OOC Chat

I guess I'm a full fledged GM now k cool

The lore is still WIP, Pretz tried to send me some ideas yesterday but they were very... disjointed lol. Maybe now that it's not 3 am he can do it in a way that makes sense? :P  I think the dealio is that he posted a vague idea a couple of days ago to see if anyone would be interested and then a whole bunch of people joined real fast before he actually thought it  through well enough to give lots of details (if any detail at all lmao)

@IdeaI can answer some things for you right now (although some of these answers are answered with another question):

1) I wouldn't say that this RP has any sort of "magic system", their "powers" are given to them through the use of highly advanced alien technology, but because of this they are virtually indistinguishable from magic powers. Everyone has a specific power with specific limitations which will probably become more clear once more lore is finalized >->
2) When you say "the political/society situation around the scouts, around how known they are or not" do you mean how society views them? I think that in the beginning of the RP, they aren't "known" at all. Nobody's ever heard of them, and they have to build a reputation for themselves.
3) What do you mean by "new tech"? This RP is modern day, just with aliens in the sky. Nobody's actually found out a way to communicate with them yet, and Earth has no way to access or use any sort of alien tech (with the exception of the star scouts)

4) The process for becoming a scout is there, but it's very vague lol. Here's the bit taken from the main page: 

[...] they all share one thing in common: a unique and visceral reaction to the appearance of the alien ships. While it first manifests itself as light headaches and dizzy spells, the attacks begin to grow in power, transforming into full-on hallucinations, sleepwalking, and night terrors. No one can quite place the cause of the phenomenon or produce a cure. Eventually your character sees no other choice but to submit to their visions. So late one evening they venture out, finding themselves drawn towards an ancient meteorite site on the edge of town. Though it has been little more than a tourist attraction for as long as your character can remember, on this night it glows with an almost supernatural presence. The light is coming from a set of plain metal artifacts excavated from the site long ago and left on display as a mystery over an informational placard. But for the first time your character makes out symbols alight in the metal circles, and they're calling their name. 

At first touch your character is transported into another world, a fantastical utopia beyond their wildest technological imaginings. A regal figure descends, informing your character that if they are experiencing this virtual recording, it means their planet has been chosen as the site of an inter-galactic battle between the twelve Zodiac realms and their perpetual foe. As the new soul-bonded owner of this talismen, your character now has the power to transform into a Zodiac Scout, a warrior imbued with the alien powers of one of the twelve, in return for putting a stop to the war and saving the universe...

The vision ends, leaving your character and their new companions with many more questions than they have answers for. The only thing they know for sure is that they now hold an identical charm, each burning with a different symbol of the Zodiac.

Basically all we have is vague ideas and placeholders at this point, which is why nobody's even getting accepted until later. Everyone joined so fast though, which I think gives the appearance that we have more going on here at present than we actually do? We're gonna wrangle some polls pertaining to location and ages and powers and whatnot hopefully today(? tomorrow?) but until then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
what kind of RP were you looking for when you joined this one?

an actual semi-serious fantasy RP.

With the Krabs character and the sandwich character (and the villain's other form)  I'm starting to think this is some sort of gag comedy thing or some sort of hipster art piece.  It doesn't seem to be taking itself seriously despite the time end effort put into making character sheets and drawing characters.  I expected Madoka Magica and it looks like I'm going to get Spongebob Squarepants.
I... Don't think those are the final characters...

I mean, GMs have a lot to do right now with lore and world-building.  Their characters are probably the last things on their minds atm.
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Ah so they are placeholders.


So maybe if inspiration hits them while they're working on things, they can have a thread already in the works.

But if they're not, I can guarantee you there is a 99.9% chance Delia will eat the Bologna sandwich xD
I guess I'm a full fledged GM now k cool

The lore is still WIP, Pretz tried to send me some ideas yesterday but they were very... disjointed lol. Maybe now that it's not 3 am he can do it in a way that makes sense? :P  I think the dealio is that he posted a vague idea a couple of days ago to see if anyone would be interested and then a whole bunch of people joined real fast before he actually thought it  through well enough to give lots of details (if any detail at all lmao)

@IdeaI can answer some things for you right now (although some of these answers are answered with another question):

1) I wouldn't say that this RP has any sort of "magic system", their "powers" are given to them through the use of highly advanced alien technology, but because of this they are virtually indistinguishable from magic powers. Everyone has a specific power with specific limitations which will probably become more clear once more lore is finalized >->
2) When you say "the political/society situation around the scouts, around how known they are or not" do you mean how society views them? I think that in the beginning of the RP, they aren't "known" at all. Nobody's ever heard of them, and they have to build a reputation for themselves.
3) What do you mean by "new tech"? This RP is modern day, just with aliens in the sky. Nobody's actually found out a way to communicate with them yet, and Earth has no way to access or use any sort of alien tech (with the exception of the star scouts)

4) The process for becoming a scout is there, but it's very vague lol. Here's the bit taken from the main page: 

[...] they all share one thing in common: a unique and visceral reaction to the appearance of the alien ships. While it first manifests itself as light headaches and dizzy spells, the attacks begin to grow in power, transforming into full-on hallucinations, sleepwalking, and night terrors. No one can quite place the cause of the phenomenon or produce a cure. Eventually your character sees no other choice but to submit to their visions. So late one evening they venture out, finding themselves drawn towards an ancient meteorite site on the edge of town. Though it has been little more than a tourist attraction for as long as your character can remember, on this night it glows with an almost supernatural presence. The light is coming from a set of plain metal artifacts excavated from the site long ago and left on display as a mystery over an informational placard. But for the first time your character makes out symbols alight in the metal circles, and they're calling their name. 

At first touch your character is transported into another world, a fantastical utopia beyond their wildest technological imaginings. A regal figure descends, informing your character that if they are experiencing this virtual recording, it means their planet has been chosen as the site of an inter-galactic battle between the twelve Zodiac realms and their perpetual foe. As the new soul-bonded owner of this talismen, your character now has the power to transform into a Zodiac Scout, a warrior imbued with the alien powers of one of the twelve, in return for putting a stop to the war and saving the universe...

The vision ends, leaving your character and their new companions with many more questions than they have answers for. The only thing they know for sure is that they now hold an identical charm, each burning with a different symbol of the Zodiac.

Basically all we have is vague ideas and placeholders at this point, which is why nobody's even getting accepted until later. Everyone joined so fast though, which I think gives the appearance that we have more going on here at present than we actually do? We're gonna wrangle some polls pertaining to location and ages and powers and whatnot hopefully today(? tomorrow?) but until then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ah, I see. That clears some misconceptions I had.

It's like a count down to fun
Sorry for not being very active this week. On top of school it has just been a very emotionally exhausting past few days, especially in my area. Can literally reach out and feel the gloom. Not a fun time.

But still planning to push ahead in the coming days. At this point it's mostly a matter of writing things down.

One thing to note for people who have already started their CS: If you plan to change your sign's attribute from any on the suggested list make sure it does these two thing-

1. Relates back to your sign's astrological interpretation

2. Is a preferable or idealized trait

Why that matters should become clearer once the Lore is finished, but just want to give people as much time to think about it beforehand.

Hope things are going well.
Ok seriously a sandwich scout? Ok the crab thing is funny but there is no way I'm taking it seriously and as for the sandwich that better be a joke or I'm completely ignoring it I mean seriously a sandwich?! Can we just make normal humans?! Like I can not take this rp seriously when I see that?! It's not funny it's annoying! 
Ok seriously a sandwich scout? Ok the crab thing is funny but there is no way I'm taking it seriously and as for the sandwich that better be a joke or I'm completely ignoring it I mean seriously a sandwich?! Can we just make normal humans?! Like I can not take this rp seriously when I see that?! It's not funny it's annoying! 

its a placeholder for his actual character.  It's just their sense of humor lol.
XD. I was seriously wondering for a min. Cause when I saw that sandwich I almost fell out of my seat and I was like the hell?! lol 
XD. I was seriously wondering for a min. Cause when I saw that sandwich I almost fell out of my seat and I was like the hell?! lol 

yeah it's a trolly sense of humor.  If it was me, I'd just put a blank page instead of the sandwich profile XD.  It feels like a lot of effort was made just for that joke.

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