OOC Discussion

VirtualNotoriety said:
Vincent, Nathaniel
  • Full NameNathaniel Crimson Vincent
    Eyes Greenish Blue
    Hair Brown


One of the Co-GM's said that recruitment starts at he 8th of March Again

*welian told me that you are the only other GM in the Rp other from helpers, so is it better?
Ever gonna make a character with a different name :P
@CHIMNY, Alright concept, but this would be the 3rd increased healing factor we've had apply to the RP, and the 4th increased durability through some means. Not to mention, the healing factor possessed by salamander's is actually, really damn slow, not much faster than a humans. It's the extent at which they regenerate that is impressive, being able to regrow a lost limb over a month.

As for your character weaknesses, it needs to have a bit more detail added, maybe have his armour only on his skin, and not internally too? Or have the hexagons flake off on impact like reactive armour, giving a soft spot akin to a "missing scale" on a mythical dragon till it can reform later on, rather than simply weakening into smaller hexagons?

I'd ask you to expand on their personality, adding in some form of positive personality points as it looks to me like you have three negatives, or two negatives and one neutral in carefree.

I'd also ask for more than a single paragraph for their bio, maybe expand to two or three paras to expand on the more important points of their history.
Giyari said:
@CHIMNY, Alright concept, but this would be the 3rd increased healing factor we've had apply to the RP, and the 4th increased durability through some means. Not to mention, the healing factor possessed by salamander's is actually, really damn slow, not much faster than a humans. It's the extent at which they regenerate that is impressive, being able to regrow a lost limb over a month.
As for your character weaknesses, it needs to have a bit more detail added, maybe have his armour only on his skin, and not internally too? Or have the hexagons flake off on impact like reactive armour, giving a soft spot akin to a "missing scale" on a mythical dragon till it can reform later on, rather than simply weakening into smaller hexagons?

I'd ask you to expand on their personality, adding in some form of positive personality points as it looks to me like you have three negatives, or two negatives and one neutral in carefree.

I'd also ask for more than a single paragraph for their bio, maybe expand to two or three paras to expand on the more important points of their history.
Alright will work on those! Gonna change the healing factor to something more offensive.
Giyari said:
@CHIMNY, Alright concept, but this would be the 3rd increased healing factor we've had apply to the RP, and the 4th increased durability through some means. Not to mention, the healing factor possessed by salamander's is actually, really damn slow, not much faster than a humans. It's the extent at which they regenerate that is impressive, being able to regrow a lost limb over a month.
As for your character weaknesses, it needs to have a bit more detail added, maybe have his armour only on his skin, and not internally too? Or have the hexagons flake off on impact like reactive armour, giving a soft spot akin to a "missing scale" on a mythical dragon till it can reform later on, rather than simply weakening into smaller hexagons?

I'd ask you to expand on their personality, adding in some form of positive personality points as it looks to me like you have three negatives, or two negatives and one neutral in carefree.

I'd also ask for more than a single paragraph for their bio, maybe expand to two or three paras to expand on the more important points of their history.
Is my Character ok cause Welian asked me to fix my capitalization

  • Full NameChristopher Markus Kravitz
    RaceWhite, slightly Asian
    Eyes Blue
    Hair Black
    BuildThin but muscular
    LimiterLevel 1, active
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@CHIMNY, you know, I'd actually suggest considering something less offensive, and more saayyyy.... support based? In my experience, support based characters are a hell of a lot more fun to play than offensive based characters :P

That's completely my opinion though, haha!
@VirtualNotoriety, I think your biography needs quit e a bit of work, you have a lot of run on sentences with no clear breaks in punctuation, and it's wording makes it fairly awkward to read. Not to mention, there would be no reason he would ever find himself transported to 108 sedated in a metal box, super powered people are well known to exist in the world of Aegis, and as such are treated as an every day part of life. For the most part they are protected under law, and while they face some discrimination by the general populace, they aren't suppressed by the government in such severe ways.

I'd suggest you read your profile aloud as if you were talking naturally and reword it to make it flow better, adding commas, periods, and paragraph breaks.

@Bag o Fruit[/URL] I like your character's power, good explanation of it's working and down sides, but I would add more of a weakness than "He can't do other super powered things like dodge bullets" as, being at peak human fitness is far from a weakness. And frankly, not being able to doge a bullet is not something you'd expect unless you specifically had super speed

Their biography and personality are a little lacking. As I said to Virtual above, super powered people are known about as a fact of life, there's no manhut to bring them all in and register them. Sure, once a super's known about they are requested to register, which there is pretty much no down side to other than a limiter. In fact there are more up sides than down sides, such as specialised medical care :P

I'd rework their personality, try to be less conflicting with the brooding pesimist/hopeful optimist (seeing the good in everyone) factors.

For his bio, I'd clarify why his family were on the run, as the obvious reasons aren't obvious.

[QUOTE="Bag o Fruit]A few weeks ago, AEGIS agents found out Chris and his mother, imprisoned her, and sent him into screening, where he discovered that his strange skills (which his mother never talked about) were in fact 'superpowers'. With no friends or family, he was sent to an orphanage in Boston, where they were found.
This needs clearing up too, not to mention, there wouldn't be a manhunt for them as I've already stated. It reads to me as...

"He and his mother are discovered by commonwealth, she's locked in jail and he's sent to screening where his superpowers are noted. Afterwards he's sent into care (not an orphanage as his mother is still alive, he's not an orphan), where he and his mother are discovered by commonwealth."

Now, this obviously makes little sense, so I'd like some more clarification on what's happening, and to remove the being hunted by commonwealth factor of his background, as it doesn't fit with the setting.
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Here are my thoughts on the various applications already here. I'll try not to repeat what is already said, and if I do, sorry.

  • Full NameRiley Anne Zdunowski
    RoleSecurity Guard
    Eyes Brown
    Hair Brown (Varies)
    Height5’ 7” (Varies)
    BuildMuscular (Varies)
    LimiterLevel 4, Active
    NotesExtra finger on Right Hand
Okay, I'm going to start with powers, because wow that's not something I had ever thought of. Here goes; like is said already, they are very strong for the setting, and I'd definitely consider adding the weaknesses that Welian mentioned. Also, you said that the ability points are that high because it's her at her doped up. I would change that to how she is without any, or as little as she can, extra stuff in her system. To take the edge of, maybe make it harder to make large amounts? And how well can she control in what way she secrets these chemicals?

With the History/Personality tab, I only really have one question, which kind of goes back to the Powers tab too, can she make pure heroin if she only ever came into contact with the impure version? How did she sort out which chemical to make and which one was just uhm 'filler'? Other than that, looks good, I think.

Caragia said:
Blackwell, Safara
  • Full NameBlackwell, Safara
    RaceAfrican American, Kenyan Heritage
    Eyes Purple
    Hair Brown
    LimiterLevel 3, Active
    NotesShe wears a necklace as a memento of her mother. Safara wears it at all times and never takes it off. (Also sections marked with green ** is under construction.)
Caragia said:

    • Observant

    She believes that there are no irrelevant actions, that every shift in sentiment, every move and every idea is part of something bigger. To satisfy her curiosity, Safara tries to notice all of these things, and to never miss a moment.

    • Friendly

    Safara is approachable, interesting and exciting, with a cooperative and altruistic spirit and friendly, empathetic disposition. She's a people person.

    • Independent

    Safara is independent, almost to a fault. She loathes being micromanaged and restrained by heavy-handed rules – she wants to be seen as a highly independent master of her own fate, even possessing an altruistic wisdom that goes beyond draconian law. Because of this, she doesn't follow rules very well--they are made to be broken or she will make her own.



    Part of her childhood was in Kenya and her parents were killed by the terrorists.
Okay, the age thing is the first that jumped out at me, but that's still under construction so I'll leave it be. ONTO THE PERSONALITY! (I'm not going to mention the independent trait, since it's already been talked about) The traits look good, if a bit skeletal, especially without a backstory. This could be my personal preference speaking though, and likely with a backstory they will become more clear. ONTO POWERS! Lets be honest here, I had to read through them several times before I started understanding, and I still have a lot of questions. Lets get some clarity here first, she needs to have touched an animal to be able to take on their abilities? And I'm thinking it needs to be a conscious thought along the lines of "touching to take on ability" and not just a touch? How would this manifest? Would she change physically? How aware is she herself of the changes, since she can't cherry-pick abilities? For the secondary power, three things, one nice fit, two clearly said, and three, what are the limits? Is it easier to manipulate a dog than a chimp? How about when an animal is aware she is there? How does it work with humans, since they're technically animals too? Also, I'd consider adding a third weakness, since she is an A rank.

Aldur said:
  • Full NameMarcus James Davis
    Eyes Brown
    Hair Dark Brown
    LimiterLevel 1, Inactive
    NotesScar on eyebrow, tattoo of a floating Tibetan monk on his left shoulder. Earring on left ear.
I got to say, it looks amazing, especially that secondary power. Only one question, if he already has a lot of control, and no incidents (because the limiter is off) is he going in for his blue card?

[QUOTE="King Of Imagination]View attachment 246951
D'Avolo, Michael

  • Full NameMichael D'Avolo
    Eyes Gray-Blue
    Hair Black
    BuildTall, thin, now scrawny, just thin
    LimiterLevel 4
    NotesHe is attractive, well dressed, well spoken, and looks confident.

It looks good to me.

CHIMNY said:
Gabriel, Nexus
  • Full NameGabriel Nexus
    SubjectFirst Aid
    Eyes Blue
    Hair Black, slicked back. A small stubble.
    Height6ft 1
    BuildTall, very skinny.
    LimiterLevel 2 inactive
    NotesIf looked at VERY closely, Gabriels skin has a hexagonal pattern.
Okay, lets start with the heroism meter. You noted he was cruel as one of the traits, but he scores 7 on kindness? Also, you need a positive character trait too, or if you think sarcastic is the postive one (seems more like another negative but) you need another neutral one. Okay, this is the first time I've had a question regarding relations, but Andrew Macht isn't in the Facility, or did I miss something? Maybe clarify that he was a student in college or the lab(? where do pathologists work?) from before Nexus joined the Facility. As for powers, I think Giyari said most of what there was to say. Just one word, shedding? As for gallery, I don't know if it's applicable in this case, but it's preferred that you don't use actual photo's.

VirtualNotoriety said:
Vincent, Nathaniel
  • Full NameNathaniel Crimson Vincent
    Eyes Greenish Blue
    Hair Brown
Okay, personality traits. You say he's reckless, and aggressive because of it, and then list aggressive as it's own trait. In History, you say that he only recently, very, very recently, showed and tested for powers. However, he already has an alias, and he does he know what rank he is? How come? Also, the backstory and the heroism meter don't really match to me. Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't think that a police Captain with several medals isn't courageous, or at least somewhat kind. I know that there were things said about his powers, but I don't really have the time to read through all that was said, so be warned, I'll likely repeat someone. First of, wow another person with healing skills. I understand the appeal, but I'd consider carefully reading through the accepted characters so you know you don't look too similar. Also, I'll be very fair, it's hard to understand what you mean. At least consider adding another weakness. Also, I don't understand the secondary power of active brain. First of, why is that 50% sign there? Second of, how would a super whose superpower is primarily based on healing be significantly smarter than a super whose powers are primarily based on cognizance? For the secondary power of healing blood, it seems a bit strong to be secondary, the way it is. Maybe limit it based on things like bloodtype? I won't offer any commentary on his primary power, because I just don't really understand it.

  • Full NameChristopher Markus Kravitz
    RaceWhite, slightly Asian
    Eyes Blue
    Hair Black
    BuildThin but muscular
    LimiterLevel 1, active

Okay, the last one. For now. Personality! The first trait immediately sparked a question, because unassuming doesn't actually mean, doesn't make assumptions, it means 'Not pretentious or arrogant; modest' which is definitely a good trait, but it doesn't fit the description, which, also, is a good trait. The same goes for pugnacious, which means 'Eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight' again, good trait, not so fitting the description, same for the description, good trait, not so fitting the word. (I totally copied these definitions for the online Oxford dictionary btw). For the history, and I know that Giyari just made a post partially about that, how did he figure out that it was Commonwealth that killed his dad? I know that I had things figured out that proved to be monumentally untrue, so how can he be so sure to hate the entire Commonwealth? Oh, and the 'hunted by Commonwealth' returns in the relationship tab, so consider rewording that too. ONTO POWERS! Which... I think everything that I would say has already been said. So... that was an anticlimax.

I'm going to say it at the bottom again, but I sincerely apologize if I'm repeating someone, I wrote this while others where also commenting, and that makes it hard to take everything into consideration. Also, I don't mean any of this in a mean or rude way, and if I seem blunt, it's just that, well, I'm blunt irl too.

RemainingQuestions said:
Here are my thoughts on the various applications already here. I'll try not to repeat what is already said, and if I do, sorry.
Okay, I'm going to start with powers, because wow that's not something I had ever thought of. Here goes; like is said already, they are very strong for the setting, and I'd definitely consider adding the weaknesses that Welian mentioned. Also, you said that the ability points are that high because it's her at her doped up. I would change that to how she is without any, or as little as she can, extra stuff in her system. To take the edge of, maybe make it harder to make large amounts? And how well can she control in what way she secrets these chemicals?

With the History/Personality tab, I only really have one question, which kind of goes back to the Powers tab too, can she make pure heroin if she only ever came into contact with the impure version? How did she sort out which chemical to make and which one was just uhm 'filler'? Other than that, looks good, I think.

Okay, the age thing is the first that jumped out at me, but that's still under construction so I'll leave it be. ONTO THE PERSONALITY! (I'm not going to mention the independent trait, since it's already been talked about) The traits look good, if a bit skeletal, especially without a backstory. This could be my personal preference speaking though, and likely with a backstory they will become more clear. ONTO POWERS! Lets be honest here, I had to read through them several times before I started understanding, and I still have a lot of questions. Lets get some clarity here first, she needs to have touched an animal to be able to take on their abilities? And I'm thinking it needs to be a conscious thought along the lines of "touching to take on ability" and not just a touch? How would this manifest? Would she change physically? How aware is she herself of the changes, since she can't cherry-pick abilities? For the secondary power, three things, one nice fit, two clearly said, and three, what are the limits? Is it easier to manipulate a dog than a chimp? How about when an animal is aware she is there? How does it work with humans, since they're technically animals too? Also, I'd consider adding a third weakness, since she is an A rank.

I got to say, it looks amazing, especially that secondary power. Only one question, if he already has a lot of control, and no incidents (because the limiter is off) is he going in for his blue card?

It looks good to me.

Okay, lets start with the heroism meter. You noted he was cruel as one of the traits, but he scores 7 on kindness? Also, you need a positive character trait too, or if you think sarcastic is the postive one (seems more like another negative but) you need another neutral one. Okay, this is the first time I've had a question regarding relations, but Andrew Macht isn't in the Facility, or did I miss something? Maybe clarify that he was a student in college or the lab(? where do pathologists work?) from before Nexus joined the Facility. As for powers, I think Giyari said most of what there was to say. Just one word, shedding? As for gallery, I don't know if it's applicable in this case, but it's preferred that you don't use actual photo's.

Okay, personality traits. You say he's reckless, and aggressive because of it, and then list aggressive as it's own trait. In History, you say that he only recently, very, very recently, showed and tested for powers. However, he already has an alias, and he does he know what rank he is? How come? Also, the backstory and the heroism meter don't really match to me. Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't think that a police Captain with several medals isn't courageous, or at least somewhat kind. I know that there were things said about his powers, but I don't really have the time to read through all that was said, so be warned, I'll likely repeat someone. First of, wow another person with healing skills. I understand the appeal, but I'd consider carefully reading through the accepted characters so you know you don't look too similar. Also, I'll be very fair, it's hard to understand what you mean. At least consider adding another weakness. Also, I don't understand the secondary power of active brain. First of, why is that 50% sign there? Second of, how would a super whose superpower is primarily based on healing be significantly smarter than a super whose powers are primarily based on cognizance? For the secondary power of healing blood, it seems a bit strong to be secondary, the way it is. Maybe limit it based on things like bloodtype? I won't offer any commentary on his primary power, because I just don't really understand it.

Okay, the last one. For now. Personality! The first trait immediately sparked a question, because unassuming doesn't actually mean, doesn't make assumptions, it means 'Not pretentious or arrogant; modest' which is definitely a good trait, but it doesn't fit the description, which, also, is a good trait. The same goes for pugnacious, which means 'Eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight' again, good trait, not so fitting the description, same for the description, good trait, not so fitting the word. (I totally copied these definitions for the online Oxford dictionary btw). For the history, and I know that Giyari just made a post partially about that, how did he figure out that it was Commonwealth that killed his dad? I know that I had things figured out that proved to be monumentally untrue, so how can he be so sure to hate the entire Commonwealth? Oh, and the 'hunted by Commonwealth' returns in the relationship tab, so consider rewording that too. ONTO POWERS! Which... I think everything that I would say has already been said. So... that was an anticlimax.

I'm going to say it at the bottom again, but I sincerely apologize if I'm repeating someone, I wrote this while others where also commenting, and that makes it hard to take everything into consideration. Also, I don't mean any of this in a mean or rude way, and if I seem blunt, it's just that, well, I'm blunt irl too.
The way I thought the heroism meter was that the left side=negative and right side=positive that's why there are two shades of red
RemainingQuestions said:
Here are my thoughts on the various applications already here. I'll try not to repeat what is already said, and if I do, sorry.
Okay, I'm going to start with powers, because wow that's not something I had ever thought of. Here goes; like is said already, they are very strong for the setting, and I'd definitely consider adding the weaknesses that Welian mentioned. Also, you said that the ability points are that high because it's her at her doped up. I would change that to how she is without any, or as little as she can, extra stuff in her system. To take the edge of, maybe make it harder to make large amounts? And how well can she control in what way she secrets these chemicals?

With the History/Personality tab, I only really have one question, which kind of goes back to the Powers tab too, can she make pure heroin if she only ever came into contact with the impure version? How did she sort out which chemical to make and which one was just uhm 'filler'? Other than that, looks good, I think.

Okay, the age thing is the first that jumped out at me, but that's still under construction so I'll leave it be. ONTO THE PERSONALITY! (I'm not going to mention the independent trait, since it's already been talked about) The traits look good, if a bit skeletal, especially without a backstory. This could be my personal preference speaking though, and likely with a backstory they will become more clear. ONTO POWERS! Lets be honest here, I had to read through them several times before I started understanding, and I still have a lot of questions. Lets get some clarity here first, she needs to have touched an animal to be able to take on their abilities? And I'm thinking it needs to be a conscious thought along the lines of "touching to take on ability" and not just a touch? How would this manifest? Would she change physically? How aware is she herself of the changes, since she can't cherry-pick abilities? For the secondary power, three things, one nice fit, two clearly said, and three, what are the limits? Is it easier to manipulate a dog than a chimp? How about when an animal is aware she is there? How does it work with humans, since they're technically animals too? Also, I'd consider adding a third weakness, since she is an A rank.

I got to say, it looks amazing, especially that secondary power. Only one question, if he already has a lot of control, and no incidents (because the limiter is off) is he going in for his blue card?

It looks good to me.

Okay, lets start with the heroism meter. You noted he was cruel as one of the traits, but he scores 7 on kindness? Also, you need a positive character trait too, or if you think sarcastic is the postive one (seems more like another negative but) you need another neutral one. Okay, this is the first time I've had a question regarding relations, but Andrew Macht isn't in the Facility, or did I miss something? Maybe clarify that he was a student in college or the lab(? where do pathologists work?) from before Nexus joined the Facility. As for powers, I think Giyari said most of what there was to say. Just one word, shedding? As for gallery, I don't know if it's applicable in this case, but it's preferred that you don't use actual photo's.

Okay, personality traits. You say he's reckless, and aggressive because of it, and then list aggressive as it's own trait. In History, you say that he only recently, very, very recently, showed and tested for powers. However, he already has an alias, and he does he know what rank he is? How come? Also, the backstory and the heroism meter don't really match to me. Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't think that a police Captain with several medals isn't courageous, or at least somewhat kind. I know that there were things said about his powers, but I don't really have the time to read through all that was said, so be warned, I'll likely repeat someone. First of, wow another person with healing skills. I understand the appeal, but I'd consider carefully reading through the accepted characters so you know you don't look too similar. Also, I'll be very fair, it's hard to understand what you mean. At least consider adding another weakness. Also, I don't understand the secondary power of active brain. First of, why is that 50% sign there? Second of, how would a super whose superpower is primarily based on healing be significantly smarter than a super whose powers are primarily based on cognizance? For the secondary power of healing blood, it seems a bit strong to be secondary, the way it is. Maybe limit it based on things like bloodtype? I won't offer any commentary on his primary power, because I just don't really understand it.

Okay, the last one. For now. Personality! The first trait immediately sparked a question, because unassuming doesn't actually mean, doesn't make assumptions, it means 'Not pretentious or arrogant; modest' which is definitely a good trait, but it doesn't fit the description, which, also, is a good trait. The same goes for pugnacious, which means 'Eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight' again, good trait, not so fitting the description, same for the description, good trait, not so fitting the word. (I totally copied these definitions for the online Oxford dictionary btw). For the history, and I know that Giyari just made a post partially about that, how did he figure out that it was Commonwealth that killed his dad? I know that I had things figured out that proved to be monumentally untrue, so how can he be so sure to hate the entire Commonwealth? Oh, and the 'hunted by Commonwealth' returns in the relationship tab, so consider rewording that too. ONTO POWERS! Which... I think everything that I would say has already been said. So... that was an anticlimax.

I'm going to say it at the bottom again, but I sincerely apologize if I'm repeating someone, I wrote this while others where also commenting, and that makes it hard to take everything into consideration. Also, I don't mean any of this in a mean or rude way, and if I seem blunt, it's just that, well, I'm blunt irl too.
Thanks! Gonna work on them. Also I didnt notice that the image was not working xD
VirtualNotoriety said:
The way I thought the heroism meter was that the left side=negative and right side=positive that's why there are two shades of red
I'm pretty sure it's just a range from 1 to 9, where numbers like 3 fall on the 'negative' side and numbers like 7 fall on the 'positive' side.
RemainingQuestions said:
I'm pretty sure it's just a range from 1 to 9, where numbers like 3 fall on the 'negative' side and numbers like 7 fall on the 'positive' side.
That's one way to look at it. I always thought of it as 5 being average, not pulled to any particular trait - someone who has all fives in the meter would be a very dull and average person, personality-wise.
welian said:
That's one way to look at it. I always thought of it as 5 being average, not pulled to any particular trait - someone who has all fives in the meter would be a very dull and average person, personality-wise.
That is what I meant! I was going to make an elaborate metaphor with a seesaw, but well, that was too elaborate.
Side note - if you guys are able to keep this roleplay active through July, even August, I will consider applying for a Hosted Project.
RemainingQuestions said:
I got to say, it looks amazing, especially that secondary power. Only one question, if he already has a lot of control, and no incidents (because the limiter is off) is he going in for his blue card?
He wants to be able to fully control his powers. As in, no more randomly floating around.
welian said:
applying for a Hosted Project.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/1457211434456.jpg.a13a5d5fc985d7a7a1271c0fb450ea97.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110761" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/1457211434456.jpg.a13a5d5fc985d7a7a1271c0fb450ea97.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 1457211434456.jpg
    72.1 KB · Views: 52
VirtualNotoriety said:
Vincent, Nathaniel
  • Full NameNathaniel Crimson Vincent
    Eyes Greenish Blue
    Hair Brown


One of the Co-GM's said that recruitment starts at he 8th of March Again
Nate's power is very similar to my character, Leo's, lol. Mine is molecular regeneration instead.

I'm a little bit confused though. So is he like the lizards that detach their tails and grow them back?

And I'm not sure if I understand the extent of heightened brain activity. I personally feel like his brain would be over flooding with different signals as his body is regenerating. So I'm not entirely sure that he would be able to utilize his brain activity exactly to that degree. Heightened senses makes sense, and maybe better reactionary times. But that also brings me to the question of how is his pain tolerance? xD I imagine any kind of regeneration hurts a lot.

  • Full Name Isabella (Izzy) Chase
    Race Alaska Native
    Eyes Icy Blue
    Hair Silver Gray
    BuildFragile Small
    LimiterLevel 2, Active.
    Notes A large pair of furred ears that Izzy attempts to always keep covered. A long slender tail at the base of back about seven feet in length.
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