout.

This is interesting, though it's considerably more complicated. I think that the person who wrote the Mass Combat stuff must have ported a lot of the stuff from Mail and Steel and must have forgot a few edits here and there.
Everyone. I'm not using them now, but I don't want to make 'em later, it'd ruin the suspense.

Also, PM them to me please.
Yeah, makes sense. Personally in my homegame I rule that the hesitation check modifiers listed affect the rout checks. Why? Because it's Exalted and a hoarde of barbarians (or sailors) scattering when faced with an Exalt rocks my socks.

A Barbarian Hoarde of 2000 blood frenzied sharkmen (mag 7) in unordered attacks Lane Tamur, Lane uses his army defeating combo of Mod Dispersing Rebuke, Counterattack, perfect defense, Hungry tige They roll their morale (-7 dice due to mag/drill stats) and fail from mob dispersing and lose 3 dots of magnitude. Then they become engaged in combat with Lane and roll morale again (diff 4, -4 penalty), and again fail, losing their last 4 dots of magnitude. As barbarians scatter everywhere Lane perfectly defends their commanders feeble attack and counterattacks by lopping off his head. Then he impregnates their women and sails away with their stuff.

Awesome, 3xp for me.
Woohoo, downtime! I gots lots ta get! Well, ok, just three things. Charms, to be precise. Bruise-Relief, Halting the Scarlet flow, and Wasp Sting Blur. Is that ok, Tome?

One thing, though; Halting the Scarlet Flow says it's a Gift Charm, but it doesn't say what the Gift benefit is.
Jukashi... you've brought the terrible curse of Halting the Scarlet Flow upon us! :shock:

Now, we shall debate endlessly on its rammifications, it's costs and effects... :twisted:
Go with the semi-official version in the official wiki.

It costs 3m comitted, and heals 1L every action. If invoked together with Bruise-Relief Method, the Gift effect of BRM increases to (Stamina)B every action instead of 1B.

Simple, effective and probably what should have been there in the first place.

Debaters will be fined, shot and buried at the side of the road after being covered in salt.
I'm spending a whopping three points on Presence of 1. Seems I have a commanding attitude to be able to bully a ship-full of mortals. I'm banking the rest for more charms.
Oh yeah, if anyone wants to get in some more IC stuff whilst you're on the ship, do so. Otherwise I'll be starting a new thread once everyone's figured out what they'll be doing in the downtime.

And I can't believe none of you have bothered to ask me about the letter the necromancer was carrying. Or the fact that the Necromancer is still unconcious.
Yeah, Aleph actually searched him right after we got back on the ship. This is what you said he had, in addition to the nice Daiklave :D :

Tome said:
Aleph finds a pendant the necromancer was carrying, which contains a small painting of a woman and two children dressed in a fashion that was popular in Skullstone a few years ago. He also carries some sort of signet ring, a few minor tools for weather working and a sealed letter.
I'll type up some IC stuff about looking over that stuff and inspecting it more closely. The letter more specifically, then the other stuff.
Right. I'll start the new thread on tuesday.

Make any threads for IC stuff you want to occur in the meantime, whilst I come up with some nice stats.

Anyways, I was considering interrogating the Necromancer, as well as reading that sealed letter. Would you like me to do that in the present thread, rather than create a new one?
Hey Aleph, just wondering... Does Aether actually know the Combo you're having her help train you? Cause I think that's the only way she could.... :?

Oh and Tome... Do you have info on that letter for me? :P
Advice from a dog of the Realm? Nay, I'll have the Necromancer open it for me! :twisted:

(or just tell me its contents and who it's for >.>)

Though, before I do... Tome, is there any way for me to determine if there is some sort of ward or curse on the seal? >.>
A roll of Perception+Occult will do to identify any magical trickery. A roll of Perception+Awareness for anything more mundane.

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