OOC Discussion

[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]
:o I deleted it all and rewrote from scratch! I guess I can add more paragraphs into the weakness, I'm just not seeing where else to add. I think it may be a misunderstanding of the levels of power she puts out :P

I appear to be in the wrong!
  • Full NameRiley Anne Zdunowski
    RoleSecurity Guard
    Eyes Brown
    Hair Brown (Varies)
    Height5’ 7” (Varies)
    BuildMuscular (Varies)
    LimiterLevel 4, Active
    NotesExtra finger on Right Hand
Oh god, my feels for Riley. ;;A;; I just want to hug her with saran wrap.

I think it would be a good idea (if accepted) to require Riley to have a kind of "handler" at the school. I know she has one already, but I feel like the facility might want to have their own to have a more personal record of her progress.

In regards to her powers, they are incredibly OP. But I find her physical and mental drawbacks to be sufficient enough to stunt her from going all out drug warfare on the school. But this is also why I suggest the idea of having a handler, JUST IN CASE something were to happen and she was too emotionally distraught.

She's a good girl just caught up in a nasty side effect of her power. I LOVE the handler bit as that leads into some plotting I had in store. Would that be something for me to add or should that be an NPC?
You could always ask around! As of right now, our faculty might be a little short, but I'm sure someone would like to discuss!

(I also play a teacher, btw xD )
Ayyyy, I get to review some character applications! :D lessee...


Looooooooove the weaknesses. Hyperactive metabolism is the coolest terrible thing ever to happen to a superhero. Like the powers, everything's well thought out, you introduced some familial sociology into your personality, nice... I suppose the best way to put this is that your power is definitely not OP? It's really well thought out to the point that most of the difference between him and most other humans is the weaknesses. Obviously light manipulation has its uses, but if I were writing Luci I might boost his powers, if not much. Do some damage, fellow C-Class!

@Strawberry Preserves

I like the idea! Very much like the idea. I could spend all day coming up with cool codenames for Jielun. ... I don't really have anything more to say about this character! But! I would like to say that I think the power seems cooler when applied to inanimate objects. He's an INSANELY good support guy in a super-fight, but if he's doing his own thing, that secondary application is something I want to read about being used :D I'm excited!

@Cheshire Smile

@Ryuuko Shin[/URL]

Welp, I don't know what you have planned for the history section, but based on the Relationships tab it's gonna be something.* Just do make sure it does end up being something and not something in progress. :P Other than that, I see no glaring flaws (hehe, get it? Because of the Gallery tab...).

*This is meant to be 'excited about what might happen' something and not 'dickish passive aggressive' something.
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@Teh Frixz

So what happened was, as @CRiTiCAL ERR0R helped me realize, was that I just wasn't paying close enough attention - probably from it being midnight here, and having like six other apps looming over my head. That last review was all a misunderstanding on my part! Ignore me, listen to Crit instead.
RemainingQuestions said:
Looky, here is he again, right back at the end.
I just looked over Lucius' profile.

I like the fact that he glows and that he could make rainbows. I was waiting for a character that could do that. xD

But, I feel like some things are a little lost in translation.

Luci being at 100.4F could probably burn someone after long duration of contact. I imagine certain clothes may not handle well either. In my head, its like dressing a lightbulb.

With this second ability of being able to create rainbows, it means that he has the ability to manipulate refracting light. So him being able to use light as armor doesn't make sense. I suggest that maybe instead of armor, he is able to go invisible because he is refracting light in such a way that he just "disappears out of sight."

How I would imagine Luci is like shining light through a piece of glass, if that makes any sense. Depending on the angle and intensity of light, it could make a rainbow on the wall it's shining on. Other times when the light moves and the angle changes, it may seem like there's no light at all. But there's also no shadows. Its invisible.
Vicario, Francis

  • Full NameFrancis Guadalupe Vicario
    RaceDARK LORD Pasty-ass white Hispanic kid
    Eyes Brown
    Hair Black
    BuildAppears fit when fully clothed, but has a bit of flab about her midsection.
    LimiterLevel 2, Active
    NotesStudent has dyed her hair in seemingly random patterns, with streaks of white and red. In addition, she wears ridiculous red vanity contacts, consistently keeps her right arm bandaged, and seems to insist on wearing a 'horned' hairband.
You can never go wrong with shadow manipulation~

Though, I do feel like there's some things that you could do with this power that wouldn't be too out there.

First and foremost, I have to ask: If she can manipulate her own shadow, can it become a solid once she changes its shape?

Second, I like the idea that she can only hide in shadows of objects. BUT! I also think you could go a step further. Maybe she can travel through the shadows of objects. It would be, in a sense, like a portal that she can travel though. If you don't prefer that route, you could have it so that she can not only hide in the shadows of objects, but she can hear, see, smell things that are near an object's shadow. Sort of like an extension of herself. In that case, maybe only one sense works at a time or her physical person loses that sense and it is placed with whatever shadow she is using.

If that makes any sense at all. xD
@Ryuuko Shin Is there some kind of limit of how many/big fire she can create at one time? Perhaps it can be added as a limitation, since the power section requires at least three weakness. Other than that, the power seems balanced enough though I'm not good at reviewing power so others might have more insight in it. As for the personality tab, from the description I think she sounds kinder than her point indicates, since she doesn't seem to like causing distress despite her harsh front. But this one is pretty relative.

@Cheshire Smile

Your inner weeaboo sang to me, Chesh. I'm gonna be a tiny bit disappointed if this chuunibyou-prone character didn't announce her every attack before she strike :v As for her secondary power, do you mean she can cover herself with shadow, or fuse/melt with the shadow completely? Also, @CRiTiCAL ERR0R's suggestion sound good too! It will give her some opportunity if she and Gaby has shadow showdown.


This is a minor thing, but

RemainingQuestions said:
This exacerbates the issue of hypothermia
I guess you mean hyperthermia?
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In a sense, they're two different powers. Generating light and refracting light.

HOWEVER -insert loopholes-

He could be the generator of his own refraction. Pretty much what this would mean was that the light he generates is refracting against preexisting light sources.

Quick question: do you mean by 11 tomorrow or a solid midnight for apps to be due? I'm asking since Daylights Savings starts and everyone jumps ahead stateside... except for like two states.
Gotta get accepted foist tho.

Otherwise probably any teacher willing to take on the responsibility could play handler

Tweaked the history to make it clearer; Gus' powers activated concurrently with the rapture, not because of it. As for the existence or non-existence of aliens in the RP world? Well maybe it is too fine a point to make philosophically, but there is no solid evidence of aliens in the world we actually live in. That doesn't mean they don't exist at all, just that nobody has any good evidence. Nor do I offer any good evidence for them in game. That's just what my brother would say happened if anyone asks him, and he'd probably also say he doesn't know what he saw. Gus doesn't remember the incident, having been about 2 and a half at the time. (mentally) As for the stats, I think I have fixed that now. I understood the scale was one to nine, but I was so focused on trying to get the bars the right colors that I missed the numbers and left in the default values. Speaking of colors, can anybody tell me why my powers description is red? I can't see any obvious code for that to happen. Lastly as for OP, I assume you mean the see through time thing? At least three other accepted characters have super speed of some kind. All I can say to the visions thing is Cassandra, Cassandra, Cassandra. Except in this case Cassandra is a little too slow to even know it is a curse and is just happy to push a broom or turn a wrench. The nature of fate and free will and causality are super interesting to think about, but not on your mind if you are six and kinda slow.
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    Full NameAugustus “Gus” Gudmund Gustafson
    Age 37 (physically) ~6 (mentally)
    SubjectJanitorial Services

    RaceCaucasian (Swedish heritage)
    Eyes Blue
    Hair Blond
ViAdvena said:
This is a minor thing, but
I guess you mean hyperthermia?
Yes I did, I will edit that now, thanks for catching it.

[QUOTE="Bag o Fruit]Obviously light manipulation has its uses, but if I were writing Luci I might boost his powers, if not much. Do some damage, fellow C-Class!

Hmm, this is a good point. I'm going to do a minor rewrite of his powers with this, and all the other mentions, in mind.

[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]Luci being at 100.4F could probably burn someone after long duration of contact. I imagine certain clothes may not handle well either. In my head, its like dressing a lightbulb.

This was what I had in mind, only I forgot to think about how that might influence whatever he touches, too. I'll still keep the hotter standard temperature, but I'll knock it down a bit so he's not a walking fire hazard.

[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]With this second ability of being able to create rainbows, it means that he has the ability to manipulate refracting light. So him being able to use light as armor doesn't make sense. I suggest that maybe instead of armor, he is able to go invisible because he is refracting light in such a way that he just "disappears out of sight."

ViAdvena said:
But wait, if Luci is able to refract right, shouldn't that mean the constant glowing won't be an issue?
These two combined made me realise I need to remove the rainbow manipulation part of his powers, it just doesn't really fit with powerset I had in mind.

Thank you guys for the commentary, I'm going to do a rewrite of his powers, so it's more clear where the focus lays and stuff. After that, I'll look at all the new characters!
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@Gus There's a rogue color code that is only visible in BBCode editor mode. Here's the fixed version :D


[tr][td]Full Name[/td][td]Augustus “Gus” Gudmund Gustafson [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Age[/td][td] 37 (physically) ~6 (mentally)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Subject[/td][td]Janitorial Services[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Race[/td][td]Caucasian (Swedish heritage)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Eyes [/td][td]Blue[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Hair [/td][td]Blond[/td][/tr]

[Tab=Biography][b]Heroism Meter[/b]
[table=none][tr][th]Less Heroic[/th][th]Points[/th][th]More Heroic[/th][th]Total[/th][th]Description[/th][/tr]


[/td][td]Courageous[/td][td]06[/td][td]Gus really does not understand that he could be hurt; to him, this is a game.[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]Altruistic[/td][td]07[/td][td]Gus lives by the code of golden age heroes. [/td][/tr]


[/td][td]Orderly[/td][td]01[/td][td]You mean tying up the bad guys and leaving them in front of police station ISN'T s.o.p.?[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]Kind[/td][td]09[/td][td]Gus is hard not to like, full of childlike wonder.[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]Proactive[/td][td]05[/td][td]Gus sees all time at once, like Dr. Manhattan, but often doesn't understand what he is seeing.[/td][/tr]


[i]Childlike[/i]: Gus experiences time... differently. One side effect of this is that his body has matured normally, but his mental age is roughly one sixth of his calendar age.

[i]Four Color[/i]: Gus essentially believes that his vintage comic books are historical documents, and since he is obviously a super hero, he follows the golden age code as best as he can understand it. This has both good and bad aspects. He is, in many ways, a hero's hero, and yet because nobody in the middle part of the 21st century can believe somebody could behave as he does unironically, he is seen as a bit of a goofball by the press and the authorities.

[i]Gullible[/i]: It might be kinder to say 'guileless' but as Gus often says “Honesty is the best policy” It does not take a great liar to fool Gus. Virtually any story that doesn't directly contradict his world view will be taken at face value. Once a lie is exposed however, he will never trust the source of the lie again. Several of his 'arch-enemies' (as he thinks of them) gained that status by tricking him. It is likely that several of AEGIS's open files on non-violent crimes with evidence of speedster powers could be due to Gus's gullibility.

[i]Optimistic[/i]: Gus believes the world is fundamentally good (except for dastardly villains—and they will soon get their just comeuppance) and remains utterly determined to do the right thing at all times. Thus far, he has an impressive track record for dealing with complicated plots of some very bad actors with a very simple set of tactics (the kind you'd expect from a six year old.) Basically he runs around really fast and hits the bad guys until they fall down. Then he ties them up really fast and takes them to the police really fast and leaves them on the sidewalk with a note in crayon. You wouldn't think this would work, but then, you're not Gus. Maybe it's luck, maybe fate, but you can't argue with the results.


Augustus Gudmund Gustafson was born in early2003in Baltimore to a couple in their late forties: Agnesand Jonas Gustafson, originally from Sweden, but emigrated to America shortly before his birth. They opened a small garage on the south side of the city, and promptly vanished, leaving Gus's much older brother Gunnar to run the garage and care for his new sibling. What neither brother--nor perhaps anyone now living--knows is that the Gustafsons fled to America after Jonas' research facility successfully contacted beings from an alternate reality. Their elation at such an unprecedented success in extra dimensional communication was understandably dampened by the fact that every other member of the research team was dead within 48 hours. Agnes and Jonas apparently escaped unscathed, but their unborn child was afflicted with a temporal disjunction. In less technical terms, Gus' body developed normally, but his mind experienced a time dilation effect equivalent to a recession rate of approximately 98% of light speed. Effectively, he was profoundly mentally disabled, and deemed uneducable until he was fifteen. While the rest of America was focused on the events of The Rapture, Gus very nearly had a personal rapture of a rather more biblical variety; a probe of unknown originattempted to abduct him from his room above the garage. His brother managed to foil the probe's attempt at abducting Gus, though at the cost of the use of his legs. Luckily for both of them, the proximity to the strange radiations of the probe's thrustersdestabilized the temporal disjunction and jumpstarted Gus' mind and latent abilities. In the 22 years since then, a bit of a legend has grown up around a secretive speedster only ever briefly glimpsed, rocketing by in yellow and blue, known as BLAZE!Most other supers, as well as most AEGIS operatives think he is a myth. Those few in AEGIS who think he's real keep it to themselves, as trying to track down such a silly myth has ruined more than one career. Suffice to say, Gus does not have a blue card. But then, myths don't need them... do they? [/Tab]


[b]Gunnar Gustafson[/b]

Gus loves his brother above all other things in his life. He has kept the garage in the black for the last 22 years, fixing all the cars while his brother keeps the books. One might wonder how a man with the mind of six year old fixes 21st century cars, but then, not all six year olds can see through time. Gus doesn't understand most of what he sees, but it gives him tremendous insight into mechanical systems, showing him not just where they are currently failing, but where they might fail in the future. In point of fact, no car he has fixed in the last 20 years has had any subsequent troubles other than normal wear and tear.Not so great for repeat business, but makes for amazing word of mouth.

[b]Mr. Borrowitz[/b]

If there were ever anyone Gus thought of as a father figure, it would definitely be Mr. Borrowitz in the facility 108 physical plant. He hired Gus part time when Gunnar needed extra money to cover a prescription, and kept him on for the last six years, on account of Gus is so good at sweeping. It is even more fun than fixing cars! And he has so many friendly nicknames for Gus, such as “Idiot” “Slowpoke” and “Broom-brain” Gus loves it here. All these kids are just so... super! He told Mr. Borrowitz so, and Mr. Borrowitz laughed and laughed.




[/td][td]02[/td][td]The ability to resist illness and recover quickly from injuries, overall health.[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]02[/td][td]Physical strength, the ability to strike hard, lift heavy objects, and so on.[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]02[/td][td]Endurance and stamina, the ability to take a hit and still keep going.[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]09[/td][td]Speed, dexterity, nimbleness - agility is the ability to move quickly.[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]01[/td][td]Not book smarts, but the ability to perceive and retain lots of information.[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]01[/td][td]Strength of mind, the ability to stay focused and determined.[/td][/tr]

[b]Primary Power[/b]

Ever since his close encounter at the age of 15, Gus has been disconnected from the flow of time. Most of the time, this leaves him thinking at about one sixth of normal speed as he goes about his life, which would be crippling except for the fact that he has perfect foresight (and hindsight too, I suppose.) Gus sees all of time simultaneously, which is pretty helpful if you are trying to figure out when it is safe to cross the street, or know when and where to show up with a mop and when to bring a broom instead. It would also make him the perfect oracle except for two factors. Firstly, he doesn't understand most of what he sees, so asking him questions about the future would get the sort of cryptic, misleading, or self-fulfilling statements typical of most prophecy. Secondly, and vastly more importantly, nobody asks. Seriously that has never, ever happened. Everyone thinks of Gus as a sweet, affable idiot, and asking him about the future would be several steps below asking a magic eight ball on their list of things to try.

[b]Secondary powers[/b]

When Gus' visions of the future show him grave danger approaching, he calls on the power of Blaze to save the day. (He thinks of Blaze as being kind of like Shazam—an alter ego rather than himself at a different time rate) What Gus actually does is to step almost completely outside of time which allows him brief periods of super speed along with a nearly impenetrable force field, due to the gravitational shearing stresses at the boundary between normal space time and his little bubble of pseudo space time. During these excursions, Gus can think normally (for a six year old brain) but experiences time almost a thousand time faster.


As noted under primary power, he has the same essential weakness as Cassandra did in greek mythology. He knows the future, but nobody listens. As for the whole 'super speed' thing, that may sound ridiculously powerful, but there are some serious drawbacks: firstly, it is very difficult for Gus to see properly, especially at night, due to the dramatic redshift of light crossing from normal time into his bubble. (Incidentally this is also why his costume appears yellow with blue lightning bolts. He modeled his costume after his hero “The Flash”, and doesn't know it is being blue shifted for outside observers.) Secondly, there is no way for sound to travel from his bubble to the world (or vice versa) so he is effectively deaf and dumb while using super speed. (Gus gets around this by sticking post-it notes to nearby surfaces to make ersatz speech balloons, writing in them and then briefly posing next to them. He also sometimes writes punching sound effects on them before sticking them to bad guys before punching them. No really. He's six.) Thirdly, air can't cross from normal time to his bubble either, so at most, he can use super speed for maybe 10 minutes at a stretch. (Note that ten minutes in the bubble lasts for barely over half a second of real time.)

mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11743-welian/ said:
Quick question: do you mean by 11 tomorrow or a solid midnight for apps to be due? I'm asking since Daylights Savings starts and everyone jumps ahead stateside... except for like two states.
I mean like, 3am Sunday morning kind of deadline. Just get something in during the next 24ish hours.
RemainingQuestions said:
Tolbert, Luci
  • Full NameLucius "Luci" Tolbert
    BuildLanky and somewhat scrawny
    LimiterLevel 1, active
    NotesHe is always glowing
I messed with his powers and weaknesses some.
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  • Full NameMirèio de St.Clair
    SubjectEmotional Composure
    Eyes Black
    Hair White
    LimiterLevel 4; Active
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I'm fairly certain that I've spent more time on the character database/spreadsheets than I have on actually posting.
@Scribbler, @ViAdvena, @Cheshire Smile

All three of you are submitting characters with some form of shadow manipulation. I have absolutely no problem with this, but I would like you three to have a discussion about your characters’ powers. I want you all to come to some ground rules on what will and won’t be possible with your powers.


Mmm, characters with simple and straightforward powers. You know the way to my heart. I appreciate you making a C Rank too, we definitely need more lower-ranked supers. You did good reworking those powers a bit. Approved.


I’m going to have to reject your application for now. Your character utilizes plot devices that this roleplay is not current developed well enough to handle, and as a GM I have strict rules on spacetime manipulation and powers. You’re welcome to draw up a different character today if you still want to join the roleplay, or you can wait until the first week of April to reapply.

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