OOC for Midheavens


Multiple random questions!  (To clear minor thoughts~)

1: How does Midheaven form work? (It is understood on how forms are changed. But it's more like 'When?')

Can our characters change forms at any time, or are they only capable of changing during a crisis? 

(Or rather, how much control do the characters have over when a shift happens?) 

2: What is the likelihood of Midheaven colliding on the same Nadir?

Or rather, how likely is it that two or more Midheaven would catch wind of a single Nadir, and embark on a chase? 
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Too follow up 

3. If Midheavens meet, could they form a friendship? Like I know they could.. But okay hold on

4. Do Midheavens need to train their magic, or powers? Or are they just instantly strong?

3 (again). So if they do need to train their magic/powers, is it okay for Midheavens to just transform whenever and train together?

Multiple random questions!  (To clear minor thoughts~)

1: How does Midheaven form work? (It is understood on how forms are changed. But it's more like 'When?')

Can our characters change forms at any time, or are they only capable of changing during a crisis? 

(Or rather, how much control do the characters have over when a shift happens?) 

2: What is the likelihood of Midheaven colliding on the same Nadir?

Or rather, how likely is it that two or more Midheaven would catch wind of a single Nadir, and embark on a chase? 

  1. They can change form anytime they so desire, although it's generally only prudent to do so when nobody is around.

    Shifts as in Hope and Despair Shifts? I think we will cross that bridge when we get to it. I think sometimes it will be more interesting to activate the effects of a shift immediately, but other times, they can do it later... where the consequences will be more noticeable >:]

[*]In theory, it doesn't happen a lot. But in practice, that's where some of our characters will meet for the first time, and where drama could happen (are you helping or competing with one another? who gets this Star?), so it will happen fairly often.

Too follow up 

3. If Midheavens meet, could they form a friendship? Like I know they could.. But okay hold on

4. Do Midheavens need to train their magic, or powers? Or are they just instantly strong?

3 (again). So if they do need to train their magic/powers, is it okay for Midheavens to just transform whenever and train together?

  1. Yes, they could.
  2. At their start, they are strong enough to take on a Nadir with about a 60% chance of victory. That's pretty slim, though, so it'd be a good idea for them to train, especially since Nadirs will grow progressively stronger and more numerous. (It's easier to express this in the TRPG this is based off of where there are numbers, but I digress.)
  3. Yeah, that's fine. The only real challenges would be finding a place where they can do it away from people (who probably wouldn't interfere, but would definitely interrupt), and not destroying the surrounding area. The nearby crags that aren't super-treacherous might be a good idea.
  • They can change form anytime they so desire, although it's generally only prudent to do so when nobody is around.

    1. Shifts as in Hope and Despair Shifts? I think we will cross that bridge when we get to it. I think sometimes it will be more interesting to activate the effects of a shift immediately, but other times, they can do it later... where the consequences will be more noticeable >:]
  • In theory, it doesn't happen a lot. But in practice, that's where some of our characters will meet for the first time, and where drama could happen (are you helping or competing with one another? who gets this Star?), so it will happen fairly often.

Hehe, that definitely answers my questions!  

By shift I merely meant the shifting between forms. But yay! Double the answers, double the joy! 
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Whew.  Updated my Midheaven relations background.  Glad the initial pitches were so well received! :)

Looking forward to the game very much.  Up front disclaimer: I'm spending pretty much all day tomorrow flying from the West Coast to the East Coast for training Wednesday-Friday, flying back Friday night.  As such, I'll be around in the evenings but won't have much time/presence during the day.  (And sadly, I have to do it again next week too. :( )
Whew.  Updated my Midheaven relations background.  Glad the initial pitches were so well received! :)

Looking forward to the game very much.  Up front disclaimer: I'm spending pretty much all day tomorrow flying from the West Coast to the East Coast for training Wednesday-Friday, flying back Friday night.  As such, I'll be around in the evenings but won't have much time/presence during the day.  (And sadly, I have to do it again next week too. :( )

So many awesome Midheaven relationshipsies :O <3

but aww supes busy ;-; 
It's a living.  Having to be out of town for the next two weeks is a bummer, particularly with a 9 month old (thank God for my spouse).  On the bright side, I'm a telecommuter so 98% of the time my commute is the 50 steps from my bed room down my hallway and into my office next to the nursery.  So I remind myself I have no business complaining compared to most. :)







I have captured one! 

Oh! Do you think we could pull something off between Quietus and Mantis? I feel like they could bond over being Midheavens, or be acquaintances due to Mantis casually wandering the cemetery, looking at flowers or something. (It could be a curious contrast; Mantis doesn't really... get... death. She doesn't think about it a great deal, and is more familiar with, say, funerals and arrangements, than people's ideas about "passing on", especially since Alya sees death as a permanent end and not much else.)
Oh! Do you think we could pull something off between Quietus and Mantis? I feel like they could bond over being Midheavens, or be acquaintances due to Mantis casually wandering the cemetery, looking at flowers or something. (It could be a curious contrast; Mantis doesn't really... get... death. She doesn't think about it a great deal, and is more familiar with, say, funerals and arrangements, than people's ideas about "passing on", especially since Alya sees death as a permanent end and not much else.)

We could probably think of something! Especially since Mantis works with flowers~ 

I might need to rework the 'What's scarce in your life' part, haha. 
We could probably think of something! Especially since Mantis works with flowers~ 

I might need to rework the 'What's scarce in your life' part, haha. 

Well, she and Mantis don't necessarily have to be good friends, but yeah. I think there's also an arranger in that flower shop, and sometimes Mantis goes to funerals with her and helps with flowers. So if we want to go with that, it'd make sense for them to at least be acquaintances.
Well, she and Mantis don't necessarily have to be good friends, but yeah. I think there's also an arranger in that flower shop, and sometimes Mantis goes to funerals with her and helps with flowers. So if we want to go with that, it'd make sense for them to at least be acquaintances.

We could totally go with that! Nice and easy~ 

I'll go ahead and add a section to my sheet! 

Mantis Weaver@Mollisol

(( Acquaintance )) 

This was a relatively expected meeting. For one that works so closely to death via funerals and other commemorations, it is not strange for Quietus to know those who work with the floral. And though the two don't necessarily know each other privately, there are a few instances where the two can gain knowledge of one another. 

Does this look good?
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A few riddles for Midheaven chat xP cuzzimma bored! :P

Lets see if you guys is supes smart, or dumb as rocks!

(lol jk, thats apparently what these riddles are meant to show, but its not as simple as that, theyre just stupid riddles, so here we go!)

---A bat and a ball, costing =$1.10

The bat costs a dollar more than the ball, how much does the ball cost?

---If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets.

How many minutes does it take for 100 machines to make 100 widgets?

---In a lake there is a patch of lilypads. Every day the patch doubles in size.

If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take to cover half the lake?

Mantis Weaver@Mollisol

(( Acquaintance )) 

This was a relatively expected meeting. For one that works so closely to death via funerals and other commemorations, it is not strange for Quietus to know those who work with the floral. And though the two don't necessarily know each other privately, there are a few instances where the two can gain knowledge of one another. 

Does this look good?

Yeah, looks great! I'm going to put on mine:

Mantis and Quietus occasionally see each other when Mantis does flowers for funerals. The two have spoken a few times, although they're only acquaintances.

Is that okay?

A few riddles for Midheaven chat xP cuzzimma bored! :P

Lets see if you guys is supes smart, or dumb as rocks!

(lol jk, thats apparently what these riddles are meant to show, but its not as simple as that, theyre just stupid riddles, so here we go!)

---A bat and a ball, costing =$1.10

The bat costs a dollar more than the ball, how much does the ball cost?

---If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets.

How many minutes does it take for 100 machines to make 100 widgets?

---In a lake there is a patch of lilypads. Every day the patch doubles in size.

If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take to cover half the lake?

Don't make me do math please X_X

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