OOC [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

Reika looks like a pretty bright character (I mean, she seems bright to me) ovo
There's a bubble needing popped? Give Ryu three seconds, a feather, and a wall of people blocking an exit. There is a new boss in town, and he shows NO MERCY.

Why are you two calling him pretty-boy eh? I imagine him as a man around mid forties with black hair with small streaks of white ovo, very amusing.
Fai was eating bread before, cardboard bread apparently, wasn't she xD ?
That's the point. Ryu was lightening a mood. 'Pretty boy' being used to refer to an old man is the point of hilarity for him.

"A wild Ryu appeared!"

"Fai used Iron Defense!"

"Ryu used Beginner Bread!"

"It's super effective!"

"Enemy Fai fainted!"

And so I don't spam the OOC.

Ryu's mind is complex, jumbled. It's like an unsolved jigsaw puzzle, with clown noses and bloody razors. He's not mentally stable, after all..Who would be? Family is mostly gone, and entertaining people in a death game, where you can't sleep due to nothing being in the background...It's like a living hell for someone who fears what their own imagination can make. xD
I'd have no objections personally, but Ryu'd rather not let someone be designated 'leader' for the sole purpose of blame games appearing.
I don't see that happening, hopefully. I only appointed Suki to be leader since she seems to know what she's doing and a decent morale booster. I never thought of the blaming game qwq
Well, I didn't say anyone would play the blame game. At least, not you. But, generally the NPC PC's we have, if anything like the mentality of the Anime/Manga's PC's. Would lash out almost violently against a leader who let even one person die. Kirito began giving orders after what'shisname died, and look at how that turned out. He didn't even have to be declared leader, he just had to take command once. Ryu, currently believes that a group of friends, just running around and playing the game as if it were just that, is the best approach. Especially at early levels when not as many players can test their faith in their abilities. Gain confidence, and find the mentality to accept that not everything is to be placed on a single person. Err, rant and not needing to be this long. In short, titles bad, friends good.
Good point, as usual. I only joined for the heck of it, but I'm trying do go in-depth (as you have) in my posts. And don't worry, I think I won't blame the writers for what their characters doing ovo.

It's all about working together and not losing your shit, I guess.
Hehe, I told you I was trying to come out of retirement with this stuff. I'm just over analyzing everything I see. Personal tick; and I've been told it's annoying at times. Just call it out if I seem a bit..Hostile? Not sure if it's taken that way or not. Tones and text are like cats and dogs.
I have a friend on RpN that thinks similarly like you, Stormy. And I like that xD
Welp, so we got Ryu, Storm, Luna, Suki and I in a party yes? I need to make sure ovo

Nini Stormy!

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