OOC Discussion

Switch to Red's Last Turn

Keep in mind that to win, a team needed to reach 20 points. As such I would like to invite you to consider creating whatever chaos your little super teen hearts might desire. Either way, there is going to be a time skip at the end of the event tomorrow night as Tuesday will become the posting Sabbath this week. This will allow time to start the 5 day process of accepting any new members who are interested.

Posting will resume on Wednesday.
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[QUOTE="Robin man]A quick question. Do you mind if I join in as well? I understand completly if you have enough people already

Apps open tomorrow to the general public, so you'll have five days to throw a profile into the OOC and see how it's received.
I am interested in joining! I've got my character, kinda-sort-a, sorted out. If I post it here, could you guys let me know what needs to be changed???
Caragia said:
I am interested in joining! I've got my character, kinda-sort-a, sorted out. If I post it here, could you guys let me know what needs to be changed???
Absolutely, that's exactly how the app process works here. Just wait about 3 or 4 hours, until it's officially the 8th where I am.
Caragia said:
OK great! (And I guess you're EST too huh? ( :P ))
Yup! Part of the reason the RP is set in Baltimore, is because I was there for school for two years. And it's got a reputation for crime, soooo... it could use the superpowered law enforcement.
OK... could you give me more info on those terrorists? (@ManicMuse gave me a VERY quicknotes rundown of the story.)
Caragia said:
OK... could you give me more info on those terrorists? (@ManicMuse gave me a VERY quicknotes rundown of the story.)
welian said:
What was the Rapture incident?
The incident in question was a series of attacks by a terrorist group called Rapture, against the Commonwealth agency’s headquarters in Washington DC. It seems noble in concept – the leader was fighting against corruption within Commonwealth, and destroyed the laboratories where illegal experimentation was taking place.

In reality, there was a lot of urban warfare. Buildings were heavily damage, deranged and unstable supers broke free from their containment cells and rampaged through the city, and dozens of lives were lost on all sides. Afterward, investigations were conducted, most of Commonwealth’s bureaucrats were purged, and the agency was temporarily shut down while new blood was brought it. It was a huge scandal, and was much of the driving force behind SILPA.
Rapture had two major motivations, both involving events that have not yet come up in the roleplay and are therefore spoilers. The most I can tell you is that there was a hostage situation, and some very untrustworthy people were almost given a very dangerous weapon.

EDIT: As for OTHER terrorist groups, none have been featured in the story just yet. ;3 You haven't missed anything.
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ok... so I could write that my character's parents were casualties in the battle....
OK thanks...

EDIT: Crud... I need to fix her age if she's going to be a student in Aegis...
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It’s time to p-p-p-p-plot!

Okay everyone! Since the exam is going to end soon, and the posting break is tomorrow, I’d like everyone to take the time to start splitting into smaller RP groups. Students will be heading to their normal class…. Which class would that be? Well, that’s up to you.

Right now, we have six teachers and twelve students (thirteen if we count Alb, who was unable to post during the exam but will be joining in on the normal posting after Tuesday). This means that in order to split everyone up evenly, we’re looking at six RP groups consisting of one teacher and two students (three, if any new RPers send in new student characters).

Therefore, we all need to sit down – here in the OOC thread where everyone can participate, not just the people in the Discord server – and determine what classes we would like our student characters to participate in first.

For the teacher characters – don’t panic if it seems no one is interested in RPing your class right now. If things shift around and we end up with, say, four class groups with three students each, then that leaves two teachers free for some fancy plotting I’d like to roll out.

TL;DR: Teacher characters (@Swimswamswom @Chibii @ViAdvena @Cheshire Smile @TheDaftStudent) to form the basic groups of the in-class scenes we will be RPing next. Faculty characters (@Giyari @Lazy Rocktime @Manic Muse) will be receiving a PM from me shortly. New roleplayers will be absorbed into the groups as they join the RP.
I'm getting one of two things out of this

If I get students, a chance to torment some students

If I don't, a free pass for Borislav to sit at his desk and be the edgy little fuck he is, staring out of the nearest window
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Oh hey wow. Would you look at that. An entire character all done already. Better wait half an hour or so to post it.
And Mental Discipline is where I'd have my student study....


I'm standing by for dat sweet PM, welly.

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