OOC [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

Yes, it's a sequel! They had to stop shooting episodes last year cause the anime was catching up to the manga, so they are calling the ones aired this year season two, but it's really like episode 198 tomorrow I think. Or 197. There isn't so much seasons as there is arcs

And I'm going to wait to post a reply to give others a chance
My god that is a lot of episodes ._. The longest anime I watched was like 94, and that's only if you include the spin-off, otherwise the it's only like 51.

Sounds like a good idea.
I think the longest I've watched and completed was Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

I dropped One Piece but I wanna pick it up again cus Trafalgar
One Piece is considered long cus it's still updating (I think) Katekyo Hitman Reborn ended ages ago ;-;!

Nowadays, I don't watch animes anymore,
Mmm they are awesome shows!

I kinda of god tired of one piece but maybe that was because of the fact I just had the same ones being replied all the time
One Piece terrifies me, I mean, SIX HUNDRED EPISODES! I don't even know if I could survive all of that ._. Most of the anime I watch are like 12-24 episodes long
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]One Piece terrifies me, I mean, SIX HUNDRED EPISODES! I don't even know if I could survive all of that ._. Most of the anime I watch are like 12-24 episodes long

I skipped most of it until Trafal-guy came along. And when they grew really OP =P.

But once I caught up with it (took me a while, jeez) I watched the eps that I missed.

I cannot handle animes that are short, unless they're really good xD #SoulEater
Soul Eater's short? It took me like 3 weeks to watch all of that ._.

I perfer short anime because I have the attention span of a chimpanzee when it comes to watching things >_>
LOL. Soul Eater was short for me xD

I suppose so, I just don't like short animes cus I get too attached and then waaaaah

I still havent finished Mirai Nikkai rofl
I've been meaning to watch soul eater

Havnt quite got there

Anyway, sleepy so I should go to be. Since I have to be up early,

But I don't wanna sleep
Sleep when you pass out or just shut off your device, close ur eyes then try to yawn. Thats how I fall asleep.

God, I can't finish a pizza slice omf
Again, sorry for being late to post. Started to last night and kinda fell asleep at the desk. Just lemme know if I need to make any changes.
Omg, I can't believe xDDDD


Too bad Adonis isn't programmed to flirt with a player ;3 if so, that'll be amusing.
Haha! Ryu was just trying to lighten the mood he'd unintentionally set. Basically gave anyone there not willing to die for one another a good ass chewing, and then asking for a kiss from the head honcho. xD
Indeed did you lighten up the mood. People could think twice now, after that. Head Honcho now is he? Didn't intend actually make him a leader of some sort, just someone to put an idea on people's minds and to get them moving as a group.

I dont wanna get too attached to Adonis [the poor babe, speaking from writer's POV].

Oh yeah, are there any Beast Tamers here?

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