OOC Discussion

Manic Muse] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24836-virtualnotoriety/ said:
@VirtualNotoriety[/URL] Just an FYI you may want to look at the active member from Critical Error, character name Leo De Luca. They seem to have very close powers to the one you selected. I am unsure if duplicate powers are being allowed.
I think they're probably allowed. Not necessarily an amazing idea though, depending on how those involved feel about it; it could be a little... is repetitive the word? I'm sure you know what I'm getting at here, anyway.

VirtualNotoriety said:
when did he post his Character?
I believe her character has been in existance since the beginning of the RP.
TheDox said:
I think they're probably allowed. Not necessarily an amazing idea though, depending on how those involved feel about it; it could be a little... is repetitive the word? I'm sure you know what I'm getting at here, anyway.
I believe her character has been in existance since the beginning of the RP.
Oh... so I guess i'm the Second one to have a Regenerative Character
There seems to also be some confusion on the front of the stats for some. This is the guide line we were told to follow. I would find it odd for Weli to change it for one person. So I am just going to put this up and Weli can sort this out. Maybe I am misunderstanding some of the conversation.

"Each ability has its description next to it. Based on that description, and your character’s powers and rank, you distribute your allotted points as you feel fit. Each ability needs to have at least one point in it and obviously, none can go above nine. You could choose to have your character be exceptionally good at one or two abilities and normal levels in the rest, or be a well-rounded super who is pretty decent in almost every aspect.

The cumulative total for each rank is as follows:

  • E: 9 to 11 points
  • D: 12 to 14 points
  • C: 15 to 17 points
  • B: 18 to 20 points
  • A: 21 to 23 points
  • S: 24 to 26 points

You might find during this allocation, that you don’t need as many points as you thought you did to express your character’s abilities. That actually happened to me – I thought I would be making an A ranked super and when I finally sat down to work on his profile, I found that B rank was perfectly sufficient. “But Welian, you could have used those extra points!” In what? Something that didn’t match up with his powers? Remember, there’s no combat system in this roleplay. These points are for visualizing our characters’ strengths and weaknesses, not figuring out who can piss the furthest."
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[QUOTE="Manic Muse]There seems to also be some confusion on the front of the stats for some. This is the guide line we were told to follow. I would find it odd for Weli to change it for one person. So I am just going to put this up and Weli can sort this out. Maybe I am misunderstanding some of the conversation.
"Each ability has its description next to it. Based on that description, and your character’s powers and rank, you distribute your allotted points as you feel fit. Each ability needs to have at least one point in it and obviously, none can go above nine. You could choose to have your character be exceptionally good at one or two abilities and normal levels in the rest, or be a well-rounded super who is pretty decent in almost every aspect.

The cumulative total for each rank is as follows:

  • E: 9 to 11 points
  • D: 12 to 14 points
  • C: 15 to 17 points
  • B: 18 to 20 points
  • A: 21 to 23 points
  • S: 24 to 26 points

You might find during this allocation, that you don’t need as many points as you thought you did to express your character’s abilities. That actually happened to me – I thought I would be making an A ranked super and when I finally sat down to work on his profile, I found that B rank was perfectly sufficient. “But Welian, you could have used those extra points!” In what? Something that didn’t match up with his powers? Remember, there’s no combat system in this roleplay. These points are for visualizing our characters’ strengths and weaknesses, not figuring out who can piss the furthest."

And well he has Better Regeneration Than Nathan so I guess he could become his Mentor and well Nathan was an Officer of the Law so he knows how to follow orders

I can see where you are coming from but a few things I would keep in mind.

  • Weli may not allow duplicate powers. You may have to scrap the entire power and start over. As there is a whole wiki site dedicated to different powers, there are many to pick from. I would suggest planning for a back up.
  • Ranking, IF your character is allowed with powers as is, I would find it even less likely they would want two S ranks running around with same powers.
  • Ranking can be determined by many factors. Like my character can produce fire. However, she is limited in her creation of it. Not to mention handicapped by her emotional state being the trigger for creation of the fire. So while her power could have been more destructive, her limitation leave her at a C ranking. These are important things to keep in mind. Much like with your character, the onset of this gift was realized much later in life, therefore the adaptability of such skill may not be as great.
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Manic Muse] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24836-virtualnotoriety/ said:
I can see where you are coming from but a few things I would keep in mind.

  • Weli may not allow duplicate powers. You may have to scrape the entire power and start over. As there is a whole wiki site dedicated to different powers, there are many to pick from. I would suggest planning for a back up.
  • Ranking, IF your character is allowed with powers as is, I would find it even less likely they would want two S ranks running around with same powers.
  • Ranking can be determined by many factors. Like my character can produce fire. However, she is limited in her creation of it. Not to mention handicapped by her emotional state being the trigger for creation of the fire. So while her power could have been more destructive, her limitation leave her at a C ranking. These are important things to keep in mind. Much like with your character, the onset of this gift was realized much later in life, therefore the adaptability of such skill may not be as great.
Ok I had a Backup planned already just incase
Blackwell, Safara

  • Full NameBlackwell, Safara
    RaceAfrican American, Kenyan Heritage
    Eyes Purple
    Hair Brown
    LimiterLevel 3, Active
    NotesShe wears a necklace as a memento of her mother. Safara wears it at all times and never takes it off. (Also sections marked with green ** is under construction.)
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VirtualNotoriety said:
Okay Security :D and well First I planned Nathan to be an S rank because well Regeneration should be an S Rank
A cellular regeneration power would probably ranked C if not B. It did not pose any harm to society.

Also you should add that even though he practically immortal he could still be defeated/taken down with tranquilizer and such
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[QUOTE="too much idea]A cellular regeneration power would probably ranked C if not B. It did not pose any harm to society.
Also you should add that even though he practically immortal he could still be defeated/taken down with tranquilizer and such

um dude regeneration is strong and its based on the point system
VirtualNotoriety said:
um dude regeneration is strong and its based on the point system

DThe lowest rank of supers, sometimes their powers barely trip the detection tests. D Ranks often have extremely low-key abilities that are simple to control or cause very little disruption.
CThe lower-middle rank of supers. Their powers are still rather specific and simple, but have a wider range or greater effect than D Rank. One of the most common ranks. Level One limiter required.
BUpper-middle rank. Decently powerful supers, considered to be versatile without the heavy-handedness of upper ranks. One of the most common ranks. Level Two limiter required.
AUpper rank, very powerful supers. They're quite capable of mayhem and destruction without proper training, and even their secondary powers can be dangerous. Level Three limiter required.
SHighest rank, very rare. Capable of catastrophic destruction, and always possesses multiple supplementary powers. Level Four limiter required at all times.
'Regeneration' is not capable of catastrophic destruction and did it's secondary powers are not dangerous as well. It's strong, because it make the user almost impossible to kill (Example: Heroes's Claire Bennet)
Caragia said:
Any questions about my character Safara?
Does she also retain the animalistic features? Say, fur and if so then fur patterns, fangs, whiskers and all that?
No. I'm basing my girl off of Vixen. Instead of having a pendant that gives her powers, she was born with them. (Also, I know she wears a necklace at all times, but it's simply that--a necklace.) For reference, here's a video of Vixen. (Skip to :31.)

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@too much idea Just want to mention, CRiTiCAL ERR0R's character also has regeneration power, and he is ranked S.

@Caragia Superpowers section looks fine so far, although I'm not too good at judging this :P For personality section, I think you need to add one required negative trait since all of them look positive. Except if I misread and one of those is supposed to be negative.
ViAdvena said:
Superpowers section looks fine so far, although I'm not too good at judging this :P For personality section, I think you need to add one required negative trait since all of them look positive. Except if I misread and one of those is supposed to be negative.
She does have a negative trait:

Caragia said:
  • Independent

Safara is independent, almost to a fault. She loathes being micromanaged and restrained by heavy-handed rules – she wants to be seen as a highly independent master of her own fate, even possessing an altruistic wisdom that goes beyond draconian law. Because of this, she doesn't follow rules very well--they are made to be broken or she will make her own.
@Caragia Yeah, independent usually has a positive connotation. It's written in positive tone and doesn't seem to have any negative effect on her, that's why I thought it's a positive trait.

And yes @welian, go read all of them :v
So my personality section needs to be Under Construction then... (>_>)
Three reports, two tab requests, an item in the moderation queue, some posts in the staff forum, and the rest were this thread. I don't even have glasses on yet.

Caragia said:
So my personality section needs to be Under Construction then... (>_>)
You have five days.
Play up the negative aspects of that independent streak. I personally think you have an oppertunity to use sayings as the traits names and you are squandering it!

Lone Wolf: ...

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