OOC Discussion

So. Are there any victims sacrifices dumb-dumbs students participating in Hunter's 'How Not to Kill' class, or does he have free reign to bother other staff as he sees fit?
Oops, I just realized that I didn't tag @CRiTiCAL ERR0R properly in my two previous posts, so here is a proper tag in case you missed either. I honestly thought you spelled it with an o not a zero... ah well, you live, you learn
lol its okay. Happens with everyone. xD

I usually check the thread with every post anyways. =w= b

Looks like Leo and Luci are gonna enjoy all of the pizzas themselves. xD
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]Wait, why you tag me?

Whoops, wrong OOC.
Aldur said:
Whoops, wrong OOC.
Pfft. Sir, I am still at school right now and had to chip away at my rp priority list yesterday . Yours is next. I just need to finish homework first. 8U
Apparently you owe people posts in multiple roleplays - naughty, naughty!
So I recently discovered Yuuki time doesn't reflect real time. Dx

But yes. I'm filing down my stack of posts I owe. These are my homework days though, so it's gonna be rough.
Anyone want to wind up with a kooky doctor around? I'm typing my post right now, but I'm not sure where to have him end up at (since it looks like he has no students this semester... so far...).
im reaaaaaally sorry for my hiatus, rl sucks

also sorry for lateness, its due to my hiatus

if this could be counted for aldur's pre-april 6 post too that'd be great since i left him no time to respond :^)

@welian is it ok if i still work on that other character or did the window close a while ago
Swimswamswom said:
im reaaaaaally sorry for my hiatus, rl sucks
also sorry for lateness, its due to my hiatus

if this could be counted for aldur's pre-april 6 post too that'd be great since i left him no time to respond :^)

@welian is it ok if i still work on that other character or did the window close a while ago
I'll count it as both. Also technically the monthly window for submitting character apps ends in like, two hours.

Hop to it.
oh boy, in that case im gonna have to wait till next one

probably for the best anyway, i was wondering whether to introduce the other so early in the rp
So uh... My posts will probably come in by Thurs/Fri. I don't think my homework and post obligations will permit me to post sooner.
welian said:

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