OOC Chat

@ScatteredStars @animegirl20 @Blizzaga @clarinetti @Shelter

Do you guys just want to add the Detective Club to the school?

If everyone else is down for it, that's cool with me too.

On another note, I was curious if you've given any thought on what Mitya's relationship with Toshi might be (Since they're in the same class/ both part of the Light music club)?


Since Ai and Toshi are also in the same class and have become accomplices to Haruo's snooping, what do you think their dynamic might be?  I could see Toshi getting tired/ irritated by her more temperamental side, but otherwise would see her as a good acquaintance.
I've discovered a new subtle message in the main description of the roleplay... and this begs the question.

What are mooks? And how do people come up with these weird things?
If everyone else is down for it, that's cool with me too.

On another note, I was curious if you've given any thought on what Mitya's relationship with Toshi might be (Since they're in the same class/ both part of the Light music club)?


Since Ai and Toshi are also in the same class and have become accomplices to Haruo's snooping, what do you think their dynamic might be?  I could see Toshi getting tired/ irritated by her more temperamental side, but otherwise would see her as a good acquaintance.

Yeah that can work XD
Originally, Detective Club wasn't like a school official club.  It was basically just Haruo screwing around while kind of actually doing detective work.  I kind of based it off of the detective club in the comic, Gotham Academy, but that's not important.  When Ai joined, I was saying that she should join the Newspaper club as sort of a front for the Detective club since they kind of go hand-in-hand.  That way it kind of stayed non-official.

I guess now that we have more people, it could be an official club, though I still kind of like the idea of everyone just joining the Newspaper and doing investigative activities through that.
I've discovered a new subtle message in the main description of the roleplay... and this begs the question.

What are mooks? And how do people come up with these weird things?

Mooks are basically just generic enemies, like the foot soldiers in Super Sentai/Power Rangers that the heroes face en masse, but can be cleared though without significant difficulty.  Or the mooks are a general term for the henchmen of the Boss, depending on the context.
Plus, Newspaper needs more members

Well, I happen to be working on another civilian character, whom I was thinking might act as an editor-in-chief of the Newspaper (Perhaps co-editor with Haruo, if he's interested in that), so that might help to bulk up their numbers. After all, we can't just let the Student Council run the school like some de-facto one party state- they need to be kept in check ;p.
Well, I happen to be working on another civilian character, whom I was thinking might act as an editor-in-chief of the Newspaper (Perhaps co-editor with Haruo, if he's interested in that), so that might help to bulk up their numbers. After all, we can't just let the Student Council run the school like some de-facto one party state- they need to be kept in check ;p.

Heck yeah!  Newspaper is the voice of the student body!  Can't let the oligarchy tell us what to do without a fight!

He might take your co-position, though I'm not sure yet.  Since he kind of wants to keep a low profile, he might not.
Well, I happen to be working on another civilian character, whom I was thinking might act as an editor-in-chief of the Newspaper (Perhaps co-editor with Haruo, if he's interested in that), so that might help to bulk up their numbers. After all, we can't just let the Student Council run the school like some de-facto one party state- they need to be kept in check ;p.

Ooh awesome! I was hoping someone would take that role at some point so we could develop the factions in the school. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Will respond more tonight we're out having fun today.
We need somebody to take pictures of spiderman- the star scouts right?

they're a menace I say! 
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> they said adopt a mook

> clicks link

> you can't adopt aliens anymore

what even is this?
In fear of being left behind, what exactly is our plan moving forwards?
Happy New Year everyone! Let 2017 be somewhat better than 2016 .... please. Hopefully, we'll start roleplay consistently and have a good time.
I'll do.. something.. soon....

required attendance to a thing takes me. 

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