OOC Chat

oh? is everything alright?

I am having a huge argument with wizard nobblers over newfound "issues" with my character´s ability and we just don´t seem to see eye to eye as to how valid are my justifications for my choices in what is there or not.
I am having a huge argument with wizard nobblers over newfound "issues" with my character´s ability and we just don´t seem to see eye to eye as to how valid are my justifications for my choices in what is there or not.

i see... a shame. 

not much i can help you in that regard, a possible lane of action is to try and different power, or modify it. Likely already thought of these ideas, but thats all i can give sadly. 
i see... a shame. 

not much i can help you in that regard, a possible lane of action is to try and different power, or modify it. Likely already thought of these ideas, but thats all i can give sadly. 

thank you very much. To be perfectly honest, if this had occurred while I was still working on the character, I would have quit over how absurd and arbitrary some of things I am NOW being told are , but now that I have already used up so much of my time on that character, I can´t stand down from it´s core elements. I can and have already offered to make some modifcations, but the changes he is asking for on principle rather than legitimate reasons are downright character breaking for me, so I can be expected to be locked from posting for a while longer.

In any case, thanks for lending your ears (eyes?). :)  
I think you can still post, just not in battle until the stuff's resolved.  (I have to finish up my own power progression or something.  (all i wanted was healing...))
thank you very much. To be perfectly honest, if this had occurred while I was still working on the character, I would have quit over how absurd and arbitrary some of things I am NOW being told are , but now that I have already used up so much of my time on that character, I can´t stand down from it´s core elements. I can and have already offered to make some modifcations, but the changes he is asking for on principle rather than legitimate reasons are downright character breaking for me, so I can be expected to be locked from posting for a while longer.

In any case, thanks for lending your ears (eyes?). :)  

I see, i'm sorry to hear you are having troubles.

best of luck in seeing the whole thing resolved. 
I think you can still post, just not in battle until the stuff's resolved.  (I have to finish up my own power progression or something.  (all i wanted was healing...))

It's not that I was forbidden from posting, but that my own principles in roleplay prevent me from positing without a character to work from.
I'm honestly regretting how I started out my character in the rp, I mean it makes sense for my character but I feel it could have been so much better.
It feels awkward compared to other posts, she's basically at a state where she could pass out at any minute (which makes sense because she's an insomniac) but I don't know where to go from there. It's probably fine and I'm just making myself insecure by comparing myself to others.
Happy New Year's Day! 
Sorry I came down with another cold, so haven't been able to work on this RP much.

My thoughts for why Mit joined Light Music Club is a mixture of the fact that deep inside he can't let his love for music go, and it's the thing that feels most familiar to him. But again he's still not sure if he likes music because he likes it or just because he doesn't know anything else. Plus he's a bit paranoid so he wants to make sure there's no Hi/Rez fans in the school, and figures he could try and monitor them from there. At the same time the whole pop scene just fills him with bad memories and he can't think of certain bands without over-thinking it and having war flashbacks.

So I feel like Light Music is the club he attends the least, and the one where he has the least presence, just sitting quietly and trying to soak in the familiar sounds. He'd probably notice Toshi just because of his ability though.
Idk if you have any other ideas.

Mm, nothing in particular, just was curious whether you anything something in mind. Toshi probably wouldn't have much of an opinion of him other than that he was quiet, polite, and kept to himself- just another classmate. Perhaps its something we could consider exploring as the thread progresses however.

Also, apologies for not being on so much the past few days: had to catch up for another thread and been busy visiting family, but my schedule should open up in the next few days so that I can finish Lara's CS for review and get out Toshi's opening post.
Depending on how far into the school year we're supposed to be, (I think Pretzel said it was a month or so in) she'd have more to worry over heat stroke.  (remember that school in Japan starts in March/April)  Although it could still be cold during the night I guess lol.

The RP starts out in September since it's ~2 months since the spaceships landed. So it's second semester, not first.


Mm, nothing in particular, just was curious whether you anything something in mind. Toshi probably wouldn't have much of an opinion of him other than that he was quiet, polite, and kept to himself- just another classmate. Perhaps its something we could consider exploring as the thread progresses however.

Also, apologies for not being on so much the past few days: had to catch up for another thread and been busy visiting family, but my schedule should open up in the next few days so that I can finish Lara's CS for review and get out Toshi's opening post.

It's no problem. Originally when the RP started there was no one who had just civilian characters so we had it that we would only post with Star Scouts to start.....at least until after the first battle. But now that we have @clarinetti @Proxemae @Blizzaga what do you guys think? Do you mind waiting a bit? Or do you have an idea about ways to post without derailing the plot? 

Speaking of which, @Otakuyaki and @Idea I believe are the only two who haven't responded beyond their initial post. I think we are about ready to get into the first battle, so would you like to respond before we do?
We won't start until we get some more powers checked out sorry I've just been so sick and not really up to it but do know that if we can't approve your power by the start of the first battle then we can't let you participate. :c 
Alrighty. Hope what you're dealing with isn't too severe. :smile6:

Define 'severe'. :P  

Hahaha, it's not. Just my normal schedule kicking back into play and I just had to start off this year with two weeks in a row with the unfavoured parent. < - <  A minor annoyance if anything, due to the fact that I can't use RPN or any electronic in general around said parent because of all the 'bad guys' lurking on the interwebs. :') Nuisances, many nuisances with them.
The RP starts out in September since it's ~2 months since the spaceships landed. So it's second semester, not first.


It's no problem. Originally when the RP started there was no one who had just civilian characters so we had it that we would only post with Star Scouts to start.....at least until after the first battle. But now that we have @clarinetti @Proxemae @Blizzaga what do you guys think? Do you mind waiting a bit? Or do you have an idea about ways to post without derailing the plot? 

Speaking of which, @Otakuyaki and @Idea I believe are the only two who haven't responded beyond their initial post. I think we are about ready to get into the first battle, so would you like to respond before we do?
We won't start until we get some more powers checked out sorry I've just been so sick and not really up to it but do know that if we can't approve your power by the start of the first battle then we can't let you participate. :c 

I was just hoping to get my character's updated relationship journal and powers approved before I posted. Will that be long? I'll start on the IC post in a moment.
I was just hoping to get my character's updated relationship journal and powers approved before I posted. Will that be long? I'll start on the IC post in a moment.

We're going through the powers right now. At this point most people who responded have been approved.

Define 'severe'. :P  

Hahaha, it's not. Just my normal schedule kicking back into play and I just had to start off this year with two weeks in a row with the unfavoured parent. < - <  A minor annoyance if anything, due to the fact that I can't use RPN or any electronic in general around said parent because of all the 'bad guys' lurking on the interwebs. :') Nuisances, many nuisances with them.

Well it doesn't hurt to be at least a little wary of strangers on the internet.  :smile9:
I wonder whos gona snap at brendan first? 

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