OOC Discussion

Samantha Verne

  • Full NameSamantha Verne
    CodenamePyro Jack
    Eyes Blue
    Hair Straw blonde
    Height160 cm
    Build Slender, Feminine
    LimiterLevel 3 Limiter, grudgingly left on
    Notes Unremarkable features.

HIIIII, GUYS! I hope you don't mind me hopping in with this character! I'd appreciate any criticism as to the power, because I can guarantee you, it's not really that well-thought-out at this point, haha! Thanks in advance!
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RemainingQuestions said:
If it wasn't clear, which is totally understandable, the personality is great, the "titles" of the traits just don't really fit. Just change unassuming to doesn't make assumptions, or something like this, and you're set. *Cough* I've thought about it actually and pugnacious could very will fit with that description, so I apologize, and you can ignore that part.
Yeah, the unassuming description sorta got away from me... Sorry about any misunderstandings; I think I left a lot to implication. :/
I have deigned to grace you all with another of my magnificently pointless posts into this thread. Please, try not to swoon too heavily, my adoring public.
[QUOTE="Cheshire Smile]I have deigned to grace you all with another of my magnificently pointless posts into this thread. Please, try not to swoon too heavily, my adoring public.

*Swoons audibly*
[QUOTE="Ryuuko Shin]Samantha Verne
  • Full NameSamantha Verne
    CodenamePyro Jack
    Eyes Blue
    Hair Straw blonde
    Height160 cm
    Build Slender, Feminine
    LimiterLevel 3 Limiter, grudgingly left on
    Notes Unremarkable features.

HIIIII, GUYS! I hope you don't mind me hopping in with this character! I'd appreciate any criticism as to the power, because I can guarantee you, it's not really that well-thought-out at this point, haha! Thanks in advance!

Definitely best girl.
Hey Waylean, you dorkmaster, I'm reposting this. @welian

Vicario, Francis

  • Full NameFrancis Guadalupe Vicario
    RaceDARK LORD Pasty-ass white Hispanic kid
    Eyes Brown
    Hair Black
    BuildAppears fit when fully clothed, but has a bit of flab about her midsection.
    LimiterLevel 2, Active
    NotesStudent has dyed her hair in seemingly random patterns, with streaks of white and red. In addition, she wears ridiculous red vanity contacts, consistently keeps her right arm bandaged, and seems to insist on wearing a 'horned' hairband.
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RemainingQuestions said:
Tolbert, Luci
  • Full NameLucius "Luci" Tolbert
    BuildLanky and somewhat scrawny
    LimiterLevel 1, active
    NotesHe is always glowing
Looky, here is he again, right back at the end.
Aldur said:
Imagine her basically standing on the ceiling so than no one can bother her and suddenly Marcus floats by with a relaxed pose and a smug look on his face.
That and Emma would snatch people and pull then up to the ceiling so that she can drop them to the ground xD
I've decided to leave this RP

Partly to focus on lower commitment RPs, and partly because it's starting to lean towards feeling more like a chore (which I hoped wouldn't happen) and there's shit I need to sort out IRL too. (Community Service is now an open position to teach)

@welian I forget whether you're following this thread or not so here's a tag.
Hope everything IRL works out, Dox.

Uh, quick question. What are we going to do about the rest of the snowball event?
TheDox said:
The intention was to stay in aegis for as long as possible, but oh well
Hey, you stuck through a whole lot! And you gave me several hours notice, so it's not like you sprung this up on me. I really appreciated that you waited until a scene change, that way you didn't leave anyone hanging. I'll update the spreadsheets in a bit. It's up to you if you want to write Borislav out of the RP or just let him be forgotten. Either way, remember to delete his profile on the way out.

@Zahzi[/URL] or @Giyari to make a post IC announcing the victory of the Blue Team and telling the students to head off to their Friday classes. Remember, it IS Friday the 13th in-story.
welian said:
The snowball event ended, so I'll ask either @Zahzi or @Giyari to make a post IC announcing the victory of the Blue Team and telling the students to head off to their Friday classes. Remember, it IS Friday the 13th in-story.
oAe.... I... I feel like I missed something. xD

But anyways. Okay, cool.
Hi. I am working on a character which is almost ready to post, I think, but I am entirely new to this form of RP. (I have done pen and paper gaming since the early 80s, but this 'coding' stuff is slowing me down) I am very excited to give this a try, but I need to check a couple of things for my character history. Firstly, is it ok to have a character who has powers but that are not based on genetics? I have a character idea that could maybe be shoehorned into the 'mutant' model, but it fits the 'fantastic four' model better. Secondly, who hires janitors for facility 108? I notice the description of the main building includes a broom closet, and I would very much like to make that my base of operations. Gus is not so very bright, and would probably make the most sense as a part time hire from someone low down the bureaucratic chain. I would like to put that person in my history. Can I make that person up? Or should I just have a close (but only close in my own mind) relationship with the director? Either way, whoever hired Gus is subject to a good deal of hero worship. Pun absolutely intended.

Due to personal reasons, I am withdrawing my application. I apologize for wasting your time! I hope this RP continues with gusto and you all have fun!
Heh. Scrolling through the previous 50 pages I just now found the interest link. That's what I get for skipping to the end to post my dumb questions. Is it too late to join? I don't think anyone will have noticed the janitor, as he is pretty much a wallflower when not in his costume... and he would not have gotten dressed up for the snow ball fight; Gus only suits up as Blaze when there is great need, and then only for the blink of an eye. Can I sweep up after the snowball fight? Anyway, I filled out the form. Hoping you guys need somebody to keep the facility tidy.

@Gus The sign up open 'till Saturday, so yeah, you can join :D and with all of those superpowered kids running around wrecking havoc I'm pretty sure we need a super janitor, so.. :v

As for the rest of your question, I can't answer it because I don't know more than you. I guess @welian can answer it.
Heh. Scrolling through the previous 50 pages I just now found the interest link. That's what I get for skipping to the end to post my dumb questions. Is it too late to join? I don't think anyone will have noticed the janitor, as he is pretty much a wallflower when not in his costume... and he would not have gotten dressed up for the snow ball fight; Gus only suits up as Blaze when there is great need, and then only for the blink of an eye. Can I sweep up after the snowball fight? Anyway, I filled out the form. Hoping you guys need somebody to keep the facility tidy.

ViAdvena said:
@Gus The sign up open 'till Saturday, so yeah, you can join :D and with all of those superpowered kids running around wrecking havoc I'm pretty sure we need a super janitor, so.. :v
As for the rest of your question, I can't answer it because I don't know more than you. I guess @welian can answer it.
Yay! I will post a draft character momentarily.

Gus said:

Gus said:
I am entirely new to this form of RP. (I have done pen and paper gaming since the early 80s, but this 'coding' stuff is slowing me down)
That's totally okay! If the BBcode is too much, you can just give me your character's info in a big ole list and I can fill out the sheet for you.

Gus said:
Firstly, is it ok to have a character who has powers but that are not based on genetics?
Mostly no, but sort of yes - the only way someone is able to have powers, is if they have the correct gene sequence. An accident could totally trigger these powers, but only if the victim already has the genetic potential.

Gus said:
Secondly, who hires janitors for facility 108?
The director of the facility, Jason Swan (played by @Giyari) has the final say, in-character, on who works at facility 108. Your character has probably talked to him at least once.

Caragia said:
Due to personal reasons, I am withdrawing my application. I apologize for wasting your time! I hope this RP continues with gusto and you all have fun!
Hey! Never assume that you wasted someone's time! Anyways, apps will be open the first five days every month from here on out, so feel free to swing by then if you change your mind!
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]Yup, did a complete re-work in the description. Based on feedback I kept her at S after the rework and increase in limitations/weaknesses

I wouldn't call that a complete rework, but I see where you made the revisions. The weaknesses section still just doesn't have the same gravity and detail that you gave her powers description. The secondary weakness still reads as just a mere side effect, rather than some actual cost or limitation to her power. The rest of her profile is fine, but she's still coming off as far over-powered for this setting.


    Full NameAugustus “Gus” Gudmund Gustafson
    Age 37 (physically) ~6 (mentally)
    SubjectJanitorial Services

    RaceCaucasian (Swedish heritage)
    Eyes Blue
    Hair Blond
Lín, Jié Lún

  • Full Name Lín Jié Lún "Jay" (林 杰伦)
    RaceAsian (Taiwanese)
    Eyes Silver
    Hair Black
    LimiterLevel One
    NotesFluent in Mandarin Chinese and English
Hii, I'm dropping this here... I'd appreciate any feedback/criticism. ;v; I hope the power isn't too much. Edit: Changes based on Zahzi's critique.


  • jay.png
    358.2 KB · Views: 133
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Your stat numbers on both the Heroism meter and Base Stats are off from the default setting. It's 1-9 not 1-3.

The history itself is a bit wonky to say the least. 'The Rapture' wasn't so much a global event as it was a terror attack.

As for aliens...I'm not sure if they exist in this universe. You'd have to ask @welian about that one.

And his powerset might be considered a bit OP in most cases.

@Strawberry Preserves

The only critique I would have would be in the history and gallery sections. The incident with the other Super seems vague at best. Aand the picture doesn't appear. Other than that, all seems good.
welian said:
I wouldn't call that a complete rework, but I see where you made the revisions. The weaknesses section still just doesn't have the same gravity and detail that you gave her powers description. The secondary weakness still reads as just a mere side effect, rather than some actual cost or limitation to her power. The rest of her profile is fine, but she's still coming off as far over-powered for this setting.
:o I deleted it all and rewrote from scratch! I guess I can add more paragraphs into the weakness, I'm just not seeing where else to add. I think it may be a misunderstanding of the levels of power she puts out :P

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