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Dice [OOC] real hero hours

pick a thing

  • The paranormal monsters thing

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • The underwater thing

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • These both suck, let's do something else!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Maybe we should all state our preferences, to see if they match up? Here are mine:

I like supers to be wild cards: A diverse collection of anomalies, who shake up the status quo. Whenever a new one appears, I picture politicians muttering 'oh great. How are we going to handle this one?'. Scientists will try (and fail) to incorporate each new revelation into their models. I like the idea of a world struggling to adapt, as its preconceived notions of reality keep getting overturned.

And of course, the supers themselves struggle too. How will they try to fit in? Do they even want to fit in? Being a lone wolf is difficult. But allying with other supers is fraught with risk. They're all so strange! Look at the characters we've created so far. They have almost nothing in common. Imagine these wonderful weirdos realizing that they need to team up; Then trying to form a coherent group. That sounds like a lot of fun to play.

But that's just me. What does everyone else think?
Honestly, without someone pulling us together, or some sort of organized registration system for heroes, or some unifying threat, or, I don't know, something else, I have a hard time seeing the characters we have currently generated having much to do with each other at all.

One seems to be an interdimensional tourist, the second is a teleporting delivery boy, the third works mostly as a stage magician, and the fourth spends her time saving people who are drowning.

I think once the setting is more set in stone, we can see how they work together, but I do think that it would be best if there was some sort of organized team set up. As wildcards, their trajectories are unlikely to ever really come close to one another, other than in passing.
One seems to be an interdimensional tourist, the second is a teleporting delivery boy, the third works mostly as a stage magician, and the fourth spends her time saving people who are drowning.

And together, they protect the innocent from malevolent teleporting over-priced underwater hotels
Now all we need is the Tick, Arthur, and a bunch of ninja disguised as a hedge. ;)

What we tentatively came up with in the other forum is a situation where the big-time, heavy-duty superhero that did the vast majority of the city's protecting died/vanished mysteriously/took off for parts unknown. An associate of the superhero is trying to form a team from the remaining B-, C-, and D-listers to fill the void.
Oh yeah I remember that one, I liked it

Also if you guys want to have a nemesis for your character, or a rogues' gallery, feel free to create them
My hero's villain would definitely try to take advantage of the loss of the big hero. ...Can we just refer to them as "Big Guy?" Just as a placeholder until we're more sure of the setting?
I've just purchased the Blood and Justice pdf, which comes with an adventure generator. If you guys want, we could run a non-canon (or canon) one-shot using it - I find that I usually find out a lot more about characters I make during the game than during creation. Let me know if interested.

Honestly, without someone pulling us together, or some sort of organized registration system for heroes, or some unifying threat, or, I don't know, something else, I have a hard time seeing the characters we have currently generated having much to do with each other at all.

One seems to be an interdimensional tourist, the second is a teleporting delivery boy, the third works mostly as a stage magician, and the fourth spends her time saving people who are drowning.

I think once the setting is more set in stone, we can see how they work together, but I do think that it would be best if there was some sort of organized team set up. As wildcards, their trajectories are unlikely to ever really come close to one another, other than in passing.

I was thinking more about this, and just wanted to say, don't be afraid to make tweaks to your concepts / backstories if you think it will help make your characters make more sense / mesh well together.

For example, Tide Huntress "mysteriously" transformed into who she is today. Perhaps one of the other characters was fully or partially responsible for her transformation in some way. Things like that. These could also help fill out your details / connections.
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Hello, I have made the move. Will try to work up the character and post it. This is picture of my idea, just have to work out the details.

I've just purchased the Blood and Justice pdf, which comes with an adventure generator. If you guys want, we could run a non-canon (or canon) one-shot using it - I find that I usually find out a lot more about characters I make during the game than during creation. Let me know if interested.

I was thinking more about this, and just wanted to say, don't be afraid to make tweaks to your concepts / backstories if you think it will help make your characters make more sense / mesh well together.

For example, Tide Huntress "mysteriously" transformed into who she is today. Perhaps one of the other characters was fully or partially responsible for her transformation in some way. Things like that. These could also help fill out your details / connections.
I wouldn't mind a "test drive," but we'll still have to answer the question of how our characters became a team.

I have a much more in-depth (pun intended) origin for Tide Huntress, but it's location-specific, so I was waiting until we nailed down our setting before elaborating. That said, I'm open suggestions as to how the other characters may have influenced Tide Huntress' origin. Pitch me something.
Zei probably doesn't have a connection to the cast. She's not even from the same plane of existence. But she'll soon warm up to everyone. Our characters don't necessarily need to know each other before becoming a team. They just need to get along once they do become a team.
Zei could be connected to Sidestep, as his teleportation reminds her of her own travels, or something. Perhaps they 'sensed' each other, and became friends.

Sidestep makes deliveries. I was thinking his money came from contracts delivering, say, aid to disasters, he could have met Tide Hunter at a flood or tsunami or hurricane or something?

I think we can make connections, you are right. We just probably need a bit more of a set environment. I do think that a sort of heroes registration or organization, or at least a framework of some sort, is necessary, though, because just super wildcards wouldn't have any reason or really means of banding into a group on more than an occasional basis.
I actually do intend to have a hero association in the world, however I will not make membership mandatory - characters will be able to make and break alliances as they see fit.

Also, how about using the one shot as a prologue, which details how your characters came to know each other?
Sounds good to me.

A hero association sounds good. Perhaps there are different levels of membership; like, volunteer members who get alerts of local or international crisis, and can elect to volunteer to assist, with varying levels of paid memberships, where you are obligated to answer some calls but get a salary? With the highest level being full time heroes?

Just need some background info for contacts and such.

Heh. Like Uber supers. Heroing as a side-hustle.

I'm also up for a random prologue, once characters are all made up.
Zei could be connected to Sidestep, as his teleportation reminds her of her own travels, or something. Perhaps they 'sensed' each other, and became friends.

That's a good idea. Zei has actually been a delivery worker before. So the two of them have some common ground.

I think we can make connections, you are right. We just probably need a bit more of a set environment. I do think that a sort of heroes registration or organization, or at least a framework of some sort, is necessary, though, because just super wildcards wouldn't have any reason or really means of banding into a group on more than an occasional basis.
That only works if our characters are all okay with being labelled and boxed by government/corporate registration. As Marvel Civil War reminds us, that's an issue that tends to divide supers. I'd rather the team be brought together by something less official.

Edit: The idea that Celestra mentioned might fit the bill, though. Maybe some newly lone operative wants to become 'mission control' for the characters.
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Zei could be connected to Sidestep, as his teleportation reminds her of her own travels, or something. Perhaps they 'sensed' each other, and became friends.

Sidestep makes deliveries. I was thinking his money came from contracts delivering, say, aid to disasters, he could have met Tide Hunter at a flood or tsunami or hurricane or something?

I think we can make connections, you are right. We just probably need a bit more of a set environment. I do think that a sort of heroes registration or organization, or at least a framework of some sort, is necessary, though, because just super wildcards wouldn't have any reason or really means of banding into a group on more than an occasional basis.

That's cool. It may work both ways, if teleportation powers all access the same underlying system. Perhaps Sidestep started feeling a vague sense of being "watched" every time he blinked or teleported.

I have some ideas for a bunch of questions about your characters we can use to get some more meat on our narrative bones. I'll have those up soon.
The evil Dr. Hoan was out there, scheming, brooding; making monsters. Though rarely, if ever, seen in person he unleashed upon the world the ANIMOIDS. Fearsome fusions of human, animal and metal, these chimeras could appear human (or in most cases, human-ish) only to transform into hulking, armored, deadly brutes able to take on even the most powerful and canny of supers. He has yet to be caught, only thwarted or delayed. His creatures have even killed a small handful of superheroes, making him the stuff of nightmares for society at large.
No one is quite certain of what he wants, or if he's gone so insane he doesn't want anything but to treat the entire world as his violent playground. The few who have personally met him described Hoan as a self-narrating narcissist who could fly into a quiet rage at a moment's notice, all the while insisting that he's a doctor, or a scholar and demands to be placed upon a pedestal. The only thing he seems afraid of would be his Rhino Animoid, who to this day remains in cyro storage, too powerful (and too smart) for Hoan's liking.

Following the death of Big Guy, however, there have been more sightings, more activity of his fearsome monsters, Hoan now much more bolder a villain. He's out there somewhere, adding to his army of wolves, lions, sharks, crows, rhino, foxes, alligators, eagles...

...and one rabbit...
A defector from an evil cyborg army, who now fights for the cause of good? A classic tale! Hoan sounds like a worthy foe. Perhaps worthy enough to unite a ragtag team of heroes...
only answer the questions that grab your interest
you can answer these here, or add info to your character sheet, or both

you can invent any people, things, events, or locations you need to for your answers
  • where does your character live? do they have a permanent residence?
  • does your character have a day job? if so, do they get along with their coworkers?
  • what does your character do when they're not working or beating up bad guys?
  • who's the most important person in your character's life
for specific characters

A Anyr
if Zei was chasing something, or something was chasing her - what would it be, and why?

KingGoblin KingGoblin
what's the weirdest shit Eric ever saw during a delivery?

Sizniche Sizniche
has Maestro ever been tempted toward the path of infinite arcane power by otherworldly beings?

Celestra Celestra
what sort of unfathomable horrors has Mirada come across in the depths? monsters? ancient civilizations? magical artifacts?

TetsuKnife TetsuKnife
I'll have a question for you when you have a sheet up

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