OOC for Midheavens

@Exanis My guy and Storm are close in age. My guy's only a year older. They're also both living alone in apartments. How about they were school friends? We could expand on this more if you wish, altering their relationship further, making them closer, just reoccuring long-time acquaintances, or even something of a negative relationship.

They could also just live in the same building and know each other, but don't really interact much. Or they could have just met recently and are new friends. All up to you though, these are just my suggestions  :smile4:
@Bowa I'm down for having them be passing acquaintances through River's family hiring Storm for something like a family portrait or some such thing like that.

@Devious Dilbert We could have them live in the same apartment complex but not really interact too much since Akoya is almost never there and Storm pretty much works from home a lot of the time. They also could have met a few years ago if, like with River, Akoya's family hired Storm to paint a picture of their estate or whatever.
@Bowa I'm down for having them be passing acquaintances through River's family hiring Storm for something like a family portrait or some such thing like that.

@Devious Dilbert We could have them live in the same apartment complex but not really interact too much since Akoya is almost never there and Storm pretty much works from home a lot of the time. They also could have met a few years ago if, like with River, Akoya's family hired Storm to paint a picture of their estate or whatever.

I'm down for that.  :smile4: I'll add him to Akoyas relationship section. They'll just be passing acquaintances, though Akoya will likely try to be friends with him if he ever sees him around, LOL.
@Exanis are you down for Storm and Mantis perhaps being friends, having struck up a conversation about something (your choice) at a funeral they met at?

I'm fine with that. If/when they meet and he finds out she works at a flower shop he'd likely visit often cause flowers are such nice things to paint.
@Bowa @Exanis @Thalia_Neko @Epiphany @Devious Dilbert 

So, since the five of you seem to be active, I need to share something with you:

I'm having some issues with running this. It's not your fault; please don't think that it is. I don't want it to die, and I don't want to dissolve it or pass GMing off to someone else. However, there are some concerns I have that need to bring to light, for the sake of transparency.

  • @Zaxs and @Zalgo seem to be missing, even after I've posted that they can post. I'm not sure how to work around this.
  • I'm having issues getting things to, for lack of better words, converge and flow. We have a cluster of people at the flower shop, where I don't know what's going to happen once we learn Quietus isn't coming back, and I don't know what's in store for Sunshine and River. They need to be roped into the action somehow, perhaps with a Nadir.
  • I still have plans for you guys, and I know what I want to happen long-term, but I'm kind of lost as to how to keep things moving short-term.

Basically, this is not nearly as easy to get moving as the other things I'm GMing, and other than the things I've outlined above, I don't know why. But I need to get things rolling somehow, as a tepid start can kill a roleplay fairly quickly. What I'm asking for are suggestions and ideas, as well as any additional concerns you might have.
Just note, I'm here, always <3  Willing to help push things along if need be.

As for ideas, I admit to not be following extremely closely who isnt directly interacting with our characters, so yes, I agree, somehow we need to converge everyone, and make them all privy too each other in some fashion. Maybe as you said, through a Nadir? A strong one maybe, that requires multiple Midheavens?

As for whats happening with Quietus? Ive no idea >m< Wings is gunna be upset if something truly terrible happens to her. Maybe we can go with that? Her power of trust may be weakened, and she may need some consoling from a friend ? Whoever that may be? (Thats just a mini plot idea)
@Bowa @Exanis @Thalia_Neko @Epiphany @Devious Dilbert 

So, since the five of you seem to be active, I need to share something with you:

I'm having some issues with running this. It's not your fault; please don't think that it is. I don't want it to die, and I don't want to dissolve it or pass GMing off to someone else. However, there are some concerns I have that need to bring to light, for the sake of transparency.

  • @Zaxs and @Zalgo seem to be missing, even after I've posted that they can post. I'm not sure how to work around this.
  • I'm having issues getting things to, for lack of better words, converge and flow. We have a cluster of people at the flower shop, where I don't know what's going to happen once we learn Quietus isn't coming back, and I don't know what's in store for Sunshine and River. They need to be roped into the action somehow, perhaps with a Nadir.
  • I still have plans for you guys, and I know what I want to happen long-term, but I'm kind of lost as to how to keep things moving short-term.

Basically, this is not nearly as easy to get moving as the other things I'm GMing, and other than the things I've outlined above, I don't know why. But I need to get things rolling somehow, as a tepid start can kill a roleplay fairly quickly. What I'm asking for are suggestions and ideas, as well as any additional concerns you might have.

Now, I've never gm'ed anything before, so a lot of my opinions you might not agree with if you've been doing it for a while. I base all my opinions off of what I see and what I theorize to work. I plan to gm something really ambitious this summer so I'm kinda "prepping" myself and paying close attention to how people gm things. Also... I'm not that great at putting my thoughts into words, so my ideas probably sound really dumb. Anyway-

My thoughts:

The issue with the inactive people is simple. You might just have to leave them behind and get rid of them, get new people in. Keep activity going. Rps kinda always have to be moving, I think. But of course, everybody has to be moving. I've seen that just rushing things along when they get stale is so much better than just waiting it out and hoping people jump back in. So, again, replacing these inactive people might just be for the best. Hit them up to make sure though tbh.

Flower shop- throw something crazy in, man. There's actually quite a bit of things you could do with this. The way the situation is going on right now, we're just gonna keep getting more and more fluff. Make something dramatic happen. Introduce the characters who aren't Midheavens to Midheavens with urgency. It's better than the fluff that we're getting right now and the fluff that will likely continue. And- doing something a bit more "pushy" might just get us on the right track.

You might benefit from making things faster paced in general. Play with the time maybe. I'm not sure what kind of long term goals you have planned, but get us to them in the shortest time possible. Try not to "waste" posts.

A lot has been happening between Mantis and Wings while other characters haven't really been doing anything. This isn't really all your fault, however, I do think it may be a little. And honestly, I don't know how to correct this. Perhaps, again, playing with the time would help? Taking more control of the world and having something happen to the characters that are kinda stuck in interactions would be better?

Now, I'm focusing a lot on speed since this is moving quite slowly, but obviously, don't just warp us to a random part in the story. That's not what I'm trying to get at at all. (I'm also looking at this from a video game perspective as I do tend to see rps being very similar to video games. So- yeah. Again, my words might not be that useful to anybody, LOL.)
A lot of that is super useful imo too. Ive always sort of considered rp a bit like video games myself lol

and when a good one comes along.. well i like to "play" it through to the end to see the story and charrie interactions lol
A lot of that is super useful imo too. Ive always sort of considered rp a bit like video games myself lol

and when a good one comes along.. well i like to "play" it through to the end to see the story and charrie interactions lol

I wanna be a video game designer and dev.  :smile3:  And because of that, I tend to think of a lot of things working like video games, LOL. Rps especially because of how interactive they are. But rps also need a lot of structure. The pacing of a video game also kinda works with the pacings of rps. I see it as a tension and release system in terms of pacing and timing. As soon as an interaction ends, another needs to pop up. Dead time is what makes people lose interest. (But I don't mean that every event has to one-up the last. Definitely not. More laid-back and chill moments also contribute to the tension and release cycle.)
hehehe yes, a lot of that is what i think about when considering rps XD <3  and how they function, its why a lot of my gmed rps look like animes or games lol

I appreciate you bringing it up and looking for help, rather than giving the game up like many would (and do). :)   To tackle your points in order:

  1. Usual practice in most RPs seems to be that if someone hasn't posted in a week or two without notice, you can move on without them and if they ever come back you can worry about whether you want to write them in or not.  Given they haven't actually started, there's not really anything you need to do at this point.  Just carry on and if they're interested in playing later, decide then how or if you want to make that happen.
  2. Others have already made some similar suggestions but obviously, yes, a joining event would probably get things moving.  Getting the band together is usually a good thing. :)    If you've got some/all of the folks in the Flower Shop talking about Midheavens and you put @Devious Dilbert 's character in hearing of it, he knows Sunshine's a Midheaven as well and it wouldn't take much for him to bring it up with her in a way that River could overhear.  That's probably the most 'natural' path to take, short of a Nadir.  Could go with a Nadir or three heading towards the Flower Shop to thrash on those Midheaven occupants, only for Sunshine and River to spot them and give chase because, well, that's what Midheavens do. ;)
  3. One of the best bits of writing advice I ever received for handling short-term confusion when the long-term is clear is this; skip as quickly as possible to the next part you feel confident about and write that.  In writing, you can always go back and edit/fill in what you're not clear about.  For an RP?  There's nothing wrong in simply handwaving things a bit and getting the group together in a 2-4 paragraph exposition.  It may not be high art but it's effective and it keeps the game alive, which I think everyone will find preferable to a dead game!

Don't know if any of that helps but it's what comes to mind.  

In the meantime, I'm patient. :)
^ Ive always disliked that first "practice". Waiting 2 weeks to progress a simple scene? Yeah, just move on, you dont need to wait 2 weeks.

I had a feeling (speaking on your 2-4 paragraph thing), that maybe some of the rp has gotten stagnant, because peeps are too focused on making "big elaborate posts", instead of just finding fun in the rp. Im not saying people dont have fun typing up big fun posts (i did), I was just meaning, sometimes the rp is better off when people put up fun more concise posts, instead of trying to write entire novels that sap muse of those reading and those writing.
I'll admit, the post size has been a little intimidating to me.  I've seen it as an opportunity to raise the level of my game, though. ;)

If folks go for shorter and sweeter, I won't mind a bit.
^ Ive always disliked that first "practice". Waiting 2 weeks to progress a simple scene? Yeah, just move on, you dont need to wait 2 weeks.

I had a feeling (speaking on your 2-4 paragraph thing), that maybe some of the rp has gotten stagnant, because peeps are too focused on making "big elaborate posts", instead of just finding fun in the rp. Im not saying people dont have fun typing up big fun posts (i did), I was just meaning, sometimes the rp is better off when people put up fun more concise posts, instead of trying to write entire novels that sap muse of those reading and those writing.

I'll admit, the post size has been a little intimidating to me.  I've seen it as an opportunity to raise the level of my game, though. ;)

If folks go for shorter and sweeter, I won't mind a bit.

I also don't like the patience thing. It's hard finding a good line between what's not too slow or too fast though. However, in general, fast is always better than slow if you don't want your rp to die. Or anything really.

If my posts are too long, I'm sorry LOLOLOL

I generally just write more than a couple paragraphs. I like giving people stuff to work with. My posting length also tends to be a gauge for how interested or engaged I am, LOL. I generally try not to waste my posts though.

btw I totally agree with what @Epiphany said about quickly moving us on to a new part. That was one one of my main points too. Don't waste posts, get to the main sections as quickly as you can without brushing off anything important.
Well, let me be clear.  I don't mind taking the scenic drive, if I'm with a driver who clearly enjoys the route.  If everyone in the car wants to just get to the destination, though, there's nothing wrong with moving things on accordingly. :)

Please don't feel pressured to pick up the pace just for the sake of a faster pace, @Mollisol.  Skip ahead only if the pace is no longer getting you where you want the story to go.  You provide the prospect of the world/setting/events reacting (or acting) to us (or on us).  If you're not having fun or feel unfocused, no one's going to have a good time.  So get to the parts where you're going to have a great time and, odds are, the rest of us will too. :D
All I can say, is Im having fun in the rp :3 i would like it more if others were also posting and having fun, but i cant deny my enjoyment of the rp x)

but im with you there Epiphany 
@Epiphany @Thalia_Neko @Devious Dilbert

I've decided picking up the pace would be a good idea. Here's what I'm thinking of:

  • After people converge at the flower shop and realize Quietus is dead, Mantis or Wings will probably (somberly) suggest going to fight the Nadir.
  • Four people fighting the same Nadir is kind of excessive, despite how powerful Quietus's Nadir may be, but two might work. Arisu might make an appearance to the other two.
  • We are going to have another Nadir appear for River and Sunshine, because that's what I had planned initially; I just didn't want to start with it.
  • Another thing I'm trying to figure out is how to make those "scarcities" in your CSs more apparent, since those and your wishes kind of drive normal life, and the scarcities make the world seem more anxious and crumbly. I'm going to be looking back over posts and perhaps adding some things later.
  • As for @Zaxs and @Zalgo, I'm going to give them 72 hours (until Wednesday morning) to make their presence known (they've already had a lot of time), and then I'll be looking for new players, who hopefully can also stir things up.

After the Nadir fights, we might timeskip. There is something additional I've considered - something a particular TRPG does when momentum is gone and a session needs to start, called "love letters" from the GM to the players. These letters give the player a chance to choose certain things that are troubling them (or the few things they've taken care of). Here are two examples:

Dear Lafferty, please roll+sharp. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7–9, choose 1:

  • You’ve found someone else to work with, now that Corwin’s gone missing.
  • You’ve organized a charged battery for the helicopter, you have it in a box.
  • As yet, you know more about Scanner than he knows about you.

On a miss, choose 1 anyway, but not the one about Scanner.
Love and kisses, your GM


Dear Rose, please roll+hard. On a 10+, choose 1. On a 7–9, choose 2:

  • Your mother has people hanging around your place, keeping a watch out for Keeler.
  • Aitch has started doing what Ell tells him to do.
  • You’ve been totally relying on Gams for fresh veg.

On a miss, yeah, pretty much all 3.
Love and kisses, your GM

For context, they're for a setting with dice and more serious scarcities, but I could adapt them to our RP, so it'd be more like:

Dear Wings,

Please choose two.

  • Fighting Quietus's Nadir really drove home how quickly people can be gone forever. Take a point of Despair (even if you already took one).
  • A rich, adoring fan has booked you to perform at her party - and expects you to do some meeting and greeting afterwards.
  • Someone has approached you with the belief that you're a Follower of Kara - and has said in no uncertain terms that they're keeping an eye on you.
  • Entertainment gigs in East Astrophel have all but dried up, since everyone is spending their money on electricity.



(As for me, I'd write four down and roll two four-sided dice or something to figure out which ones I "chose".)

Dear Mantis,

Please "choose" two.

  • Your thing with Honey isn't just off-again; she's got something on with another girl, and is considering bringing things home.
  • Rent is due and your pockets are empty.
  • Your next gig is at a wedding - alongside Snow, who is threatening to withhold your paycheck if you make another mistake or skip out again.
  • Seeing someone die and leave behind a Nadir made you realize this is not what you signed up for. Take a point of Despair (even if you already took one).



It's just a consideration; we don't have to do it if it wouldn't work for you guys for whatever reason. I have found, though, that it gives you something immediate to work through and is good for kick-starting things.
Not sure wats i think about it, never rped like that before XD . not saying its bad or anything

but i wanted to say i dont think wings would fight a nadir if she discovered Quietus was dead, shed most likely be devestated and not near any mental capacity for something like that
Not sure wats i think about it, never rped like that before XD . not saying its bad or anything

but i wanted to say i dont think wings would fight a nadir if she discovered Quietus was dead, shed most likely be devestated and not near any mental capacity for something like that

Hmm, alright. Good to think about for how Mantis would handle the upcoming Nadir. Or not handle it.
@Epiphany @Thalia_Neko @Devious Dilbert

I've decided picking up the pace would be a good idea. Here's what I'm thinking of:

  • After people converge at the flower shop and realize Quietus is dead, Mantis or Wings will probably (somberly) suggest going to fight the Nadir.
  • Four people fighting the same Nadir is kind of excessive, despite how powerful Quietus's Nadir may be, but two might work. Arisu might make an appearance to the other two.
  • We are going to have another Nadir appear for River and Sunshine, because that's what I had planned initially; I just didn't want to start with it.
  • Another thing I'm trying to figure out is how to make those "scarcities" in your CSs more apparent, since those and your wishes kind of drive normal life, and the scarcities make the world seem more anxious and crumbly. I'm going to be looking back over posts and perhaps adding some things later.
  • As for @Zaxs and @Zalgo, I'm going to give them 72 hours (until Wednesday morning) to make their presence known (they've already had a lot of time), and then I'll be looking for new players, who hopefully can also stir things up.

After the Nadir fights, we might timeskip. There is something additional I've considered - something a particular TRPG does when momentum is gone and a session needs to start, called "love letters" from the GM to the players. These letters give the player a chance to choose certain things that are troubling them (or the few things they've taken care of). Here are two examples:

Dear Lafferty, please roll+sharp. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7–9, choose 1:

  • You’ve found someone else to work with, now that Corwin’s gone missing.
  • You’ve organized a charged battery for the helicopter, you have it in a box.
  • As yet, you know more about Scanner than he knows about you.

On a miss, choose 1 anyway, but not the one about Scanner.
Love and kisses, your GM


Dear Rose, please roll+hard. On a 10+, choose 1. On a 7–9, choose 2:

  • Your mother has people hanging around your place, keeping a watch out for Keeler.
  • Aitch has started doing what Ell tells him to do.
  • You’ve been totally relying on Gams for fresh veg.

On a miss, yeah, pretty much all 3.
Love and kisses, your GM

For context, they're for a setting with dice and more serious scarcities, but I could adapt them to our RP, so it'd be more like:

Dear Wings,

Please choose two.

  • Fighting Quietus's Nadir really drove home how quickly people can be gone forever. Take a point of Despair (even if you already took one).
  • A rich, adoring fan has booked you to perform at her party - and expects you to do some meeting and greeting afterwards.
  • Someone has approached you with the belief that you're a Follower of Kara - and has said in no uncertain terms that they're keeping an eye on you.
  • Entertainment gigs in East Astrophel have all but dried up, since everyone is spending their money on electricity.



(As for me, I'd write four down and roll two four-sided dice or something to figure out which ones I "chose".)

Dear Mantis,

Please "choose" two.

  • Your thing with Honey isn't just off-again; she's got something on with another girl, and is considering bringing things home.
  • Rent is due and your pockets are empty.
  • Your next gig is at a wedding - alongside Snow, who is threatening to withhold your paycheck if you make another mistake or skip out again.
  • Seeing someone die and leave behind a Nadir made you realize this is not what you signed up for. Take a point of Despair (even if you already took one).



It's just a consideration; we don't have to do it if it wouldn't work for you guys for whatever reason. I have found, though, that it gives you something immediate to work through and is good for kick-starting things.

Is the Nadir going to appear in the flower shop? (If I remember correctly, it should like burst out of Quietus's body, right?)

I think they've (Zaxs and Zalgo) been inactive for far too long to even wait for anymore since you're now starting to pick things up. I could pm them for you if you haven't.

Also- I'm really into that love letter thing tbh, LOL.

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