OOC Chat

I'm thinking about making another character.

Either Leo (if I'm allowed to), or maybe like a normal that kind of serves as like an Oracle (not like, an actual oracle, but like, Barbara Gordon Oracle.  Like Batman's information broker type of person) or Tuxedo Mask (except not really at all) for the Zodiac Scouts.  Maybe he starts out as a friend to one of the sailor scouts, and he kind of shoe-horns his way into the action because he wants to help save the world too might get killed along the way who knows. 

Or he can be a normal that maybe gets recruited by villains later on and kind of flip flops between anti-villain and anti-hero??


Jk I'm just doing whatever
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I'm thinking about making another character.

Either Leo (if I'm allowed to), or maybe like a normal that kind of serves as like an Oracle (not like, an actual oracle, but like, Barbara Gordon Oracle.  Like Batman's information broker type of person) or Tuxedo Mask (except not really at all) for the Zodiac Scouts.  Maybe he starts out as a friend to one of the sailor scouts, and he kind of shoe-horns his way into the action because he wants to help save the world too might get killed along the way who knows. 

Or he can be a normal that maybe gets recruited by villains later on and kind of flip flops between anti-villain and anti-hero??


Jk I'm just doing whatever

Hmm hm I think we'll wait till after the first round of acceptances see how many people finish their characters and still want in on this RP to open it up for second Scout characters. 

We don't have many civi characters though so I kind of like that idea. Leaves room open for plotting with villain-chan later on too.
Hmm hm I think we'll wait till after the first round of acceptances see how many people finish their characters and still want in on this RP to open it up for second Scout characters. 

We don't have many civi characters though so I kind of like that idea. Leaves room open for plotting with villain-chan later on too.

That's what I was thinking.  I like him better as a civi, too.
And what does each element include? Does water powers also include ice powers? How about vapor? Other liquids?

Does Earth get some control of metal? Flora? Just rocks and sand? How about magma?

Or would magma be fire? Does fire also include any form of what generation? Like light? How about Lightning?

would lightning be air powers?

and what does the control scale do?
And what does each element include? Does water powers also include ice powers? How about vapor? Other liquids?

Does Earth get some control of metal? Flora? Just rocks and sand? How about magma?

Or would magma be fire? Does fire also include any form of what generation? Like light? How about Lightning?

would lightning be air powers?

and what does the control scale do?

Magma is like a fusion gem of an earth and a fire zodiac scout 

Jk, I don't even watch Steven Universe, but that is a really good question.

I kind of took it along the a:tlab route with the bending rules.  I think lava fell under earthbending, and lightning fell under firebending.  Flora is a good point though.  Could that potentially be waterbending?  Where do we draw the line? 
Magma is like a fusion gem of an earth and a fire zodiac scout 

Jk, I don't even watch Steven Universe, but that is a really good question.

I kind of took it along the a:tlab route with the bending rules.  I think lava fell under earthbending, and lightning fell under firebending.  Flora is a good point though.  Could that potentially be waterbending?  Where do we draw the line? 

But then air gets nothing except itself, right? And what about OP crap like bloodbending? I think this should be Clearly outlined in the lore section.

@Pretzel Heart you're a GM, the main one, please stop ignoring my questions 
Pretz went to school so you all get night-class-having me instead :P  (BTW I'm not sure if we mentioned this but I'm on PST and he's on EST)

@Idea Any clubs you like! As the CS states, it's usually only one club per person, but you don't have to be in just one club, or any at all, but it's kind of nice to showcase what your character's interests and hobbies are. You also don't have to be in a club with anyone else in the RP, but it might be a good starting point for relationships with others.

Do you have a specific question about the control scale? There's an explanation for it on the "Star Scout" page, but I'm not sure if you're confused on a specific part or not.

(@ScatteredStars since you were in on the powers question too) We'll review powers to make sure they aren't too OP, but we wanted to keep it kind of vague so that people could use their imagination freely. That's why we have the control scale; so that if someone has a particularly strong power, they can't just pelt the enemy with endless attacks and win- they only have a limited usage before they run out of power. The only real requirement we have for the powers is that it's themed to your sign's element, and by extension, the sign itself. Take that as you will, we kind of want everyone to have their own interpretations!

While the purpose of GMs are to ensure things are balanced, we don't want to keep things too rigid and stifle the fun. In addition to measures like the control scale and the star scout powers section of the CS, we hope that everyone will use their best judgement and aim to play fairly, and if unforeseen problems repeatedly come up, we can make rules for them then. 

@IamNotLoki There was a bit added right after "Appearance" and before "Personality" for hair color, eye color, nationality, and school club, as well as a section for the zodiac charm and a new way of sorting the powers- you'll have to check the CS for that because it's a lot to explain here lol (you might have to adapt your powers to it, but don't erase what you have! The bit about Lucibelle's suit protecting her from attacks and enhancing her abilities is something that happens to all scouts, but each form sounds like it has something that could be classified as a special power. Everyone starts out with only one power, but they'll get more as time goes on, so keep what you have saved in a document somewhere- it might come in handy later :D)

Ryuji looks up to date though! If you wanted, you could erase the star-scout-exclusive parts entirely but that's just busy work :P  
Pretz went to school so you all get night-class-having me instead :P  (BTW I'm not sure if we mentioned this but I'm on PST and he's on EST)

@Idea Any clubs you like! As the CS states, it's usually only one club per person, but you don't have to be in just one club, or any at all, but it's kind of nice to showcase what your character's interests and hobbies are. You also don't have to be in a club with anyone else in the RP, but it might be a good starting point for relationships with others.

Do you have a specific question about the control scale? There's an explanation for it on the "Star Scout" page, but I'm not sure if you're confused on a specific part or not.

(@ScatteredStars since you were in on the powers question too) We'll review powers to make sure they aren't too OP, but we wanted to keep it kind of vague so that people could use their imagination freely. That's why we have the control scale; so that if someone has a particularly strong power, they can't just pelt the enemy with endless attacks and win- they only have a limited usage before they run out of power. The only real requirement we have for the powers is that it's themed to your sign's element, and by extension, the sign itself. Take that as you will, we kind of want everyone to have their own interpretations!

While the purpose of GMs are to ensure things are balanced, we don't want to keep things too rigid and stifle the fun. In addition to measures like the control scale and the star scout powers section of the CS, we hope that everyone will use their best judgement and aim to play fairly, and if unforeseen problems repeatedly come up, we can make rules for them then. 

@IamNotLoki There was a bit added right after "Appearance" and before "Personality" for hair color, eye color, nationality, and school club, as well as a section for the zodiac charm and a new way of sorting the powers- you'll have to check the CS for that because it's a lot to explain here lol (you might have to adapt your powers to it, but don't erase what you have! The bit about Lucibelle's suit protecting her from attacks and enhancing her abilities is something that happens to all scouts, but each form sounds like it has something that could be classified as a special power. Everyone starts out with only one power, but they'll get more as time goes on, so keep what you have saved in a document somewhere- it might come in handy later :D)

Ryuji looks up to date though! If you wanted, you could erase the star-scout-exclusive parts entirely but that's just busy work :P  

My question regarding the scale was if there was any particular meaning to the individual numbers, but after that explanation I suppose it's a null question. 

But then air gets nothing except itself, right? And what about OP crap like bloodbending? I think this should be Clearly outlined in the lore section.

@Pretzel Heart you're a GM, the main one, please stop ignoring my questions 

Uhmm I think Wiznibs pretty much stated everything I would have, but if there's anything else just ask. But I will add that there is no "main" GM. I asked Wiznibs to help me out with this RP because I have a lot on my plate this month and since there was enough interest to get the ball rolling I didn't want that to put a hold on the RP. So I'm doing my best to keep up with shiz but she's there to help in the meantime and we're on the same page.

The point you and @ScatteredStars bring up about the elemental powers is good though. Like Wiznibs said we kind of wanted to leave options open for freedom and different interpretations, but maybe later on as people's powers start getting more advanced and people start building better relationships we could introduce a 'fushion' type deal. B)
Okay, one last question.  Zodiac charms are just unassuming rocks that glow with their zodiac sign when they are activated, yeah?  Like, basically the charms are just really cool, interstellar rocks to the average onlooker.

I have a rock in mind.


Would this be an acceptable rock?
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Okay, one last question.  Zodiac charms are just unassuming rocks that glow with their zodiac sign when they are activated, yeah?  Like, basically the charms are just really cool, interstellar rocks to the average onlooker.

I have a rock in mind.

Would this be an acceptable rock?

Weren't they like...anything you wanted them to be?
Can we please have more unity in terms of transformed forms? Normally, thematic magical girl teams have similar outfits and powers. If it were a case like Madoka Magica where magical girls are everywhere, it would make sense, but in this context, it feels sort of... jarring.
Can we please have more unity in terms of transformed forms? Normally, thematic magical girl teams have similar outfits and powers. If it were a case like Madoka Magica where magical girls are everywhere, it would make sense, but in this context, it feels sort of... jarring.

Hmmm well we were actually talking about this earlier. We wanted to give people freedom to come up with whatever they want, thus the ability to choose at this stage. But as your characters become closer as a team and start developing they might unlock certain upgrades...
Think of it at this point they are all individual heroes and haven't quite reached the "team" level yet.
Weren't they like...anything you wanted them to be?

I think so?  I think I read the app wrong I thought they wanted a picture of the actual charm and not the weapon whoops!

I still like that rock, though.

And I can't help, but imagine if Chiharu was a Scout, his rock would look like this


Shut up, you're not funny
Okay, one last question.  Zodiac charms are just unassuming rocks that glow with their zodiac sign when they are activated, yeah?  Like, basically the charms are just really cool, interstellar rocks to the average onlooker.

I have a rock in mind.

Would this be an acceptable rock?

Hmm.......well, originally I was thinking they would be identical when un-transformed. But...you know, if you want to imagine the charm to look that way then that's fine by me. I guess they could all look slightly different, but providing a description isn't necessary for the CS.
I have a question for the peanut gallery. Been going back and forth on whether to make Cancer a female or male. Seems that without my addition we're pretty much balanced in terms of gender. The concept I have could swing either way, the only difference is I haven't looked for female FC yet. 

Basic deets personality wise they are going to be tsuntsunderedere and trying to get over a stint as a child star living out a normal, peaceful existence (andthenthealiennationcame). 

Just curious if anyone had a preference in terms of trying to team up characters, ect.
I have a question for the peanut gallery. Been going back and forth on whether to make Cancer a female or male. Seems that without my addition we're pretty much balanced in terms of gender. The concept I have could swing either way, the only difference is I haven't looked for female FC yet. 

Basic deets personality wise they are going to be tsuntsunderedere and trying to get over a stint as a child star living out a normal, peaceful existence (andthenthealiennationcame). 

Just curious if anyone had a preference in terms of trying to team up characters, ect.

I feel like we need more male guy scouts because I'm all about symmetry, but really I'm good with any gender.  I'd go with whatever feels right to you. :)  

Delia just wants to be everyone's friend tbh I mean, team ups I feel could go anyway.  I feel like grouping by element is the obvious way to go (4 groups of 3).  You could also shake it up and have like "mini teams" with with an element on each team (3 groups of 4).  They could also be totally random with who makes friends with who first and etc.  But, now that I think of it, I kind of like the mini team idea as long as it's not too forced.

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