OOC Talk

Guh... I just got back from chaperoning my lil sisters field trip. Like two kids lost their phones to the roller coasters and I just stood they and arrogantly held onto my fedora as I laughed at the poor souls that lost their phones.
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shattered said:
Right now~! ^.^

I have to sleep soon and I have homework, this timing was on point, Please don't forget Izuru and Naoya exist everyone!

//Still need to finish Naoya and my other DRRR oc//


Welp... after re-wording some things I found on the internet I have finished my homework,

Time to lay in bed and stare at my window, thinking someone is watching me secretly while I know no one is there and I'm just paranoid.

Night anyone who reads this I hope I don't miss too much, or anything for that matter.

that took so long for me to write ^-^*, I've had some serious writer's block for the past week or so, but I hope I didn't do too horribly...
@Pyu I should show the video to my family. xD They keep shoving tea in my face and I just wanna shout and say that I'm anemic. Even when I do that, they'd stare and say, "So?"
aah~ I just finished making crepes and damn they're good... i shouldn't eat all four... no that would be bad... i'm gonna eat all four, screw my roommate she can make her own crepes.


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