OOC [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

Because, every good triangle, square, octagon...Decagon? Needs a male or two, no sense in entirely blurring out that possibility. ;3 Besides, variation is good for the soul. Anyway, about the latest post, in-case you were seeing some differences in his personality vs his actions. He's tired, hasn't slept since the announcement night, emotionally unstable and possibly mentally, at least until he can get someone to stick to..Or someones. As for his quick change to Adonis, rejection is one part, and the other three are due to his demeanor. "I'll guide the hand, but not lead it." and "Why don't you take things from here." especially to a young girl such Suki, is about as subtle as a gunshot. xD

As for the Dragon Clown's harem. All are welcome! Just be wary, he's a live wire..Who is prone to taking LOTS damage and spooking the living shit out of anyone fighting with/alongside him.
so true xD every good harem needs a male somewhere in the equation. But even so Fai would most likely join the Suki Harem <3
There is a reason I called it extremely confusing plot Harem. There can be more than one, and it doesn't always have to be with the person's permission. Either way, better start following or you'll miss the XP and Cor!
Adonis is a dick, and he can't lead for sht, or so if the situation needs it he will do so, but again, HE DID JUST ASK xD . Noo Ryu why u leaveeee hehe
Again, I'm playing Skyrim so I'll be reading posts but maybe not replying any farther, might add a few things later on tho ovo.
You know, I love how our characters are going through life-threatening and extremely stressful situations...And here we are, just rooting for harems and relationships. xD
Haha, gotta cope somehow.

I'm liking Suki. She's a relatively new character for me. And so far hasn't reached her full potential

Working on a post!
I haven't worked on Nexi at all. Adonis is supposed to be a emotionless thing ovo. And yay, go for it Caits!
I wouldn't say emotionless, he had the ability to be rude and become irritated. ;3 Ryu has the ability to make even the stern faced AI a little ticked. xD
Welp, those came by chance BECAUSE OF YOU, nah jk. I'm trying to make him as subtle as possible, maybe a bit bossy but hngg xD . I love err'one's characters so far!
I do also, and I can't wait to see what they become! Ryu, will most likely either die early, or become a ballsy/raging/two handed turtle. Who hums dirty limericks, or cracks jokes about his VERY mortal wounds. xD
I like Ryu alot too. Buuuut- Who would die in the Boss battle? Or even during the dungeon floors? OR TRAINING?!

I can't imagine anyone dying but only getting to like, 50 HP
You'd have to hate smiling to hate Ryu..(Conceited much?) But, his way of fighting and thinking are very good ways to get himself killed. xD
Of course, the roleplay NPCs (funny how we have two kinds of NPCs, those in the roleplay and the game itself) faces death! Or if anyone here dares to kill their characters. oAo
It's going to be hard for Reika to find friends--or for them to find her--because she's always either hiding, or... just subconsciously invisible. ouo

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