OOC Discussion


^^^ What I think this DesuDesu thing may refer to.
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]Why can't I like posts on mobile Dx

You can? I'm liking stuff from mobile all the time!

Just click the green tick thing and that should work :33
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Necessity4Fun said:
You can? I'm liking stuff from mobile all the time!
Just click the green tick thing and that should work :33
It doesn't show up on my mobile. It did before, but now it doesn't. :/
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]It doesn't show up on my mobile. It did before, but now it doesn't. :/

D: Aww

That's weird... I can't really help in that case QAQ

Could you, seeing as this is an almost completely rewritten or reworded backstory, be more specific as to what it is you're confused about? And, if I may ask, what exactly it contradicts? The only actions I described Commonwealth taking were ones explicitly stated in the overview tab.

As for the personality, I don't remember writing anywhere that he might ignore a bully in any situation but if you could point me to where it says that I'll fix it immediately. Also, I haven't done anything to suggest that Chris is compassionate because I haven't been able to play him yet. However, if you are referring to the point-system personality I would point out that he has 8 points towards kind and 7 towards altruistic.
@Bag o Fruit

[/slowly raises hand]

I-I know I'm not Giyari or Crit or anything, but maybe I can help a little bit with how I've seen and interpreted things from Chris' profile...?

With the biography, things do feel a little scattered about.

From what I can grasp from it, Chris and his mother were on the run from the Commonwealth because of something that had to do with his father
whom my brain is assuming is the vigilante his mother spoke of 'cause writer's intuition. After moving around for some time they were eventually caught, Mom was put in jail, Chris was tested and labeled as a super. He gets taken in by the state and stuck in a group home, and now is training at Facility 108 to get his Blue Card.

N-Not sure if I got it all together properly. As I said, the way the biography is written is a little scattered and sometimes vague, so I had to sit and connect some dots to really get what I did get.

For his personality, I can maybe kinda sorta see what Giyari might be talking about a little bit. The wording in Pugnacious - "Usually he acts upon this dislike because something is being done that needs to be stopped, but sometimes he just doesn't give a damn." -
could be mistakenly took as "he acts sometimes and other he doesn't", but I believe what you've meant by that sentence is more of "Sometimes he waits for a reason to take action against villainous types, but other times he doesn't wait, just says "fuck it" and delivers a good ol' FALCON PAWNCH!"

... I... may or may not've taken some liberty with my wording on that last part. >_>;;;

That's my take on things. I-I hope it might help a little bit...!

[/goes back to moving more of her stuff into her new place, and plotting her D&D session for tonight]
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various things have been keeping me from posting/helping out i apologize ;-; i have some exams for the next 3 days and that means no homework (and studyings for nerds (▀‿▀-͠ ) ) so ill have more time then
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@Bag o Fruit

It's more the contradictory points.

Giyari said:
A few weeks ago, Commonwealth uncovered their long trail of fake identities and test-evasion. They imprisoned Chris's mother and sent him into screening, where he was forced to submit to invasive medical procedures, to determine if his A6G23 gene was active
Giyari said:
He was sent to a group home in Boston, where he and his mother ended up being found.
Like, where were they discovered? In Boston? Before Boston? He and his mother cannot be found/uncovered twice.

Not to mention, Commonwealth looking for them wouldn't be like a criminal manhunt, it would more be like... say... owning a Lion, but not telling the state you own a Lion. Dangerous, illegal, but no one's gonna chase you down hunt you to find out you have a Lion unless they well, they know you have one. Does that make sense?
I was re-reading Luci's opening post and I realized that it's somewhat contradictory to the setting, since he has been informed and everything, is it okay if I delete it and post an edited version of it? No one has replied yet, so it won't really mess with the universe.
RemainingQuestions said:
I was re-reading Luci's opening post and I realized that it's somewhat contradictory to the setting, since he has been informed and everything, is it okay if I delete it and post an edited version of it? No one has replied yet, so it won't really mess with the universe.
I would prefer if you edited it, just to keep it at the same place. But, if you really must delete and do a new one, then I'm okay with you doing it ^^
I was going to make a new Denzil post and edit ( @Necessity4Fun is right, editing is probably a better idea) Luci's opening post tonight but I'm having some minor computer issues, so they're going to have to wait. Hopefully they'll be up tonight still, both for you guys and because that means my computer is still alive, but I can't make any promises.

Edit: my computer seems to be completely fine, so expect a post and an edit in an hour or two!
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I edited Luci's opening post and tagged @Teh Frixz in it, but I don't know if that'll show up well in their alerts, so here is another tag to make sure they know. I'll quote it below for ease.

RemainingQuestions said:
Excuse me miss, but could you tell me where the Physical Discipline class is held?

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