OOC Chat

it´s not so much a matter of time as a matter of we have no idea how the relationship will actually be yet...

Depends on the character. My character is a really amiable character who's been in SHIS since Junior High so he should know at least a few people. I gotta track down which characters he would have met at least once. :c
Depends on the character. My character is a really amiable character who's been in SHIS since Junior High so he should know at least a few people. I gotta track down which characters he would have met at least once. :c

well, they all go to the same school, so they would be aware of the existence of one another of course, but unless they hated one of them or were a secret admirer of sorts or had been friends at some point in the past (all stuff that you preplan and which don´t represent the general case),your character would be absolutely indifferent to the other one (most likely). They being or not would be the same thing. There would be no relationship to describe.
well, they all go to the same school, so they would be aware of the existence of one another of course, but unless they hated one of them or were a secret admirer of sorts or had been friends at some point in the past (all stuff that you preplan and which don´t represent the general case),your character would be absolutely indifferent to the other one (most likely). They being or not would be the same thing. There would be no relationship to describe.

I'm kinda just putting how I know them for now cause my character is in the same club as two others, for example. :l

Apart from that, some other character sheets have some pretty good ideas for this field, so I'm gonna draw inspiration from those ones.
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I'm kinda just putting how I know them for now cause my character is in the same club as two others, for example. :l

Apart from that, some other character sheets have some pretty good ideas for this field, so I'm gonna draw inspiration from those ones.

I see. Interesting.

What time is it over where you are?
Your username... It reminded me of that anime...the feelz....

and wouldn´t it make more sense to fill out the relationship journal when the characters actually met ?

I mean, Haruo knows everyone.  Maybe not personally, but he knows of them.  I kind of filled it out with his impressions of everyone from what he's learned through his research.

Most of Delia's is pretty blank, though.
I mean, Haruo knows everyone.  Maybe not personally, but he knows of them.  I kind of filled it out with his impressions of everyone from what he's learned through his research.

Most of Delia's is pretty blank, though.

well, I suppose. I still wouldn't say she necessarily has a relationship with everyone, but fine. Though, my character is a shy paranoid person, so I don´t really see her even thinking about those people like that...
I want to apologize for my silliness , I reread the announcement post with it and they do explain what to do in these situations , komenasai!

(Weeb japonese of mine)

I'm actually crying   This is the best one 
Hey so does anyone want a best friend? I want Eruna to at least have one she is close with from the very beginning.
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Hey so does anyone want a best friend? I wasn't Eruna to at least have one she is close with from the very beginning.

given other arcs I have in mind, I can´t have my character be overly close with anyone from the beginning, but would you like a childhood friend? Depending on what you want someone close to your character right away for, something could be arranged to tweak that.
given other arcs I have in mind, I can´t have my character be overly close with anyone from the beginning, but would you like a childhood friend? Depending on what you want someone close to your character right away for, something could be arranged to tweak that.

yeah sure that would be perfect.
Also what I would like for the relationship journals is to have a new one / updated one after each "chapter" so we can see how people are growing over time. Because relationships are super important to this RP. 
Alright well we will most likely be starting this weekend. Haven't set an official due date yet for the second round applicants but I think a week should be enough to read everything and work on your sheets. So let's say if you haven't finished or PMed us by next Monday (December 5th) we'll reopen the roles to new peeps. Let us know if you need anything / have questions. :Emoticon4-HornsTongue:

@TheForgottenDoll @Otakuyaki
Alright well we will most likely be starting this weekend. Haven't set an official due date yet for the second round applicants but I think a week should be enough to read everything and work on your sheets. So let's say if you haven't finished or PMed us by next Monday (December 5th) we'll reopen the roles to new peeps. Let us know if you need anything / have questions. :Emoticon4-HornsTongue:

@TheForgottenDoll @Otakuyaki

You still haven't said anything about Stella...

like as much as answering my question...
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