OOC Discussion

One of my friends is thinking about joining and he was thinking about making a ah, morally ambiguous, surgeon. Would that fit, because I know someone was talking about making a super nice nurse as a second character on discord.
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]Play up the negative aspects of that independent streak. I personally think you have an oppertunity to use sayings as the traits names and you are squandering it!
Lone Wolf: ..

Hmmm.... Then I should not squander it...
RemainingQuestions said:
One of my friends is thinking about joining and he was thinking about making a ah, morally ambiguous, surgeon. Would that fit, because I know someone was talking about making a super nice nurse as a second character on discord.
A surgeon in particular might not fit, but as long as the character is qualified and licensed to be a general physician (and therefore be the facility's nurse/medic/whatever), then it's fine. It would just be difficult to fit a pure surgeon into the story without bringing up subplots that the students are not involved in yet.

@Teh Frixz Last night, I did say that the powers were the section that I hadn't yet read. There's definitely a cap on ability points based on rank. You'll have to modify your character's points based on that limit, but it's alright. To be quite honest, everyone in the RP knows that the points are a load of crap anyways, and that they only get used in special events (like the snowball fight we just had), and so that we can compare characters to each other.
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]Oh fie on you Weli for such trickery ;)

Sorry!! This is why I tend to save reviewing stuff for the morning. People have a way of asking me things riiiiight as I'm going to bed.
welian said:
Three reports, two tab requests, an item in the moderation queue, some posts in the staff forum, and the rest were this thread. I don't even have glasses on yet.
You have five days.
is my character accepted? *waits nervously
VirtualNotoriety said:
is my character accepted? *waits nervously
Not yet, I'm still going through my daily staff routine. I've yet to read these profiles, honestly. However, feel free to revise as much as you'd like to, and do consider taking any advice or critique from the other RPers in here.

  • Full NameMarcus James Davis
    Eyes Brown
    Hair Dark Brown
    NotesScar on eyebrow, tattoo of a floating Tibetan monk on his left shoulder. Earring on left ear.
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D'Avolo, Michael

  • Full NameMichael D'Avolo
    RaceItalian American
    Eyes Gray-Blue
    Hair Black
    BuildTall, thin, now scrawny, just thin
    LimiterLevel 4
    NotesHe is attractive, well dressed, well spoken, and looks confident.



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@Teh Frixz

Your writing is solid, and Riley's got a very interesting personality, but after reading the superpowers section I do feel she's too over-powered for this setting.

I have some suggestions for major limits for you to consider: An inability to produce chemicals that the body cannot naturally produce (or the opposite, perhaps she can produce non-bodily chemicals, but is unable to affect her normal, innate ones); a resistance to the chemicals she produces such as insulin, dopamine, serotonin, etc.; liver or kidney damage from the various compounds that her body may not be equipped to handle in toxic amounts; or any combination thereof.

The general idea is that the side effects and weaknesses of a power ought to be as severe as the power itself. As her power is not strictly catastropically destructive, it may also be worth considering lowering her to an A rank, especially if the powers can be (relatively) easily controlled or managed.


On a side note, the only official co-GM is Giyari. However, the other players are absolutely right, I am recruiting again starting today!

First things first - please run your app through Word or some other document editing program. It's rife with capitalization errors. Once you've done that, as well as clarified the totals on the heroism meter, repost the app for further review.


Tag me again when you're done! Also I will be very sad if her profile is not chock-full of animal puns.


A simple and straightfoward character, I love him already. He seems better suited for a D rank, though I can understand wanting a limiter just so that he doesn't go floating off into the sunset.

@King Of Imagination

Try and get a little more detail into those personality traits, and make sure to add the numeric totals into the heroism meter.
And since that's done, I'm off to go visit the hospital now. @Giyari is in charge while I'm gone, and @TheDox will be assisting people who need help with the bbcode.

Interestingly enough, I sort of took that into consideration in regards to the inorganic v organic generation. Would it be possible to keep that as it ties into the story and remove secondary/

tertiary abilities instead?

As for control over the abilities, I think it should be made clear that she is terrible at controlling them. Sure can focus for short periods of time on creating a drug or something but when not collared the slightest imbalance can cause catastrophic changes.
welian said:
just so that he doesn't go floating off into the sunset.
I can imagine that would be pretty annoying for all the parties involved.
Gabriel, Nexus

  • Full NameGabriel Nexus
    SubjectFirst Aid
    Eyes Blue
    Hair Black, slicked back. A small stubble.
    Height6ft 1
    BuildTall, very skinny.
    LimiterLevel 2 inactive
    NotesIf looked at VERY closely, Gabriels skin has a hexagonal pattern.
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[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]Healing factors, healing factors everywhere.

My dream super power is complete control over bowel movements.
Teh Frixz] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11743-welian/ said:
Interestingly enough, I sort of took that into consideration in regards to the inorganic v organic generation. Would it be possible to keep that as it ties into the story and remove secondary/

tertiary abilities instead?

As for control over the abilities, I think it should be made clear that she is terrible at controlling them. Sure can focus for short periods of time on creating a drug or something but when not collared the slightest imbalance can cause catastrophic changes.
If you've thought about that you'll need to clarify it on your profile, as it sits I actually found i hard to work out what her power was. Chemical generation and then a list of increased bodily functions didn't immediately click in my head. A little more clarity would be a great help in solidifying her power. As for secondary power, I think it's not a bad one, so long as it comes from her body, and isn't randomly generated in the environment, so I'd actually leave it. It makes sense. :)

Weaknesses, as Welian said, should be more than "bad at controlling" or something along those lines. It needs to be a solid active down side to her power, especially at her level.

For example, maybe the presence of chemical residues in her body make her highly inflammable, meaning she must avoid open flames and excess heat or else she burns. Liver and kidney damage from the chemical's would have a high impact on her mobility, stamina, and strength meaning power usage knocks her out of it for a day or so after.

Merely "Bad at control" or mental instability are fairly subjective to the writer, and could be compared with the age old weakness "My character tires easily", which as we all know, is usually ignored by the writer as said character steamrollers everything till there's nothing left and then, suddenly needs a nap.

Oh! And in their bio actually! You've stated "Now at seventeen, she is quite nearly finished with her weekly schooling" but they're 20 and a qualified security guard. You might want to go through that and make sure it all fits the character you want her to be this time around :P
Sorry about posting too early the other day. I was under the impression that we were free to apply until the eighth. D: Alright, posting an updated version with the full benefit of TheDox and Manic Muse's expert opinions :)
I'll clean it up a tad and refocus on the intent. I think retooling it back towards concept would work better: A human body capable of overclocking on chemicals. The idea was to make her pumped so full of adrenaline/serotonin as well as foreign things in her system that she'd literally be leaking them.

And yeah, forgot to update age :P
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]A human body capable of overclocking on chemicals. The idea was to make her pumped so full of adrenaline/serotonin as well as foreign things in her system that she'd literally be leaking them.

Boom! That already makes more sense! :D
yo @King Of Imagination I fixed your shit

[sh]D'Avolo, Michael[/sh]

[Tabs][Tab=General Info][row][column=span4][table=none]
[tr][td]Full Name[/td][td]Michael D'Avolo[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Eyes [/td][td]Gray-Blue[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Hair [/td][td]Black[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Build[/td][td]Tall, thin, now scrawny, just thin[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Limiter[/td][td]Level 4[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Notes[/td][td]He is attractive, well dressed, well spoken, and looks confident.[/td][/tr]
[Tab=Biography][b]Heroism Meter[/b]
[table=none][tr][th]Less Heroic[/th][th]Points[/th][th]More Heroic[/th][th]Total[/th][th]Description[/th][/tr]


[/td][td]Courageous[/td][td]00[/td][td]Do they have a pair of steel, or do they prefer to exit before chaos strikes?[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]Altruistic[/td][td]00[/td][td]Are they motivated to help others, or do they help themselves first?[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]Orderly[/td][td]00[/td][td]Are laws and regulations "suggestions", or written in stone?[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]Kind[/td][td]00[/td][td]Are they genuinely nice to people, or do they enjoy causing distress?[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]Proactive[/td][td]00[/td][td]Are they content to watch events unfold, or do they jump in and guide things?[/td][/tr]

Charismatic: Michael is a charismatic young man, speaks intelligently and with purpose, and knows how to talk to people to get them to like him and do what he wants

Quick-witted: He's very quick to understand and respond with sharp, concise answers. This can be good for understanding someone and responding how they want, or making quick, sharp remarks to spite someone.

Confident: He is powerful, and he knows he is. This can sometimes be seen as cocky, but this can also attract people to him.

Narcissistic: He loves himself, thinks very highly of himself. He feels superior to others, and he's definitely a narcissist.

Michael spent his early years in Italy with his twin sister Gabriella. They were raised by a single parent, their father, until he was murdered in cold blood for his Mafia connections. They were orphaned, and sent to America to live with their only living relatives, their father's second cousin and his wife. They were humans who were incredibly anti-super, and when they found that the twins had the super gene, they treated the two horribly, verging on abuse. After a couple of years, however, the family "disappeared" leaving the twins to move between foster homes.

Over the years mysterious disappearances continued, and after a few years the twins were arrested for inciting a riot which resulted in the injury of some normal humans(normies). They were sentenced to two years and some rehabilitation therapy, and now they are attending Facility 108 in addition to any outside schooling.
[Tab=Relationships][b]Gabriella D'Avolo[/b]
Twin Sister[/Tab]


[/td][td]03[/td][td]The ability to resist illness and recover quickly from injuries, overall health.[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]02[/td][td]Physical strength, the ability to strike hard, lift heavy objects, and so on.[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]02[/td][td]Endurance and stamina, the ability to take a hit and still keep going.[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]04[/td][td]Speed, dexterity, nimbleness - agility is the ability to move quickly.[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]07[/td][td]Not book smarts, but the ability to perceive and retain lots of information.[/td][/tr]


[/td][td]08[/td][td]Strength of mind, the ability to stay focused and determined.[/td][/tr]

[b]Primary Power[/b]

Using his mind, Michael can create force that can be used for a variety of uses, including but not limited to; moving shit, adding force to punches, kicks, and projectiles, flight, protective force fields, creating vacuums, etc... There are obviously weight limits, distance limits, etc.


There is a weight limit. Just like lifting weights, there is a maximum, but also just like lifting weights, the more you do it, the stronger you get, and the higher the maximum weight gets. There is definitely a cap, even if you continue to exercise it. Right now, his max weight is about that of a CUV.

He can only use his telekinesis on things within line of sight. The further away something is, the harder it is to affect. Additionally, living things often struggle, so it's hard to do it on them as well.

Using it too much can lead to migraines and nosebleeds. However, just like exercise, the more he does it, the longer he can go without getting a headache or a nosebleed.
[Tab=Gallery][ATTACH=full]246951[/ATTACH] [/Tab][/Tabs]
ohh as for synth chemicals, she'll not generate them naturally but able to synthesize them if put into her system.
Vincent, Nathaniel

  • Full NameNathaniel Crimson Vincent
    Eyes Greenish Blue
    Hair Brown


One of the Co-GM's said that recruitment starts at he 8th of March Again

*welian told me that you are the only other GM in the Rp other from helpers, so is it better?
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