OOC Discussion

Scribbler said:
Hey, sorry to just suddenly jump in but question about making characters.

Can we make characters who are part of faculty but aren't teachers, such as Clerks / Administrators?
I'm just stealing this, but yes! I think there are already a few non teacher faculty in the accepted character tab. So you know, it's not just me saying yes, it's me saying yes, there is a precedent for this.
Scribbler said:
Oh, silly me; should have actually checked the current characters before asking that.
Thank you very much though!

No problem, but while you're checking the accepted characters, it's a good idea to check what kind of powers have been accepted already. Just so you don't accidentally wind up with the exact same powers, y'know
Dano said:
Then in that case I think at this point it would be in my best interest to step back from this RP. Good luck to everyone & have fun!
Sad to see you go, but it's been great having you! Thanks a bunch for all your help with the snowball event, and @Manic Muse too! If you guys haven't already, you may want to consider deleting your character sheets from the Sign-up thread.
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]I've been simply editing my application back on page 42, should I repost it here?

That's be super helpful!

  • Full NameRiley Anne Zdunowski
    RoleSecurity Guard
    Eyes Brown
    Hair Brown (Varies)
    Height5’ 7” (Varies)
    BuildMuscular (Varies)
    LimiterLevel 4, Active
    NotesExtra finger on Right Hand
Necessity4Fun said:
Hey! @welian have you seen this one yet?
It my pal's, Sam, character and I'm quoting it because it's too far back in this thing xD

PS: I helped with the coding :33
I did, thanks for bumping it! I've been super busy today, so I didn't get to finish reviewing apps yet.
I should be working with my other friend on her CS today... So unless she gives up..., uhh, expect it to show up around tomorrow? xD (I'm so sorry to add more for you to do...)
[QUOTE="DJ MagicHat]And now, an ode to the Discord server. It will be missed. I think.

It’s dead?

It's pretty dead. It was just too much chaos for me and Giy to keep up with. So we did the responsible thing and nuked it from orbit. It was the only way to be sure.
welian said:
It's pretty dead. It was just too much chaos for me and Giy to keep up with. So we did the responsible thing and nuked it from orbit. It was the only way to be sure.
I'm going to uninstall it then... It has no purpose for me anymore...

Do tag me if it ever comes back ^^
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Necessity4Fun said:
I'm going to uninstall it then... It has no purpose for me anymore...
Do tag me if it ever comes back ^^
Hey, there's always the RPN chat! But then again, it DOES run in a browser window without having to be installed. So it doesn't really matter too much.
welian said:
Hey, there's always the RPN chat! But then again, it DOES run in a browser window without having to be installed. So it doesn't really matter too much.
I barely use the RPN chat... It was just AEGIS for me ^^
[QUOTE="Cheshire Smile]So the Discord server's done, huh? Shit, now I have to actually come here and interact.

Well, there's always the RPN chat! I'm going to include it in this announcement I'm about to make, but since really only Lobby 1 gets a lot of chatting... I thought it might be nice to declare Lobby 3 - the least active lobby - as our unofficial hangout.
welian said:
Well, there's always the RPN chat! I'm going to include it in this announcement I'm about to make, but since really only Lobby 1 gets a lot of chatting... I thought it might be nice to declare Lobby 3 - the least active lobby - as our unofficial hangout.
but there are people i don't like in there

Alright, that works.
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]So uh... I'm thinking of making a second character.

Will he have thick skin?
Na. xD

I'm thinking more of a gravitational power. I have a specific one in mind called floor tilting.
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