[OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

well, don't see dhc, so latter today I'll weave it into the story, and have cyl's character take command, and add in our new player.
Uh well I wouldn't like to change what's been set, you can use his character rp him as the appointed leader of the operations. I'll be the tactical head is all ^^
All I plan on doing is have him called on an urgent business, you'll be named as the de facto leader, for now. Brother Shooting Stars will rejoin you when dhc returns.
Mwaha....er....ummmm.....No! We want to get along ::snicker:: with ::snicker:: everyone!!!!

Just wanted to giver a heads up, I'll have a very spotty Internet connection for the next two weeks. I have to move back to Israel, so it's gonna be a bit rough the next two weeks, and then it should sort out.
Understandable. Take whatever time you need. I'm sure we'll bicker amongst ourselves until such time as you can frequent regularly!

Aww if you want internal conflict you just have to ask...

Give me three posts to break out the ganja(and have it take effect) or some other, harder drug. I'll have the whole group furious at me within minutes. I had HOPED to save this behavior for on-board the ship, where they couldn't get away, but c'est le vie...or however you spell it.

(coincidentally someone very nice indeed gave me a copy of Manacle & Coin recently. Is Rasp Spider Venom still an acceptable drug/poison? It's almost perfect for him, both statwise and personality. 10 hour-long hallucinations ftw.)
vanman said:
Understandable. Take whatever time you need. I'm sure we'll bicker amongst ourselves until such time as you can frequent regularly!
So should we figure out what we're really going to do here in OOC? I'm ok with the advance spying team plan, but Jihn will likely give you guys away if you bring him (kicking and screaming).
Breeding isn't something you can hide easily, and we all have Breeding4+ except for two people, and only the musician can pass for "harmless". Regardless of the caravan artifact thing (that can be sorted out differently), sending him alone to spy a bit is our best option.
As a player, I do agree that Lyrik spying solo does sound like the best option. We have too many distinct Terrestrials for any other plan to work, because the appearance of one or more of them may make the people suspicious of a Wyld Hunt.
Lyrik will be all up for going in alone, to scout, as he's said. The only possible issue is communication. Without a way to communicate, it will be a bit before he can report. Otherwise, it seems like the plan can work.

No one has any sort of "sense riding" charms, do they? And I know one of the sorcerers was working on a plan.....
Three people have breeding below 4. Gavarin, Lyrik and Gebon(3,2 &1 respectively). Gebon at least can waltz right in, more easily if he poses as a mortal aide de camp for Lyrik.

Gavarin's got decent performance(though no instruments) so maybe as a singer...?

Regardless we have at least one person who can easily pass for mortal and two who can probably pass for outcastes that got lucky. If I recall correctly Gebon can do that thing where he more or less puppeteers a mortal's body(who as a communication method can simply hi-jack an out-going mortals mind to relay messages)?

Two DBs to influence local emotions and a psychic puppeteer, shouldn't be that hard to create a situation where one or both Solars leave the town proper, at least for a while. (I very much do NOT want to go up against 2 Solars at the same time as a small army of mortals whom, ethically speaking, we should not harm if possible)

That said Gavarin himself will be all for hanging back and only showing up at the end to take an unwarranted share of the glory.
let's continue the discussion In Character' date=' in the thread. would be fun seeing you guys hash this out.[/quote']
Afraid we can't exactly do this since none of us (as character) know the full potential of every other character...

And no I'm sorry, 2 outcastes and one mortal arriving in a town where 2 solars are living... those 3 are kinda blown and will probably be ambushed... while a single outcaste musician passing through and resting a few days to get going his way is much more credible.
cyl said:
Afraid we can't exactly do this since none of us (as character) know the full potential of every other character...
I think we can at least start travelling and getting to know each other so we can continue the discussion in character.
GrayWatch said:
Come on. Someone post. I need something to over-react to.
Jihn's not really perceptive or empathic enough to know or care what you're doing.

If you posted that your drugged-up state caused you to bump into him, however...
Hey Atrius. Any way you can choose a darker font color than light blue? These aged eyes have some trouble seeing the light color. I don't care if you do choose a colored font, but can it be a dark blue instead of a light blue?


Ah, apologizes.

I was going for something sorcerous and air aspected, light blue seemed the approppriate color......Hmmm....

Control <---current







how's # 2 look...?

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