OOC Chat

Happy New Year's Day! 
Sorry I came down with another cold, so haven't been able to work on this RP much.

On another note, I was curious if you've given any thought on what Mitya's relationship with Toshi might be (Since they're in the same class/ both part of the Light music club)?

My thoughts for why Mit joined Light Music Club is a mixture of the fact that deep inside he can't let his love for music go, and it's the thing that feels most familiar to him. But again he's still not sure if he likes music because he likes it or just because he doesn't know anything else. Plus he's a bit paranoid so he wants to make sure there's no Hi/Rez fans in the school, and figures he could try and monitor them from there. At the same time the whole pop scene just fills him with bad memories and he can't think of certain bands without over-thinking it and having war flashbacks.

So I feel like Light Music is the club he attends the least, and the one where he has the least presence, just sitting quietly and trying to soak in the familiar sounds. He'd probably notice Toshi just because of his ability though.
Idk if you have any other ideas.
*peeks in* *steals original entry*

Hey, y'all! Happy New Year's! Hope that the holidays were fabulous for you and that 2017 heralds a windfall of whatever it is greedy human hearts desire! ^-^

(Won't be on until Tuesday, by the by. Nasty legal custodial no-no going on over here. ;-;)
i post tomorrow. 

until then.

i die. 
I live.

I die.


Then I die again.
Depending on how far into the school year we're supposed to be, (I think Pretzel said it was a month or so in) she'd have more to worry over heat stroke.  (remember that school in Japan starts in March/April)  Although it could still be cold during the night I guess lol.
"then stand near me, I can keep you warm.. if.. you don't mind." 
Depending on how far into the school year we're supposed to be, (I think Pretzel said it was a month or so in) she'd have more to worry over heat stroke.  (remember that school in Japan starts in March/April)  Although it could still be cold during the night I guess lol.

I figured it was kind of cool during the night, that and there was a breeze. ^^

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