OOC Discussion

I'm not sure why I rated that "hype" but it was the first thing i clicked so whatever.
So I just posted a day or so ago (I'm guessing two days ago, since I spent all day yesterday marathonning Sadness the Anime with bros), but if anyone is interested in jumping on the Mental Discipline class bandwagon, please shoot me a PM on Discord (or here on the site, though I'll see it on Discord much faster). Lookin' to collaborate with a few people, and have a little fun while we're at it. Let me know! :3
Lucas would be all about showing up for his lessons in mental discipline, but is still in 'rough draft' form. I could start writing a post offline, but I certainly would not post it until I knew he was accepted as a student. Should I include details about why he missed the snowball fight exam? (I imagine he had an incident with getting stuck in the power grid, but I could just write it so he shows up disheveled and preferring not to talk about it?) Totally new to this sort of RP, and totally open to advice. I don't mind writing it even if the character is ultimately rejected. I like writing fiction, and have not stretched those 'muscles' in over a year. Previously, I have pretty much done so purely for my own entertainment, so if the writing ends up in some dusty thumb drive, it would be in good company.

Do you plan on making a character and actually partaking in the Rp or are you just stalking the thread and making random comments? < _ <

*I say, having made a random comment no less than 15 minutes ago*

I'm no GM but please may you delete your OOC comment in the Character sign up thread?

They're separate threads for a reason...

If you have any questions, feel free to ask on this thread instead of where people go to post their accepted characters.

By "do the thing" I'll presume you mean actually sign up for the RP and create a character.

First of all, you get the profile from the bottom of the post made by Welian, explaining how to do everything but for convenience sake I'll post It here so you don't have to go scrolling through. Once you've made your character, Biography, Personality etc etc you create a Conversation involving
@welian @Giyari @CRiTiCAL ERR0R who will assess your profile and determine whether It Is acceptable or not. You can also post your character profile in the OOC thread so other players many comment on it, give advice and tell you their opinion's on your character!

Once you've gone through that process and they've deemed It acceptable for the Rp, you can post It in the character sign up thread.


  • Full Name---
    Eyes ---
    Hair ---

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Sorry for being MIA. Attempting to get in contact with the others for character review.
I forgot to tell everyone that I finished making the new profile layout.

Aldur said:
pics or it never happened
There's also a new stat in the heroism meter that I have to explain in an announcement, but here goes.



  • AspectScale
  • Full Name

    Bob Frank Smithington III, or something


    Bobby, Frankfurter, B.S.


    If unassigned, type "N/A"


    Male, female, or whatever


    Blankity blank years


    D/C/B/A/S Rank


    (In)Active, Level 1/2/3/4


    Student/Teacher/Faculty (Subject taught or faculty position)

*That moment when your half way through making a character and a new profile layout is made*


Joking aside, that looks fookin great!

It somehow looks more professional as well, which I love!

M0N0 said:
*That moment when your half way through making a character and a new profile layout is made*

Joking aside, that looks fookin great!

It somehow looks more professional as well, which I love!

It's still all the same information, don't worry. I don't mind if incoming apps today have the old layout.

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