OOC Discussion

[QUOTE="mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y]Shoot! I feel like a dummy. I thought the announcement happened in the OoC and wound up posting in the updates. x - x

That makes two of us.
I'm also updating the Characters tab. The profiles instructions are no longer hidden under an accordion! Which... makes for a lot of scrolling. Oh well. I'm still working on things.
*is sitting at a chair with the back turned to you*

@welian The deal is this: You post and I post and neither of us gets kicked from this RP :D

*turns chair and is petting a white cat*

So, what do you say? Do we have a deal?

*very serious mafia face*
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Oh man, oh golly gee, this is it

You do not want to mess with that face, Welian.

I have seen that face. It is most serious and also most mafia! Ö
[QUOTE="Bag o Fruit]Oh man, oh golly gee, this is it
You do not want to mess with that face, Welian.

I have seen that face. It is most serious and also most mafia! Ö

I make one reference, one. - -'

What are you talking about Sam Sam? I'm a very cute and harmless kitten =^-^=

*Whispers at welian* PoOOOoost~

*is quickly back at innocent kitty pose* :3
Ok. Blaze is relegated to the background. In my minds eye, he is doing his own thing, sweeping up after students, occasionally saving the city in a split second, unnoticed by anyone except the bad guy he takes down (who has no idea what hit him.) Perhaps sometime I will write a short story about a day in his life, but for now moving on to a character who will hopefully fit in better with less potential for disruption. Lucas is an idea I developed for a champions campaign almost two decades ago, but never got around to play testing. Would appreciate any feedback, and hope to join the fray soon. Rough draft follows...


    Full NameLucas Maxwell Marsolet
    Age 17

    RaceCaucasian (French Canadian descent)
    Eyes Blue
    Hair Black
    BuildScrawny, but wiry... (get it?)
    LimiterActive Level 3
[QUOTE="Lazy Rocktime]Hmm...should I repost my CS since it has since been buried?

You should send a PM as detailed in the latest update post.
i have no idea what to write :< but maybe i prob should start interacting with Emma and Marianne
What I've been listening to while working on my future Student's profile~


[/sits and waits patiently for the opportunity to get to five posts with Praxi]
So that was my post, everyone. Next week, the National Exams will commence and I must retreat into a hiatus to focus on the tests. Keep my seat warm while I knock'em dead. See you on the other side, slick.
[QUOTE="Lazy Rocktime]So that was my post, everyone. Next week, the National Exams will commence and I must retreat into a hiatus to focus on the tests. Keep my seat warm while I knock'em dead. See you on the other side, slick.

UN, eh? so it's already that time of the year... Good luck!!
[QUOTE="Cheshire Smile]Shockingly, I'm still alive after vanishing for a month or so. Howdy.

I missed you.
Welp... RIP notifications for this place. xD

... I think I'll be posting Manu again around Sat-Sun just so he can realize that he may not have students this semester. :U

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