OOC Chivalry

Yeaaaah, I dunno what to do. >.> I'm not in the SB much as of late because I am super mega busy at work. It's such an obscene disaster lately that I couldn't even explain it to you without an hour long story. Let's just say we're short staff and I am doing double my work load most weeks. =(
Thanks for the update, Simmy! I figured you were busy :0 Hope things cool down for you soon. And no rush on the CS. Take your time, have some fun, no need to force it. The RP is going slow and I plan to keep it that way so that the slow or busy posters can catch up without issue.

Same goes for you, Syyyy! I'll wait 5ever for you guys.

Also, my sympathies. Work sounds like a real hassle blarg V: Stay strong! You can do it!

Yaahh, so I just need to confim/was wondering if anyone would recognize Émillien as Gutnicht Marwin, because while Marwin does stay under the radar, assuming someone would know of him wouldn't be too much out there? Or would it? Idk. Juuuust confirm or say something like, Bananas.

If your post will affect the environment, please confirm that it's okay with me, and use the setting block BBCode.

IE: Any timeskip, significant change in the area (accessibilities or otherwise)

Gonna add this to the rules^
haha! No, you're perfect. It was kuz of Stick's post confusing Dusky. I was considering how to keep that from happening since that was brought to my attention xD
D: Did I do it wrong? I just wrote what I though went along with Killi's pics and the description in the opening post :P

In other news, been sooper busy this past week, had no time to reply to nothin', but I should have a reply up later tonight/sometime tomorrow :)
You sort of bunnied the whole party into making camp and skipped the entire possibility of interacting with the guard. :P
You're fine, Sticky :P

After reading your post, I thought that it hadn't necessarily demanded that everyone follow through with setting up camp and reacting to that. They could've still engaged the guard. However, I think that it was vaguely worded enough that it could be taken as a time skip. Thus, I think that clarifying the scope of a post's power is a good idea. Plus it helps me regulate things better.
Actually, I was pretty sure I didn't mention another character or their location until Argrave went to talk to Minerva, (though I guess it could have been implied), so it was a viable option to have some other someone try their luck with the guard. I was speaking from Argrave's point of view, which is a bit skewed as it is, he could very well imagine that the others were setting up camp and settling down for the evening when it's just him and a few others pitching tents while the rest of the group is knocking away on the village gates xD I really do take the entire party into account in all my posts, I never liked that one player who tries to make the plot revolve around themselves, and I'd hate to be seen as him myself. xD
Actually, I was pretty sure I didn't mention another character or their location until Argrave went to talk to Minerva, (though I guess it could have been implied), so it was a viable option to have some other someone try their luck with the guard. I was speaking from Argrave's point of view, which is a bit skewed as it is, he could very well imagine that the others were setting up camp and settling down for the evening when it's just him and a few others pitching tents while the rest of the group is knocking away on the village gates xD I really do take the entire party into account in all my posts, I never liked that one player who tries to make the plot revolve around themselves, and I'd hate to be seen as him myself. xD
No worries!! *pushes Sys character into guard* see?! Problem solved :3
Got myself four exams this week in a row, so my first post will be kinda late. As for my characters, Émillien would probably scout the area, you can just have Adelheid go ahead and accompany him until I have the chance to post. Sorry ;/

~iEmpress, on tapatalk

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