OOC [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

I'll post later, including my NPC char and the online status for Nexi. Right now, I'm playing Skyrim ovo
Blaaahhh, I might have dropped the ball on that post. My bad. It's...Everywhere. Gotta get in the habit of organizing my writing.
I amuses me that he has six sisters, where Suki has six brothers, and he's the oldest while she's the youngest. Haha
I kinda like the fact that everyone is making big posts. Although >w> It seems we have little miss Solo Suki. I wonder how things will play out with the rest :3
Mmm she's gonna have to find a way to meet up with someone.

Or maybe I will have her head back to the town of beginnings. I don't want her to be solo lol

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