OOC Talk

its a good curriculum but the paper is difficult af like there's all structure and Nature, Origin and Purpose >.>

I would have preferred to learn about the native Americans tbh it looks pretty cool with all that Tipi stuff (huts made of buffalo skin - yum)

Omegee, @shattered. I had never heard of Un-Go till you used Inga as your face claim. I started watching it out of curiosity and Inga is so kawaii!!! I mean, you know, for a demon.
Pffft, I finished finals already. Waiting for vacation to start is like waiting for an elevator that's going from floor twenty to floor one and stopping every... Single... Floor. It's agonizing.
My last exam is on monday, as soon as ai get the chance I'm applying for a job at Starbucks (Discounted coffee^-^ love it) and then I buy Mortal Kombat X.. Then cry because I don't want to go to college just yet bcus I'm a child still
LeSoraAmari said:
My last exam is on monday, as soon as ai get the chance I'm applying for a job at Starbucks (Discounted coffee^-^ love it) and then I buy Mortal Kombat X.. Then cry because I don't want to go to college just yet bcus I'm a child still
Working at Starbucks is hell... like living hell. So many customers asking for these fancy drinks that i never knew existed. You know how i make coffee? a coffee maker. just put in some beans some water maybe some creamer when it's done brewing but god forbid I should know how to work an espresso maker or some fancy doohickey(i can't believe i just used that word, i feel old...) that spits out magical coffee. Let's just say Starbucks workers are skilled af in my eyes... or you know i just can't make coffee for shit.
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Comix said:
Omegee, @shattered. I had never heard of Un-Go till you used Inga as your face claim. I started watching it out of curiosity and Inga is so kawaii!!! I mean, you know, for a demon.

Haha! cx He is so kawaii! cx I had seen him around on random google searches so I knew I had to find out more about that series, and to be honest, it's pretty good
shattered said:
Haha! cx He is so kawaii! cx I had seen him around on random google searches so I knew I had to find out more about that series, and to be honest, it's pretty good xD
And adult Inga is so pretty. I kinda wanna use her as a character for something... I just don't have a roleplay to use her for... :/
[QUOTE="Despairingly Lucky]

... Have we started yet? :0



i should start now, but i'm just too lazy to make that starter cx
I know that feel... kind of like how i'm avoiding scripting at all costs at the moment(too much effort, not enough motivation).

I need to sleep soon anyways so it's fine with me cx also I think Polli might start so for the sake of ships I'm using Yu as my dance character so I can have ships with you and Polli cx

Welp. Let it be known I now also totally ship Haruka and Aki... Theyd be so cute together!


You can do it! I believe in you!!! No pressure or anything, but I am sooo bored and need this roleplay to start.

I expect the dancing to be on point.
~Shoulders sideways smack it smack it in the air, legs movin' side to side smack it in the air, shoulders sideways smack it smack it in the air~

Hey gurl.
I love her!- I mean I love me!

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