OOC Chat

Sorry guys, gotta drop out of this roleplay. @TheHappyPikachu And orher roleplayers, I'm sorry but I've just got too much on my hands that I can handle on RpN and in my real life. Good luck with this project though, would've loved to stay.

Np, good luck with whatever you're doing!!~ :3 :D X3 xD  
Hey everyone. I just joined and I'm not exactly sure where to hop in. Does anyone mind letting me know what's going on and where I can join in?
Hey everyone. I just joined and I'm not exactly sure where to hop in. Does anyone mind letting me know what's going on and where I can join in?

For now. We are waiting for classes to start but the two combat instructors are in the gym. Students are roaming and socializing at random places (can't say where exactly) but I know there are two students at the gym as well.
For now. We are waiting for classes to start but the two combat instructors are in the gym. Students are roaming and socializing at random places (can't say where exactly) but I know there are two students at the gym as well.

hey, just got a computer in my hands so I should be able to post , where is your character now?
For now. We are waiting for classes to start but the two combat instructors are in the gym. Students are roaming and socializing at random places (can't say where exactly) but I know there are two students at the gym as well.

Thanks for the help! I'll post soon.
Thanks for the help! I'll post soon.

Also, I don't know the level of your character's mania but all of the instructors are several times stronger than any of the students (save one probably) so it wouldn't be wise to try anything too crazy. 
Also, I don't know the level of your character's mania but all of the instructors are several times stronger than any of the students (save one probably) so it wouldn't be wise to try anything too crazy. 

I figured they would be. I wasn't planning on actually pulling any big stunts lol. But thanks for the advice :D
Hey if you haven't posted yet, would you like to interact with my charcter? I haven't posted yet either

They've already posted twice now~ xD  The two main groups are ether where my character is at the front of the school or at the gym where class is just about to start~ :3 :D X3 xD  
I dont mind but i would recommend moving away because i was gonna have him wake up later or u can do it you can make him get up 

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