OOC for Midheavens

@Bowa what @Epiphany actually did remind me of something XP

Since Wings's dad is a city-planner by trade, he should often interact with the town Guard and its captain. So somehow, maybe our chars have met through this interaction? Or at least know of each other?

As for... @Epiphany Doesnt sound that plausible :S  Wings doesnt really have friends both because she doesn't have time, living a hectic life of an idol, and because of her own personal hang ups on actual socialization and common human interaction

But anyone is free to know her by the stage, and her music! :)
Well, this is going well. :D   I don't think I've ever seen a "You all know each other" handled for a game as smoothly and nicely as this one.  
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@Thalia_Neko It's all good.  It was admittedly a stretch.  No worries.  Given it's looking likely Sunshine will know most of the cast already, it'll be nice to have at least one (relative) stranger.  At least until that "Oh my Goddess, that's her!" moment...
@Thalia_Neko It's all good.  It was admittedly a stretch.  No worries.  Given it's looking likely Sunshine will know most of the cast already, it'll be nice to have at least one (relative) stranger.  At least until that "Oh my Goddess, that's her!" moment...

Sounds good!! ^^ x3

yeesh.. its going well Mollisol lol

but apparently i made a very tough charrie to know/interact with through life/be friends with xD haha whoops
Sounds good!! ^^ x3

yeesh.. its going well Mollisol lol

but apparently i made a very tough charrie to know/interact with through life/be friends with xD haha whoops

As long as you're actually able to interact with people, you're fine. My goal for this was just to make sure that we weren't all awkwardly playing characters who never interacted, and a famous character will doubtlessly be somewhere where she can do that. ;)
Very easy point of connection; River's father is Captain of the Guard and both of Sunshine's parents are Constables who work as investigators for the city guard.  Easy enough for the girls to have run into each other at police functions, festival days.  Given River's father seems super-professional, it's less likely the girls spent much time together if he's not the type to encourage fraternization in the ranks.

This seems like a great point of connection, but if you want they could be friends as although River's father wouldn't necessarily approve of it, she would still interact with Sunshine and find ways around her father's rules; forcing him to accept it. Plus, she just plain wouldn't care what her father thought or tried to enforce, free spirit and all.

Up to you though!
Since Wings's dad is a city-planner by trade, he should often interact with the town Guard and its captain. So somehow, maybe our chars have met through this interaction? Or at least know of each other?

True, we could do this or Wings could have brought a particularly expensive handmade piece of jewellery (Wings has wealth but doesn't splurge it unless on presents or something right?) from Ethereal which is River's mother's smithing business. So she could of had interaction with River through visits to the business to check on the progress/check size/add specific detail to the item etc as River is an apprentice there. Just a thought if you wanted another idea, I'm happy to go with yours if you want!
This seems like a great point of connection, but if you want they could be friends as although River's father wouldn't necessarily approve of it, she would still interact with Sunshine and find ways around her father's rules; forcing him to accept it. Plus, she just plain wouldn't care what her father thought or tried to enforce, free spirit and all.

Up to you though!

It would be delightful to have a good friend!  Most of the ideas I proposed for various characters were indirect relationships (friend of a friend, friend of a sibling).  It'd be nice to have a close friend in the group. :)
True, we could do this or Wings could have brought a particularly expensive handmade piece of jewellery (Wings has wealth but doesn't splurge it unless on presents or something right?) from Ethereal which is River's mother's smithing business. So she could of had interaction with River through visits to the business to check on the progress/check size/add specific detail to the item etc as River is an apprentice there. Just a thought if you wanted another idea, I'm happy to go with yours if you want!

Right right, but its mostly like a gift for Wings, from her parents X3

But, i think we can fanagle that? like, they know each other through their father's work, then for like River's birthday, she went to her smithing workplace, and commissioned a large, extravagant present for River? (Even though River would know/see since working there) lol

something like that? (just paraphrasing lol)
It would be delightful to have a good friend!  Most of the ideas I proposed for various characters were indirect relationships (friend of a friend, friend of a sibling).  It'd be nice to have a close friend in the group. :)

Sounds good!

Should we just use want you typed up before but add something like that River and Sunshine became close friends from their frequent interaction due to their parent's occupations. Often hanging out with each other despite garnering disapproval from River's father, whom was unable to prevent the two from developing a budding friendship. I don't know, you can write something better than me if you want because you seem like a great writer :)
Right right, but its mostly like a gift for Wings, from her parents X3

But, i think we can fanagle that? like, they know each other through their father's work, then for like River's birthday, she went to her smithing workplace, and commissioned a large, extravagant present for River? (Even though River would know/see since working there) lol

something like that? (just paraphrasing lol)

Haha I think we should just go with your first idea, that seems like a bit of a stretch lol

Or because River is mischievous and carefree, she could have tried to sneak backstage after one of Wings' shows and while there got caught by Wings' or something and they struck up a conversation over River trying to worm her way out of Wings' telling security or whatever. Maybe you could add on that idea? If you want that is >_<
Haha I think we should just go with your first idea, that seems like a bit of a stretch lol

Or because River is mischievous and carefree, she could have tried to sneak backstage after one of Wings' shows and while there got caught by Wings' or something and they struck up a conversation over River trying to worm her way out of Wings' telling security or whatever. Maybe you could add on that idea? If you want that is >_<

Hehehe yeah i like that idea too xD <3

though honestly, Wings wouldnt really get the issue of her being back stage XP so maybe it would be easy for her to talk security out of bothering with River lol
It would be delightful to have a good friend!  Most of the ideas I proposed for various characters were indirect relationships (friend of a friend, friend of a sibling).  It'd be nice to have a close friend in the group. :)

I listed Sunshine as a good friend for Ako <3
Hehehe yeah i like that idea too xD <3

though honestly, Wings wouldnt really get the issue of her being back stage XP so maybe it would be easy for her to talk security out of bothering with River lol

Yasssss, sounds awesome, River would find it hilarious. What should we write down then?

I think....

yay!!! <3

Yasssss, sounds awesome, River would find it hilarious. What should we write down then?

ummmmmm describe the situation that they know each other in? maybe River considers Wings a friend from that interaction? and Wings is sort of "forced" to agree that theyre friends? lol (since she doesnt really understand social interactions too well)
ummmmmm describe the situation that they know each other in? maybe River considers Wings a friend from that interaction? and Wings is sort of "forced" to agree that theyre friends? lol (since she doesnt really understand social interactions too well)

Yeah, River wouldn't force Wings to be her friend but we could say that River just turns up at her house sometimes to hang out or randomly invites herself over like they're friends and Wings is kind of forced to accept it because River believes Wings is completely fine with it. So kind of a friendship that River believes is there and Wings just kinda tolerates it because River won't listen to Wings on that matter or something?
Yeah, River wouldn't force Wings to be her friend but we could say that River just turns up at her house sometimes to hang out or randomly invites herself over like they're friends and Wings is kind of forced to accept it because River believes Wings is completely fine with it. So kind of a friendship that River believes is there and Wings just kinda tolerates it because River won't listen to Wings on that matter or something?

Sounds good! XD <3

Its not that Wings doesnt want her as a friend, shes just not the best at conveying friendship lol in that aspect, giving a 'friend' ie: River a present to try to show it, does make sense honestly
Sounds good! XD <3

Its not that Wings doesnt want her as a friend, shes just not the best at conveying friendship lol in that aspect, giving a 'friend' ie: River a present to try to show it, does make sense honestly

Okay, the present thing does make sense from that perspective but perhaps Wings had asked River's mother to do it secretly kind of on the side so River didn't know? Commissioning a present and then River knowing because it's at her mother's business was what I was being a bit iffy about. Unless, because Wings is not that great at conveying friendship that is exactly why River knows about it because Wings was just like 'oh you're getting a present, it's not a surprise or anything. Friend = Present, so here you go. Sorted I don't need to do anything else' Kinda like she doesn't know what to do with River as a friend and like researched up 'what do friends do' and get a present was the first thing if you catch my drift? Idk, I feel like I'm rambling now, I'm okay with anything you write! :)
Unless, because Wings is not that great at conveying friendship that is exactly why River knows about it because Wings was just like 'oh you're getting a present, it's not a surprise or anything. Friend = Present, so here you go. Sorted I don't need to do anything else' Kinda like she doesn't know what to do with River as a friend and like researched up 'what do friends do' and get a present was the first thing if you catch my drift? Idk, I feel like I'm rambling now, I'm okay with anything you write! :)

Thats precisely what i was getting at xD <3

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