OOC Talk

go ahead, I'll have to talk to someone eventually so let's make today the day that Sorano actually talks to someone ~( O.o )~
Well everyone is just meeting up at the cafeteria for breakfast and talking to one another really. You could join mind and elvengardas conversation if you want ^.^
Sorano is getting pretty popular isn't he? Do not think you can trick me into revealing his secrets (>>)

Would it be alright if I brought some bully NPC's around? Just for like this one time to get a bit more depth?

heeeeelloooooo? Anyone here?

God I'm so bored right now ( -_- ")

anybody here?
well, business happens I suppose

I just hope the thread survives, I hate it when it dies just two posts after I joined >_>
Eh, my country is like 8 hours ahead of America or something. I'm so used to waking up, finding so many posts, and then noticing that no one is online anymore.
maybe we need to see if we can have like a little posting schedule where everyone is awake?

I know america is 7-8 hours behind of Europe, so somewhere in here must be a period where everyone technically should be awake and able to reply...

if it is 22:00 in europe, it'll be 15:00-14:00 in america... but I suppose not many people can get online in the afternoon ( :( )

We would have like a four hour window though, 20:00-24:00 for Europe and 13:00-17:00 in America (or 14:00-18:00)

perhaps knowing that would help?
We should just grab a really big boat, and tow america three timezones closer to us.

Only real solution here (>u>)

also, on a different note, I really hope @shattered updates the club member soonish (OuO)
Aaaah! I really don't know what to do with my character now. I'll try to figure something out, but I'm just saying this just so you guys know I'm not inactive on purpose.
Elvengarda said:
We should just grab a really big boat, and tow america three timezones closer to us.
Only real solution here (>u>)

also, on a different note, I really hope @shattered updates the club member soonish (OuO)
I'll try updating it asap! c:
Alrighty everyone, I'm going to read through the posts, update the character rosters and dorms! I'll also do an activity check and answer the questions I haven't gotten to yet! I'll also add in an updates tab if we need one~ c:


activity check

After reading through all of the updated posts, I just want to tag everyone and confirm you are still in this. There have been several people who have yet to posted their starting post. If you are too busy and want to drop out, I would prefer you tell me rather than leaving with out notice. No one would be upset with you or anything if you wanted to take your leave. If you're having problems interacting, let me know and I'll find a way to squeeze you in!

@Despairingly Lucky | @Aqua | @Elvengarda |
@Plushie (i've probably forgotten someone ;-; )

You all are doing great! c: Make sure you're posting three paragraphs! (unless you're on mobile! which is understandable) I'll timeskip soon to maybe after school or during class, not to sure yet. Maybe you guys have suggestions? After all, you will all be practicing your abilities for upcoming battles~

On a side note;
@Cross_Rhodes and @Ahri

Cross, you asked to reserve a spot and still haven't made a character. You have till the end of the week to do so or you'll loose your reservation. And Ahri, you posted a WIP and never finished it...or even started. Same with Cross, you have till the end of the week to make it or else I'll remove the WIP from the Sign-Ups page

I should be posting later today , I was just waiting for someone to possibly interact with. That and I was as

Eep the majority of today , so I should get a post out soon.
That's fine! If you can't find someone to interact with, let me know and I'll help out! :D


Plushie said:
Questions; What dorm is Ellie in?

Also I hope my post was alright, I tried not to describe the dorms too much. >w>;;
I'm about to edit all the dorms in a second! (kinda waiting to make sure everyone is still active so I know who to switch out)

I'll tag you once I complete it!

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