[OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

ok, Interlude 1 has been updated, and another interlude is up.

Interlude 1 is for Cathak Yugo, while the second intelude is for the two Mnemons. the rest will join with them soon enough for a hunt.
I am not too keen on buying merits midgame, though might be amenable to some of them, but it will be on a case by case basis.

Ragara's Riches is way too cheap for what it does, and if I were to allow it it would be to masters of a Great House, not to one of it's younger scions.
By the by, I'll be gone long enough for any subplotting neccesary....Just make a mention of Gebbon's return when your ready, SRC.
And you wanna know the funny part: I didn't have to read the Mnemon thread to know they were going after the shipment, but it made me smile when I see Mnemon's orders :lol:

A good thing I have some investigation skills to make the task enough of a challenge :twisted:
As people may have noticed my character is kinda....drug-centric. Well drugs, sex, poisons etc. Really anything that'll make him feel funny/good/bad without killing him.

That said I'm having a little trouble finding any list of poisons/drugs, and their effects(or, as I'm MOST concerned with: the penalties they incur) aside from the depressingly brief one in the Core (which only lists ganja and a bunch of stuff he's not likely to partake of anyway)

Ideally I'd like to see a plant based substance with low damage, high penalties, and it's taken in by drinking or touch(not smoking like said ganja) also, despite the MANY refrences to it, I'm still not sure what Qat actually is...

Anyone know where I could find such a table/list?
If you can find a copy of Manacle & Coin it has more details on the drugs of Creation. It's first ed, but still pretty applicable.
Well, if you can't get a hold of Manacle & Coin, I'd take a look at the poison section in the corebook (p130-131) which does include alcohol and marijuana. I think Oadenol's Codex has details on Bright Morning toward the back. From there it shouldn't be too hard to extrapolate other drugs.
Heh, seeing my character, I probably should try to get a hold of Manacle and Coin as well. Maybe my FLGS still has a copy.
I suspect we're going to end up hashing out our own.

Also...uh..wow. Just wow. I seem to be garnering quite the reputation to live up(down) to....and I haven't even posted yet....oh well it promises to be fun. For me. I pity whoever has to clean up my messes(since dragons know I won't.)
Regarding Elemental Defense Technique, I'd be inclined to say that it works perfectly against normal arrows, but not against essence missiles, but I'll post the question on the WW forums.
Seems like rules written it stops anything that uses Archery to create it's dicepool. I agree this is ridiculous (as you've probably seen on the WW thread) - it should not stop things with 30/10 damage or Essence Cannons.

I do think it should deter Essence Arrows.

Perhaps we could rewrite the Charm to say that it deters any archery-based ranged attack that has less than 10 raw damage (before threshold successes)? It would fit in with the gimpy DB 'perfect effects' that all have weaknesses. Alternatively we could adopt the pinnacle Dodge Charm's weaknesses.

What do you think about an anti-Thrown Charm in the same vein? Or maybe trading the perfectness of the Archery defense for imperfect Archery and Thrown defense? Something like "Deters all ranges attacks that have less than 10 raw damage in step 2 (thus before threshold successes on the attack roll) due to surging elemental forces".
I will have to think about it, and hear what others are thinking about it, but I'd be inclined to go with an imperfect defense against Archery and Thrown.

Will get back to you about it tomorrow, when i am near my books again.
Two things, SRC:

The 1e Cult of the Illuminated book has a whole chapter on the Wyld Hunt you may want to read (or disregard). I'd mine it for flavor.

Elemental Defense Technique: re-reading my post above it's a mass of ideas poorly organized. Here's my current suggestion:

Replace the sentence: "First, any Archery attacks are totally negated, as any incoming arrows are torn apart by the surging elemental force." with "First, any ranged attacks are severely dampened, losing 10 raw damage as they are deterred from their intended target by the surging elemental force".

That 10 raw damage reduction would happen in step 7 and can reduce a successful attack to 0 raw damage dice since minimum damage needs raw damage to exist, thus replicating the intended total negation of small arrow fire. This skirts around the problem of heavy implosion bows (50L) not hitting a DB with Elemental Defense Technique and fixes the odd discrepancy with Thrown not being affected. Also, Solars can probably still hit if they do a fierce blow and have lots of threshold successes since they can easily get a lucky roll on their 20+ dice transferring quite a bit of threshold successes into damage.
Seems ok. That will still allow it to negate ranged attacks, or at least reduce their severity, without making an opponent who has Archery as his main combat ability be almost useless.
BTW, i've read a bit of the chapter on the Wyld Hunt, but between school ad other RL matters, I don't have much time on hand to read it fully for now. Will get to it in time.
Sorry for my unannounced absence, will probably be another week or so before I can get back to posting here. I am abnormally busy.

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