OOC Chat

@wizard nibblers @IamNotLoki @animegirl20 @Dapper Ghost @Anno Bane @Vengeance Spirit @Idea @SP3CT3R @ScatteredStars

So I will try and field some world building / plot related questions throughout the week cause as wiznibs and I are working on stuff we're also interested to know what you guys want and think, don't be afraid to give out suggestions!

My first question is gonna be about Scout Ophiucus, the first major villain whom I'm 99% sure I'ma play. I think it would be really fun to have some sort of love triangle / betrayal thing between his (pretty sure he's gonna be male) civilian identity and villain identity. Kind of like in Tokyo Mew Mew where the main romantic interest is also one of the main baddies. Because boyo do I love star-crossed lover angst. It could also be like a best friend thing (heheh Code Geass).

So if anyone is interested in building that type of relationship between our characters please PM me!

I also encourage you to plot relationships with each other as much as possible because it will A) make RPing outside of transformation much smoother and B) might lend some interesting aspects to the team dynamic. Though you're character can come from anywhere and be any age I think ideally they should mostly share a common community, like an international school or neighborhood or something (see changes to the CS). Maybe some of yahll hate each other who knows? 
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All of the characters are in a club at school that's kinda like the Earth Defense Club but with more people

EDIT: And the school is for elementary, middle, and high school students so that we have more flexibility on ages
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All of yhe characters are in a club at school that's kinda like the Earth Defense Club but with more people

Mmm maybe. My thoughts about forcing everyone into the same club (or micro community) is that it might seem too convenient? Not exactly a random selection of people at that point. Also I want to give people as much freedom as possible, while still preferring our characters to kind of know each other beforehand. 
ANyone here planning to make either a: school delinquent character OR an anime/game nerd?  If so wanna connect our characters?
Well, my character is basically gunna be me with a different name and I'm kinda sorta an anime nerd

My character is going to be a mysterious anime cosplayer that cosplays as various anime and game heroines.  Nobody knows her real name or where she comes from.  Maybe your character knows all the references she is dressing up as?  Also my character will always stay in character no matter what the situation.  She's like a hardcore roleplayer.
My character is going to be a mysterious anime cosplayer that cosplays as various anime and game heroines.  Nobody knows her real name or where she comes from.  Maybe your character knows all the references she is dressing up as?  Also my character will always stay in character no matter what the situation.  She's like a hardcore roleplayer.

I'm kind of a cynic, so they would make a pretty interesting duo lol
lol I thought this was an intelligent and well directed RP with lots of plot development and social commentary... and then I saw Mr. Krabs in a wedding gown.
alright, so here´s my detailed response version:

the setting is way too vague to really contribute to. There is no magic system, we don´t know what we´re supposed to be doing in it, even if we do have some lore, the current situation is practically gone (no political/society situation around the scouts, around how known they are or not, no environmental circumstances, no location), no new tech is presented , how one becomes a scout is very vague if there at all...

if it sounds like I´m just listing problems instead of helping, that´s because I am. I find it more efficient to first know what has to be done rather than asking to do something without telling anyone what´s the start or endgoal.

I think if we´re building lore from scratch, I suggest two things:

1. That we go over specific topics one at a time, rather than random suggestions

2. That we decide things through a system of vote and alternatives

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