OOC Discussion

Oh and also: students are allowed to pick their classes, though we wouldn't want everybody to be in the same one. As far as I remember from the discord discussions, first-year students have to take all classes, and from there each student talks with the director and takes only the classes they still need to work on. So if you're just starting out IC, you can join any class you choose, but if you've been there for a year+ IC, it would be best to choose a class you think your character would still have to attend
Right this is gonna sound like a dicky thing from me, but could anyone with an application waiting to be looked over/accepted also sent it to me in a PM? I'm finding it exceedingly difficult to pick through the OOC and find active apps, especially when people have "reposted for convenience" (yes I mean you Scribble, but you're not the only one :P ) or qouted someone entire application in their criticism of it, as it makes it look like a fresh app, to me anyway.

So. Send me any apps you want me to look in a PM, as I assume people keeping up with this runaway train of an OOC have already seen said apps. I'll look them over and post my response in the OOC with your quoted app under a spoiler tag.

Also announcement soon, I'll post it tonight/tomorrow once I have everything pretty much sorted. Basically going to be the next stage of the RP after the exam.

@Giyari Hey, weli told me and hat to actually make an announcement, so, continuing off of your tag list:

Hey everyone! Micah here with a special announcement from the Entertainment department! Myself and Asher(@DJ Magic Hat) will be throwing a big party in the upcoming week to celebrate the end of exams. There will be food, drink, music, and a number of other fun things going on! Attendance is not mandatory(if you enjoy sitting in your room like a loner and being boring) but is highly recommended as it will be great fun! Yay, parties!

Is it possible you could create the Pm between us for the apps?

As I'm unable to do so at the moment given my lack of posts.
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Don't worry, I saw that you tagged me in character! It'll be a while before I can respond though. You're welcome to sit back and wait for me to respond, or if you get bored you can move on ahead. I don't mind.
welian said:
Don't worry, I saw that you tagged me in character! It'll be a while before I can respond though. You're welcome to sit back and wait for me to respond, or if you get bored you can move on ahead. I don't mind.
I was aware you are busy. But, hey! I don't mind waiting at all :D Take your time :33

*grabs a chair and sits down, reading Psychology articles for class*
So after saying all that I ended up bloody swamped for two and a half days... I'm here now though for a little while, so lets see how lost I can get trying to keep up with this fucking train wreck! :D
I was just wondering if anybody had put any thought into facility 108's physical location beyond just "Baltimore on the water"? I was just noodling around on google maps and found a nice desolate little spot labeled "Sparrow's Point" centered around coordinates 39.2180124689516, -76.47843997917175. Might be just me, but I like to have a sense of the lay of the land when I write, for better verisimilitude. Granted, things will likely change a lot between now and 2040, but until google adds a future coastline projection tool, that's the best I can think to do. Anybody have other suggestions for specificity of place within the city?
Gus said:
I was just wondering if anybody had put any thought into facility 108's physical location beyond just "Baltimore on the water"? I was just noodling around on google maps and found a nice desolate little spot labeled "Sparrow's Point" centered around coordinates 39.2180124689516, -76.47843997917175. Might be just me, but I like to have a sense of the lay of the land when I write, for better verisimilitude. Granted, things will likely change a lot between now and 2040, but until google adds a future coastline projection tool, that's the best I can think to do. Anybody have other suggestions for specificity of place within the city?
That exactly where this is, on the grounds of what used to be Sparrows Point Shipyard Industrial Complex.
W00t! Go go google research! :D

Was this already posted elsewhere, and I just missed it?
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@Strawberry Preserves


Lín, Jié Lún

  • Full Name Lín Jié Lún "Jay" (林 杰伦)
    RaceAsian (Taiwanese)
    Eyes Silver
    Hair Black
    LimiterLevel One
    NotesFluent in Mandarin Chinese and English
Some formatting issues to address, mostly to split the bio and history into readable paragraphs, it's a bit hard to read as the block of text it currently is.

I'm also not fond of his power, powers that alter another's character are quite how would I say, they can be tricky. Although given that the limitations are the same as a current characters already, I think, as long as any effects you want to create are discussed with other RPers first things should be alright. Also note that his limiter would probably stop his powers from affecting living beings.
@Bag o Fruit

You said to PM you our applications, and if there's a more effective PM system than this I don't know how to use it :P


  • Full NameChristopher Markus Kravitz
    RaceWhite, slightly Asian
    Eyes Blue
    Hair Black
    BuildThin but muscular
    LimiterLevel 1, active
Righty! I've looked at your profile for Christopher before, and I think the last criticisms I gave more or less stand. His background/history is still confusing to read and contradictory,a s is his personality points. There's no point in saying he's Pugnacious towards bullies, yet also state that he might ignore bullying if he can't be bothered. Likewise, making his compassionate yet, not doing anything to suggest he is.

As for his powers, they're fine! I like the expanded weaknesses section, really outlines his limitations
@Lazy Rocktime

Ayyy, whaddup. Here's a PM detailing my next character. Ignore the messed up sliders, I can't seem to edit them on mobile. Love to hear whatcha think. Especially on the powers. I think I really dropped the ball when writing the weaknesses.

Saotome, Minah

  • Full NameMinato "Aminah/Minah" Saotome
    RaceAsian (Japanese)
    Eyes Black
    Hair Short with bangs covering a small part of her left face, sun-beaten dark brown
    BuildLithe and curvaceous
    LimiterLevel 3, active
    NotesLooks deceptively mature for an 18yo
I'm unsure about your character, their history is alright, but I'm unsure if someone so psychologically unbalanced and dangerous should be in a public facility. Like, sure Aldur's character Ioana could be seen as in the same corner, but his character is also at the moment in control of their reactions, where as Minah sounds like she's not.

As for her power, I'm against it, as it's a power that has a stated solid effect on another character, therefore alters another character against their will, which is god mode stuff. As also stated it's always on, and affects everyone in it's radius, which would make i too dangerous for her to be in a public facility given it's effects.
@Teh Frixz

Eee, Praxi has a co-worker~! > u <

Praxi pretty much lives and breaths duty, so she takes her job as a security officer at AEGIS pretty seriously.

miiiight sometimes do things in a little bit of an unorthodox method, but it's all to get her job done in the most efficient manner.
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So she's like an actual cop then, someone armed and able?

Riley is a glorified mall cop armed only with a notepad and pen. She's essentially a friendly face to unlock and lock doors in between getting occasionally stoned on accident. She's just doing this job to get her classes and training paid for as well as make ends meet with her apartment.
@Teh Frixz

Indeed~ Praxi had been an actual cop before this, so she just kinda took her methods and transferred them over to AEGIS when she got the job.

Hm... From what I'm feeling from Praxi, she'd treat Riley kinda like a senior officer would a rookie.

A senior officer who may or may not as well be a detective out of a Noir film.

She also may or may not wait until she's in a designated smoking zone to light up.

Praxi might give Riley a kick in the pants when she catches her in one of her states, but it'd be more of the "You're doing it again so get yourself together" kinda thing as opposed to anything malicious. She doesn't expect everyone to take a security officer job as seriously as she does, or be in it for the same reasons as her. Praxi's also rather understanding of others situations despite her hard-boiled persona. She still expects them to do their part though.

So yeah, love taps~

Mang, I'm getting a good balancing vibe from the two of them as co-workers. I'm super hyped for them to interact~ <33
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I'm really glad to see everyone getting along well. I think I should be back next weekend, so please don't give @Giyari a hard time! Or do, it's your choice.

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