OOC Chivalry

Going to write up a post while on the plane this afternoon, can probably have it up by tonight :)
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Well, here in Minnesota, no post, the lady sitting next to me talked my ear off for the entire flight >_> I'm mentally exhausted, physically worn out, I need dinner and a nap before any post writing is taking place D:
I pray that I didn't catch pneumonia from the person next to me >_> they even straight up told me that they had it, but that their California vacation was "too good to pass up on", so they flew in a tin-can airplane... with pneumonia <_< have a stuffy nose and a slightly itchy throat, I'mma be highly buggered if I catch/caught it...

inb4 thats an empty image
You guys tryna piss me off or something? You know, fuck if I care bout how you live your lives, but do you actively mentally shut out anything and anyone around you so well that you can't hear em? Even the one standing at the fire and announcing to see the one that could possibly be in charge or help him? Y'all don't seem to see this, but most of y'all have a severely limited narrow field of vision that only extends to the person who has tagged you. Should I, next time, tag every single one of you? That how it's supposed to be?

And don't misunderstand me on this, I am not trying to be nice and my words are coming out harsh, I AM pissed off beyond words that most of y'all have this mentality of "If it ain't gotta do with me, we can let it die." I'm not the goddamn GM of this place, I know, but damned if I'm going to let continuity errors slip through.
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Now, before you all say I'm directly attacking you, I am not. I am addressing your goddamn issues with external stimuli in an RP that didn't have the time or energy to tag you.
And I'm making this complaint, call me whiny or whatever the heck you want, not only for my character's sake, but for any other future characters or interactions because all y'all are so obsessed with keeping in your own tiny little world between one character and another that all other characters become nothing but thin air, their voices naught but the whisper of the wind or the chirping of crickets.

EDIT: I'm not asking for interaction, I'm asking for a passing remark at the very least, or a sign that the character isn't some savant in his own world. It's part of being alive: noticing and responding to external stimuli. Without acknowledgement and response, how human do you call your characters, and how realistic do you call their actions? Ponder on it.

I dont expect anyone to change any of their posts to reflect on my whining and impassioned yelling, but please, keep this in mind.
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So uh, should probably already know this but I'm an airhead, so forgive me TT.TT

If I am correct, the fire dragon attacked about a year ago {-3 months} and the pilgrimage was announced when?
Ah, thanks Simmy. Guys, he's right, and I have been slacking in reminding you guys of this, but try to stay away from reacting to only one person and segregating yourself from the rest of the camp. Part of the hassle and fun of group RPs is all the things to react to; if at all possible, read every post and let it effect you. If that means you take longer to post, so be it. Remember, we're going content over length.


@The Empress of Ice

I don't think I specified a time, actually @__@ So I'll just make one up right now hohoho

The pilgrimage has been going on for 3 days. The dragon's torching happened, say, three months ago, and the pilgrimage was announced a month and a half ago.
Ah, thanksies. ^^

Just have this flashback with Aloís that occured about ten days ago, so yah, needed that info. Anyways, this posts looks... Uh, okay, so far. Most of it is of the flashback and I also ask of you guys to be patient until I got the co-conciousness thingie under wraps, as it is my first post trying to portray this stuffsies. ^^
Well, that wraps Aloís part up. Now for Adelheid, hehehhhehe. Ah, I love her. T.T

So while ya'll read my post {because you bettah be readin' my post} I'mma go and scroollll through Kevin Hart gifs, because I already seen all them shows but heeey! Kevin. That's all I have to say.

On another note, why the hell do all the people I like be named Kevin? My current favourite author? Kevin Weinberg. Kevin Hart. Who next? Damnit.
Killigrew said:
To clarify, the terrain is flat, but the brush around the group is thick and brambly. It comes up to about the chest and the waist, depending. You can't see into the town, since the walls are raised about 15 ft high, roundabouts. The land is cleared around the town, and the path that goes around the town, but the rest is thick with brush. So they're kinda forced together.
Also, animals in vicinity include small fauna, bunnies, rodents, snakes, and lizards. Also beetles and flies. There are few large animals due to the difficulty in penetrating the shrubland. I think this kinda land is officially called chaparral. Maybe.

Summers are hot and dry, but the nights are cold.
@Kaine @Terragon

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