OOC Discussion

I think generation and regeneration got mixed up. Maybe change it to chemical production? Terminology, yo. Its a pain.
@Teh Frixz nah the age wasn't a problem at all, I'm just genuinely amused at how student and teacher isn't decided by age, its kinda cool almost

as long as being immune to pain isn't the big main focus of her power, sounds good to me
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]It's more so leaking out serotonin and making copious amounts of drugs while doing copious amounts of drugs

Calm down, Walter.
Okay, here are my thoughts on the profiles posted so far:


One of the Co-GM's said that recruitment starts at he 8th of March Again
Overall, Nathaniel seems good to me, but I did notice that there only seem to be two listed weaknesses and I believe you need at least three. I also think the "woke up in a metal box" bit from his backstory seems...off. Why would he be treated that way? I understand that he was caught regenerating, but to me that seems like a completely different caliber from "We caught this guy robbing a bank and didn't seem to care if he got shot or not, so we did this to contain him for now" or something similar. I feel like that part of his story could use some work.

Caragia said:
Blackwell, Safara
  • Full NameBlackwell, Safara
    RaceAfrican American, Kenyan Heritage
    Eyes Purple
    Hair Brown
    LimiterLevel 3, Active
    NotesShe wears a necklace as a memento of her mother. Safara wears it at all times and never takes it off. (Also sections marked with green ** is under construction.)
I only counted two weaknesses in the profile, but otherwise this looks good to me. The stats make sense to me, and follow with the general theme throughout.

Aldur said:
  • Full NameMarcus James Davis
    Eyes Brown
    Hair Dark Brown
    NotesScar on eyebrow, tattoo of a floating Tibetan monk on his left shoulder. Earring on left ear.
One thing stuck out to me here: the secondary power. Do you mean that he could, say, go through astronaut training and not feel it? Be left spinning at high velocity for an hour or so and still be able to walk a straight line? If that's the case, I'd say that you should at least re-word the secondary power so it describes someone who's "not easily disoriented" or something along those lines.

kHz[/URL], which is 1.6 octaves above the range of a human, and even 1 octave above the range of a dog. Izzy has an acute sense of smell. About fourteen times as effective as an average human. This is because she has about twice as many olfactory epithelium within her nose.


Isabella has a tapetum lucidum, which is a reflective layer behind the retina that sends light that passes through the retina back into the eye. This improves her ability to see in darkness, though also reduces net visual acuity then detracting when light is abundant. Basically she has cat eyes and can see in the dark.


Izzy's body temperature runs between 101-102 degrees and her heart beats between 140-180 at a resting rate. As such, Izzy Chase must in take a remarkable amount of food to stay fit and healthy. Where a normal human could go days without food, she could not. Her metabolism is very sensitive.

With the power of her eyes, Izzy can see in the dark. However, this leaves her eyes very sensitive to bright lights. Also the heightened sight straight on cuts down greatly on any peripheral sight. The same goes for her ears and hearing as well. With such sensitive and acute senses, they can be easily over whelmed.

The long slender tail coated in silver fur. If you had something attached to your spinal column and was made of sensitive little bones, you would be touchy about it too. Though it is not just that she does not like it touched. This is used for her balance and agility. As such, even a tug, pull, or stomp upon it can be very detrimental to its fragile form.




Izzy Chase



I really like the ideas here! Very well thought out, and everything about this character stays consistent based on who and what they are. No complaints from me here.

ViAdvena said:
I present to you my second character watch out for all the edge.
Suggestion and critique are more than welcome.

D'Avolo, Gabrielle

  • Full NameGabrielle D'Avolo
    RaceCaucasian (Italian)
    Eyes Pale grey
    Hair Jet black
    LimiterLevel 3, Active
    NotesSoft, almost melancholic facial feature
Now I've seen some characters with a dark side here and there, but...WHOA, man. Just...WHOA. Very well written, very well captured, very well done! And the powers and stats seem consistent with that personality. No complaints here.

Overall, I think that with a little work on a couple different sections these would all be solid characters, if they aren't already as they are.

...Oh yeah, and one more thing:

welian said:
Sorry!! This is why I tend to save reviewing stuff for the morning. People have a way of asking me things riiiiight as I'm going to bed.
Talking about me, much? :P

welian said:
It’s time to p-p-p-p-plot!Okay everyone! Since the exam is going to end soon, and the posting break is tomorrow, I’d like everyone to take the time to start splitting into smaller RP groups. Students will be heading to their normal class…. Which class would that be? Well, that’s up to you.

Right now, we have six teachers and twelve students (thirteen if we count Alb, who was unable to post during the exam but will be joining in on the normal posting after Tuesday). This means that in order to split everyone up evenly, we’re looking at six RP groups consisting of one teacher and two students (three, if any new RPers send in new student characters).

Therefore, we all need to sit down – here in the OOC thread where everyone can participate, not just the people in the Discord server – and determine what classes we would like our student characters to participate in first.

For the teacher characters – don’t panic if it seems no one is interested in RPing your class right now. If things shift around and we end up with, say, four class groups with three students each, then that leaves two teachers free for some fancy plotting I’d like to roll out.

TL;DR: Teacher characters (@Swimswamswom @Chibii @ViAdvena @Cheshire Smile @TheDaftStudent) to form the basic groups of the in-class scenes we will be RPing next. Faculty characters (@Giyari @Lazy Rocktime @Manic Muse) will be receiving a PM from me shortly. New roleplayers will be absorbed into the groups as they join the RP.
Either 'Collateral Damage and You' or 'Emotional Composure' for Cecil. That is, if EC does get a teacher xD
I'm working on a little project as a favor to a friend right now, when I get done I will resume reviewing profiles.
so idk if some of u guys forgot but I ordered a commission for Eden (the original, not this one, but close enough) and boy it turned out beautiful


my baby boy, everyone
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welian said:
Tag me again when you're done! Also I will be very sad if her profile is not chock-full of animal puns.
Alright, I will... And I'll work on the puns... (*^*)

RemainingQuestions said:
...ONTO POWERS! Lets be honest here, I had to read through them several times before I started understanding, and I still have a lot of questions. Lets get some clarity here first, she needs to have touched an animal to be able to take on their abilities? And I'm thinking it needs to be a conscious thought along the lines of "touching to take on ability" and not just a touch? How would this manifest? Would she change physically? How aware is she herself of the changes, since she can't cherry-pick abilities? For the secondary power, three things, one nice fit, two clearly said, and three, what are the limits? Is it easier to manipulate a dog than a chimp? How about when an animal is aware she is there? How does it work with humans, since they're technically animals too? Also, I'd consider adding a third weakness, since she is an A rank.
Yes, she needs to touch the animal. And, yes, you're right, it is a conscious thought. Also, as for manifestation, if you are familiar with the Animorphs Series, they touch an animal and morph/change into that animal. Well Safara is similar yet different. She touches an animal and takes/copies it's abilities--she doesn't morph or outwardly change. So to an instructor or bad guy, it'd look like her gaining super hearing of say of a bat or cat. Or if she took on the powers of a rhino and charged at the bad guy. As I said in my earlier post, she's based off of DC Comics' Vixen, except no magic pendant.

As for her secondary power, think Aquaman but with most animals. She can't take on a bird's flight ability. (She'd need to have magic for that, and since there's no magic, no flight.) Her secondary power allows her to take control of it to allow her to take on it's abilities and command it to do something, if the situation calls for it. As for the limits when she takes on the abilities, I haven't thought that deeply into it. I'll work on that. Also, she cannot apply these powers to humans. I would like to say, it's because we humans have higher brain power, but that will need further thought.

And another weakness...got it.
@Bag o Fruit[/URL] I like your character's power, good explanation of it's working and down sides, but I would add more of a weakness than "He can't do other super powered things like dodge bullets" as, being at peak human fitness is far from a weakness. And frankly, not being able to dodge a bullet is not something you'd expect unless you specifically had super speed
I agree with this, and I specifically said it might seem like a flop weakness when I wrote it, but I went on to say, in fewer words, that... well, isn't it a weakness? To be no more than a man in a world filled with gods? Don't get me wrong, your suggestion makes perfect sense. It just seems like being bound by the laws of physics is more than can be said for plenty of other characters here, and one man's expectation is another man's disability.

I also wrote it as a further clarification of my power set, because as long as I have to write three weaknesses I might as well kill two birds with one stone. Speaking of which, I'm still not sure I entirely understand the rule set for applications. Three weaknesses? Regardless of power level? The Flash doesn't have three weaknesses. Batman doesn't have three weaknesses. The Green Arrow doesn't have three weaknesses. The only superhero that immediately comes to mind with three weaknesses is Superman, who I should say is at least class S.

As long as I'm on this topic, I'd also like to voice this: we're ranked on our stats, and stat points, but we can also take powers that don't necessarily relate to them? Why doesn't it fly to have the E-class character 'magical nuclear explosion man' with one point in each stat? Just a thought.

Giyari said:
Their biography and personality are a little lacking. As I said to Virtual above, super powered people are known about as a fact of life, there's no manhunt to bring them all in and register them. Sure, once a super's known about they are requested to register, which there is pretty much no down side to other than a limiter. In fact there are more up sides than down sides, such as specialised medical care :P
Unless you know more about this timeline than is written in the overview, which is not to say you don't, but unless you do there's no request involved. The only word I see describing the screening process is 'must', and whether there is a manhunt or isn't, the government tends to find out such things as obvious superpowers. Also, the beginning and end paragraphs of the overview seem practically designed to say 'Any violation of the Bill of Rights you can think of has been done to death.', which would make one think that 'probable cause' is no longer a thing. It was supposed to be implied that that was the reason his mother kept running, but I apologize if I didn't make that clear enough.

Giyari said:
I'd rework their personality, try to be less conflicting with the brooding pessimist/hopeful optimist (seeing the good in everyone) factors.

For his bio, I'd clarify why his family were on the run, as the obvious reasons aren't obvious.
I'm pretty sure I see what you're trying to say... but conflict is how humans work. Hell, I'm all four of those things to some extent. People are not exceptionally positive with one minor dark note, nor are they exceptionally negative with minor light notes (well, maybe some people are) and Christopher is especially NOT on one end or the other of that spectrum.

Also, brooding isn't even in opposition to unassuming or compassionate as a trait.

Giyari said:
This needs clearing up too, not to mention, there wouldn't be a manhunt for them as I've already stated. It reads to me as...

"He and his mother are discovered by commonwealth, she's locked in jail and he's sent to screening where his superpowers are noted. Afterwards he's sent into care (not an orphanage as his mother is still alive, he's not an orphan), where he and his mother are discovered by commonwealth."

Now, this obviously makes little sense, so I'd like some more clarification on what's happening, and to remove the being hunted by commonwealth factor of his background, as it doesn't fit with the setting.
I still don't think 'They can come and get screened on their own initiative if they want to' is Commonwealth's kind of policy, but if you say there's no manhunt, I suppose you know quite a bit more than I do about this setting. I'm sorry it doesn't make sense to you, and I'll clarify:

First of all, his mother hid from the government for over a decade, which is against the law as described in the Overview and Setting/locations tab because she knew her son had superpowers. I don't see Commonwealth or AEGIS as the type to need a better reason to get someone imprisoned.

I would like to clarify here that I did objectively fuck up, as orphanages apparently no longer exist in America. The care you mentioned would in fact be being made a ward of the state, as would an orphan, and then either getting sent to a foster home, as would an orphan, or to a group home, as would an orphan. I'll go now and edit it to say 'group home', as that's what makes sense for my character (I'll also make him seventeen because I'm pretty sure an eighteen-year-old would be able to opt out of a group home, which if given the chance he would absolutely do).

As a side note, and a response to the last sentence there, I now understand very well that you have strong feelings about the benevolent nature of Commonwealth. I will not state my opinions to do with this a third time, but 'removing the being hunted by Commonwealth factor of his background' is not a little bit of highlight and backspace, as you seem to treat it like it is. Being, not hunted, but in danger of being discovered by Commonwealth is literally referred to in every single paragraph of my history. If you think I should write an entirely new backstory for my character, I wish you would say just that.
Swimswamswom said:
@Caragia tbh she sounds a bit more like B or C rank to me (but feel free to justify her strengths)
I started her out as B-rank but her points wouldn't let me stay there...
Caragia said:
I started her out as B-rank but her points wouldn't let me stay there...
i mean its up to u but in that case I'd highly recommend putting her at B rank and finding a way to take off 3 points from her here and there—you probably already know this but remember that 2 points is average human capacity and 3 points is talented/the extent of normal human abilities
Swimswamswom said:
i mean its up to u but in that case I'd highly recommend putting her at B rank and finding a way to take off 3 points from her here and there—you probably already know this but remember that 2 points is average human capacity and 3 points is talented/the extent of normal human abilities
Alrighty... I'll work on it.
Caragia said:
Alrighty... I'll work on it.
I don't personally really agree with that. I think the ranking is okay if you do a good job explaining her full powers. Someone that could use animals to create an army is dangerous. I mean I am going to be playing a catgirl and I made her a rank B, she only takes on the power of that one animal. I am feeling your ranking is reasonable. The description is lacking, I don't think you have gone into detail enough is all.
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  • Full NameJordan Ortega Brahn
    Eyes Yellow
    Hair White
    BuildShort, slim, and vulnerable to a rogue leaf.
    LimiterLevel 1; Inactive
    NotesWe're pretty sure he's broken a leg after an unfortunate clothespin incident.
Aaaaand on that note, I will depart for the evening! I will continue reviewing profiles in the morning. I encourage everyone reading this to drop off apps as they finish them.

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