OOC Chivalry

:[ Man, i'm watching this stupid thread, but i got zero notifs. Last I remember, I was reading page 6 of OOC and now there's 28?!?!?! Tell me if I missed something and better yet, tag me if I don't reply >:
I think yer good, Khooki :3


Here's a tentative map of the surrounding area!

@khuyen drew the purple people

I make codices, you know. And sometimes books with bookboard - but codices are more fun, if more difficult and time consuming.
LOOOOL EPIC ART IS EEEEEEPIIIIIIC!!! Are the three people on the side Duskey Terragon and myself right? RIGHT?!

OK so here it is bro. I'm at a loss for how to interact with ya. If you're not really caring what happens then i want Colette to keep pestering you. But i feel like you keep trying to avoid her and im not sure whether to take it as your character is just a little not liking her, or you're trying to actually get away so you can do elsewhere.

I'm also a little hesitant to have her do anything to you as i see you werent to fond of the fact she slapped you, (whichw as god modding on my part) and since you negated that in your post, i dont want to do anything that you're not too keen on.

Lemme know what you think and we will go from there :D
*pesters terra and tries to make him cry* >D
Well think about it this way. What happened was ven accidentally pounced you while sleepwalking, collette started threatening him with stuff, so he is weirded out. All the sarcasm and mocking is sort of his non violent defense mechanism, he is a trollol dragon. Right now he is basically trying to fall back to sleep and swipe this whole situation under the rug.
Oh i meant i was lost about what they were talking about with making you cry and rain flooding my room from your eyes. I got that down about InChar haha Soses all gewd Terragonzors :D
@Elle Joyner

My post was crap, sorry. I've gotten caught in a snare for writers, the deadly Writer's Snag, part of the Writer's Block family. However, I did promise a post, so I had to deliver, by hook or by crook, dammit. Because I ain't gonna fucking not post because of something stupid like WRITER'S BLOCK
So, a combo of no notifications and unannounced hiatus have put me lost as to where to start. I'm totally planning on staying in this, but I would like to point out that if we don't have at least some form of steady progression, this could go the way of the dinosaurs with this many people trying to parse out who to interact with where. So, since I dropped the ball with interacting with Minerva (sorry about that :'( </3 ), I'm kinda stuck as to where to pick back up again.
Ewww, yuck. =( I do not dig zee ladies. I have a best friend that digs the ladies, I tell her she's gross because girls are gross!

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