OOC Chat

Both, absolutely!

He and Delia are a lot alike personality wise.  Both are empathetic and see the best in other people to the point of shoving their own emotions aside. I think the big difference is that Delia is more introverted while Mat is more of an extrovert.  I think she might find him a bit tiring, but not to the point of annoyance.  She kind of looks at extroverts with an admirable view.

Haruo is fun because he hates people like that.  Haruo is selfish to the core and doesn't really understand empathy.  He tries, but only because Ai hangs around him, and he needs to know why she's throwing chairs at him.  He'd probably sees Mat, and though he probably tolerates him more than Delia because he's outgoing, he's just curious as to what's going on in his head, and I could see at some point, him just being like "Look. I'm taking you out, and you're going to do things for yourself.  Not because someone wants you to, but because you clearly need to not think about other people for once."  

Cue the scene from the movie Big Daddy where Adam Sandler throws a branch at on-coming roller skaters, trying to trip them up, only Haruo is Sandler and Mat is Dylan/Cole Sprouse

"Why did you do that?!  That's awful!!"

"Because, Mat, it makes me happy."


Okay, now back to socially-correct me.  :smile9:  ...And now I have no idea what to type. Hmm. Why am I not surprised.

Sure, totally! That sounds totally great! And when I was doing my own stalking rounds (heh, those are more common then I'd like to admit) I was definitely noticing the differences between Haruo and Mathias. At first I was like THIS WOULD BE A HORRIBLE PAIRING but then I was like 'Actually... Maybe these two could teach the other something. Opposites attract, don't they?' So I was all excited. And then I got excited because of the similarities between Mathias and Delia, 'cause I was like 'Well, that's a whole lotta stuff to relate to!' So yeah, I totally see where you're coming from with all that! :D
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I was looking at the clubs listing, and I refuse to believe that a Japanese high school wouldn't have a baseball team.

Hmmm good point. But even as it is now not many people are joining the sports teams.  :smile9:

@Pretzel Heart hey is there school the next day in the rp or is it a weekend?

I mentioned Mitya went home early from school so I was thinking it was a school day. I'll clarify the date in the next day changeover.

I don't see any problem with him knowing Arthur, not really something hard to happen considering Arthur's natural disposition to go around talking with strangers...


@Pretzel Heart I've been a little occupied recently so i didn't had the time to edit Arthur's power. I do have the power planned already though, probably I'm going to write it out tomorrow as soon as i get some leisure.

Alright, noted.
I'm just happy I can make replies now, but I guess waiting for oblivion is also nice.
let us all float into nothingness together, and discover the meaning of the universe. 
let us all float into nothingness together, and discover the meaning of the universe. 

*hours later*

Ah, how long does this floating into nothingness business usually last? I mean, pondering the meaning of the universe is some pretty serious business, but it doesn't mean I want to miss out on brunch.
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*hours later*

Ah, how long does this floating into nothingness business usually last? I mean, pondering the meaning of the universe is some pretty serious business, but it doesn't mean I want to miss out on brunch.

There is no brunch. 

There is no time.

There is no second breakfast. 

There is a lot of nothing. 

But there is dinner.
There is no brunch. 

There is no time.

There is no second breakfast. 

There is a lot of nothing. 

But there is dinner.

Eh? I mean, the vast nothingness is to be expected, and it be understandable if time is stretched out to the point of non-existence. But it seems a tad cruel that the goodness of brunch is sacrificed and lost to us as a result. :ClosedEyesFrown:  Well, at least there's breakfast/brunch for dinner ;p.


I didn't know that linner was a thing before this... thank you for sharing that little gem with the rest of us ^.^
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Okay, now back to socially-correct me.  :smile9:  ...And now I have no idea what to type. Hmm. Why am I not surprised.

Sure, totally! That sounds totally great! And when I was doing my own stalking rounds (heh, those are more common then I'd like to admit) I was definitely noticing the differences between Haruo and Mathias. At first I was like THIS WOULD BE A HORRIBLE PAIRING but then I was like 'Actually... Maybe these two could teach the other something. Opposites attract, don't they?' So I was all excited. And then I got excited because of the similarities between Mathias and Delia, 'cause I was like 'Well, that's a whole lotta stuff to relate to!' So yeah, I totally see where you're coming from with all that! :D


Oh, you're fine.  I stalk everyone's character sheets more than I really like to admit, hahah.

Please try to teach him some empathy.  Mat, Ai, and Toshi are the only things between him and a complete sociopathy/narcissism combo, and as cool of an arch it would be for him to go full "I wanna be a magic girl," and then he actually turns into a grotesque alien, I kind of don't want him to fall for that.

But yeah, Delia and Mathias would click, so I am very much approving of this friendship.  
i see how it is folks, no love for the friendly neighborhood delinquent. 

Thats how it is. 

I'll just go over here and pretend not to want in on the fun. (I know we got stuff stars, i'm just playin')
@ScatteredStars Oh yeah, my character Wen Zong is going to be Haruo's persudo-mentor of the Robotics Club, she's going to whip him to become his assistant one day and I'm pretty sure all he's going to do is to try to hack into her personal network. Are you okay with that?
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@Shelter Wait, I read that wrong.

He'll become her assistant, or she'll become his assistant?  Because Ai is kind of his Watson already.
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@ScatteredStars Sorry, curse my typing, he will become her assistant in her dream of running her family's corporation. She will also try to infuse "good values" in Haruo to become a responsible adult but also have a reason why she lurks the Robotics Club.
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@ScatteredStars Be prepared for bickering, hacking battles, and all out pettiness between the two. I'm looking at an arc where Wen tries to steal Ai as her assistant.

Later, her suspicion would finally be confirmed as she saw each and everyone of them walking what she believed to be an invisible path. Heck, they walked over the air as if it were land!

And so, she was able to walk on the invisible path like everyone else, simply by seeing how the others had advanced through the invisible path.

We don't want you to have to re-write your whole post, but it seems like you were a bit confused on how the visions work. It's a reaction triggered by touching the Zodiac Charms and is only viewable to the person who is experiencing it (aka the person touching the Charm). I think I mentioned this somewhere but the idea is a literal ripoff of this mechanic from the movie Tomorrowland

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