[OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

As for that, I have bad news, my grand mother just died, so we'll have to attend the funeral and several other things, and since she lived ~900km away(Austria), so I will, in addition to not being quite able to concentrate much on the game, far from any internet acces(safe if I go to a cybercafe, but we should be to busy).
Thanks a lot.

I'll try to warp the whole introduction up before i have to go, in order not to block you.
I'm sorry for your loss man. Don't worry about the Interlude, we can skip it, and I'll just assume you resisted her temptations, and had her lead you to Gavarin, and out again.
I completely agree and reserve the right to turn this into a Noodle Incident in later posts.

Sorry for your loss man. I've been there.

Also: Gavarin? Sober? Ha! That'll be the day. If you're very lucky though you might manage to catch him some morning before he manages to drink his breakfast.
Relatively speacking. To put it simply in this case it means in a state where he can stand upright and walk and can form understandable speach.

an thanks a lot for your condolences, both of you.
In the next few days, unless Inirlan returns, I'll wrap up the last interlude, and bring the lot of you toghether, so we can begin your first Hunt.
I move that you deposit me unceremoniously in front of whoever-the-face is in charge of this shindig.

Then complain about how the smell will NEVER get out of your clothes.
More like my charater changes clothes(he took "cheap" clothes, relatively speaking.), and then drops your character(after having his guards force some ill tasting potions down Gavarin's gullet, that will reduce the negative effects of the substances he consumed and after having been forced to take a bath and given a change of clothes that while not of high quality are functional). Surrounded by several armed guards and a way too enthousiastic blood ape.

And Inirlan will try to reeducate Gavarin.(so he will get stoned at a VIP party, not in a dirty red light district)
Just give me a little training time and XP and I'll make druggies outta all of you :wink:

Oh and yeah skip it please. I will constant refer back to it and imply Inirlan either A) Got high, B)Got laid by an ugly chick or C)Both of them
So... is river travel available to get to Magne or do we need to walk ?

Might increase our chances for a surprise approach if we can ship the men to the banks and travel alone while we go on foot to Magne, the men will leave a day after us, and once the word reaches Magne, it will probably be too late.

Where's that shipment again ?
Magne is about a day's ride north of the Yellow river, almost midway between Great Forks and Nexus.

In order to try and keep the shipment a secret, they are travling from Greyfalls towards the yellow river, at around Magne, and then will travel towards Port Calin.
Are you kidding me ? :shock:

Travelling through the lands to the Avarice would have been much safer... less exalts and pirates in the area... I mean taking the Yellow was clearly a mistake, too many exalts here (not mentionning the proximity with the Walker's realm)... remind me to get the head of the guy who made that call when I get home, our house cannot suffer that kind of tactical screw up:evil:

So Magne is near Melevhil.
Magne is near Melevhil.

While this is the actual route they are taking, this is not the route they sometimes drop hints about. They might be Dragon-Bloods, but they are not stupid :mrgreen:
Guess I've just been promoted de facto leader of the expedition mwhaw haw haw :twisted: :twisted:

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