OOC Talk

Yes! May I work on my OC for it? Quick question. If you join can our characters be dance partners *Question open to anyone really but I know Kanra the more* and do you want to be the guy or girl?



@shattered ^
Dance club~

Danceatron~ The ability that allows the user to move faster and deal more damage to the enemy whenever there is music, they channel the energy through their dance moves, they are very powerful. The more they dance the stronger they get.
You can! (also tell me when you finish making Izuru so I can accept him cx)

Pfff- I wouldn't mind at all
xD I would most likely play as a guy though~ @Despairingly Lucky
I was thinking the same thing! but Dammit you said it first guess I can't use it cx


shattered said:
You can! (also tell me when you finish making Izuru so I can accept him cx)
Pfff- I wouldn't mind at all
xD I would most likely play as a guy though~ @Despairingly Lucky
I was thinking as such so we can have a male and female character. I'll work on my new OC... After I finish Izuru which will be soon

On a side note I'm really annoyed xD ~

I bought ESO today and was so excited to play it but turns out I needed Xbox live in order to do so. Oh and it's been 6 hours and it's only on 80%

I swear after watching White Chicks again after years, a thousand miles is just stuck in my head... >.<

Sorry, but its most likely going to get stuck in all of your heads too now :P
Woot woot for Night Owlism (is this even a term xD what even am i?)

I feel like Yurina is too based of me, I need to stop.

Sorry guys, gonna be keeping this Kosher style
So I can proudly say that I have listened to the same song for a maximum of 24 hours~ And my God is it still fantaasticc~


I think I could turn for the male vocalist wot^-^
The amount of times he flipped his hair in that video made me think:

a) He was trying out for a loreal commercial

b) He's secretly a human sized bobble head lip syncing
Hopefully it is a loreal commercial.. Because then I could use him for celebrity endorsement in my Media Studies exam on monday....
Omg fate, I'm doing the exact same exam :') 2 hrs and 15 mins of torture, I can't even think of ads on the spot... :(
This is fate omlll~ The thought kills me inside~

But before that I have my History exam tomorrow then my Religious Studies Thursday, they both come to a total of 3 hours 45 minutes ugh xD
I have History tomorrow too, fate xx

Then I have History on 16th too for life in Britain. I've already done religious studies thank cheesus- we did Christianity and Islam. Then I've got further maths on 19th *sigh*

What even is life?
I have to do America and The Roaring 20's, Hitlers Germany and Civil Rights all in one paper tomorrow xD

Kill me please~

For RS We only do Christianity exams, we do Christianity Philosophy and Ethics only and like nothing else. The school is very strict like that xD .

Which is weird considering I went to a Catholic Primary school xD it's all weird to me~
Lol nah

Since most of the class is either Muslim or Christian so we do both cause it's easy and basic. Are you doing History A? We're doing the History B course - life in Nazi Germany is the only paper I'm decent at :')

But yeah, thought media studies would be good but most of it was essays. At least my coursework got a good grade *sigh*
I got a B for my Media Courseworkso I'm happy, although my production piece got a D xD luckily essays are my strongpoint

And I think so, I'm not sure exactly what spec we are doing. I just know the topics xD and Nazi Germany is my strong point too. But I ADORE the Civil Rights with MLK~
Lol got an A* overall but my film was hilarious - I think I died someone died in it then got resurrected, Jesus? No not really. It was meant to be horor but tbh I laughed a lot. Meh.

You did good courses, We did Crime and Punishment *barfs glitter*

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