OOC Chivalry

So, you're buying 4 copies Terraria and just passing them out to us? :D (if so, already has, so doesn't need a copy)
Terraria's a real pain to play together though. I'm considering just throwing copies of Icky guns at all of you and getting a 4-pack of Borderlands 2, since that game's pretty fun on multiplayer. I'm not sure how decent the PC port is tho.
Welp, whatev you want, I have a blast playing Terraria Multiplayer, but I can always find someone else to play it with XP besides, Borderlands sounds fun too :3
@Elle Joyner

To clarify, the terrain is flat, but the brush around the group is thick and brambly. It comes up to about the chest and the waist, depending. You can't see into the town, since the walls are raised about 15 ft high, roundabouts. The land is cleared around the town, and the path that goes around the town, but the rest is thick with brush. So they're kinda forced together.

Also, animals in vicinity include small fauna, bunnies, rodents, snakes, and lizards. Also beetles and flies. There are few large animals due to the difficulty in penetrating the shrubland. I think this kinda land is officially called chaparral. Maybe.

Summers are hot and dry, but the nights are cold.



The dragons have been living in Gallace Academy for the span of a year. A fire dragon burned down the village just outside its walls. the dragons are on pilgrimage to show penitance, but few believe it sincere. Many believe the real reasons are as outlined in my first post. Self-preservation and the like, that is. All three dragons have been placed under Narathzul's tutelage and guidance, as well as guardianship. Lureana, @Auren , has been their escort and companion during their stay. Both are on pilgrimage with the dragons now, because they did not disassociate themselves from the dragons and were in need of repentance for that too, else the people would be too furious. anyway, i hope that spells it out better. xD i understand the confusion. I probably wasn't explicit enough in the overview.
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If you could spare sim a borderlands 2 or terraria copy that'd be great cause he'd finally STOP BITCHING ABOUT IT.
xD I will be gifting all around soon >v > don't worry, mah bebes

*is totes a sugar daddylady*

I just have to go out and get one of dem gift cards :<
You should probs wait for a sale though. Terraria isnt frighteningly expensive but BL2's pricetag can look rather imposing.
Dash it all. I was going off the picture, lol...

And that post took all day too! Rewrite will hopefully be done this evening!
Aaand al meh charries are up. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to handle another so Troubled Noble woman is for another time. (Ish finally in the club of awesome)

Elle... Hihihi, Adelheid Ish readyyy

{every time I say readyyy I think about Kevin Hart lol}

~iEmpress, on tapatalk
I've gotta go for a few, but I'll read read em once I'm home!

And yes, with such a complex character as Emil, its probably best for you not to overwhelm yourself xD a wise choice
@Auren liking my posts q__q and it's not even pity likes!

I should also get around to tagging everyone just in case they haven't seen that we started yet...

@Syrenrei @Kaine are the only ones I haven't talked to in the SB about it yet, I think. :D <33
Killi, my being overseas is setting back my posting ability, and you know about Syd's current status as well. The local heat and bustle is robbing me of my inspiration and my ability to write coherently, and even if I do finish the next character sheet, it'll only be subpar. Just to keep you updated.

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