OOC Chat

And you as well, Clarinetti! Can I call you Clarinet? I tend to be more musically-inclined, so that's why. :3 And most people call me Prox, Proxy, Prox-chan, or Jax depending on the amount of time you don't want to spend typing out my name. Or so I've heard, o. o

Hmm. An interesting prospect... I'll just have to retreat into my evil lair of skeleton CS docs to formulate my ambitious agenda. :3

What if... I'm in league with the Star Scouts? ;D  

to destroy the world?
Of course! What else? They wouldn't know that they were doing it, of course, but then their seemingly innocent actions will blow up in their face along with every earthly city MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D  

O.o  wonder how she´ll convince Aurora.
Ah... I personally identify with the male gender. Because I'm male. I do understand that my eccentricity leads most to believe otherwise, however, so no worries. :)  

well, I am male too, and I´m playing a female... though, my apologies for my mistake nonetheless....
well, I am male too, and I´m playing a female... though, my apologies for my mistake nonetheless....

No harm done. :D  I actually did that very thing on another site called THG for about two years before revealing my gender. As you can probably see, it was relatively easy to do that sort of thing. So I understand where the assumption came from, and I'm not one to hold much of a grudge. :P  
And you as well, Clarinetti! Can I call you Clarinet? I tend to be more musically-inclined, so that's why. :3 And most people call me Prox, Proxy, Prox-chan, or Jax depending on the amount of time you don't want to spend typing out my name. Or so I've heard, o. o

Hmm. An interesting prospect... I'll just have to retreat into my evil lair of skeleton CS docs to formulate my ambitious agenda. :3

What if... I'm in league with the Star Scouts? ;D  

It's part of the screen name, so sure, you can call me Clarinet- some people also use Clari if they're so inclined. I'll go for using Proxy if that's cool with you. Do you play any instruments yourself? Violin/ Viola perhaps, judging by the avatar?

Manipulating the Star Scouts to achieve your own ulterior motives? That is rather devious, if you're able to pull it off. I look forward to seeing how successful your scheming is. ^.^
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It's part of the screen name, so sure, you can call me Clarinet- some people also use Clari if they're so inclined. I'll go for using Proxy if that's cool with you. Do you play any instruments yourself?

Manipulating the Star Scouts to achieve your own ulterior motives? That is rather devious, if you're able to pull it off. I look forward to seeing how successful your scheming is. ^.^

Alright, I do think I like Clari. It just sounds so... elegant. ^ o ^ And yes, I do play a few instruments, actually. Violin, saxophone, piano, and a bit of dabbling in percussive areas. I tend to specialise in violin, though, as my avatar does suggest. Astute observation!  :smile2:  Totally, Proxy/i/ie/eee/whatever ending you want to use is fine!

Well, it's not something I was actually intending to do, but as I read through some of this stuff it's rapidly becoming a true possibility.  :smile8:  I do tend to go for more empathetic characters though, so it's probably not something in my range especially with the number of experienced RPers that I've seen RP so far and the intimidation factor is real so.  9_9
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Plus, I absolutely adore the Cancer character!   <3  


[COLOR= rgb(84, 84, 84)]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [/COLOR] 

Also I believe I answered all your concerns in the PM, but do share if there's anything else. Will be rather busy today but by its end wiznibs and I will be reunited and can work together to knock out this RP!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  

Yeah! Of course! He seems totally perfect¬ Kudos to you from a Cancer himself! ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ

Also I believe I answered all your concerns in the PM, but do share if there's anything else. Will be rather busy today but by its end wiznibs and I will be reunited and can work together to knock out this RP!

Awesome, that's brill! And I now realise after a moment that 'brill' is a British word! <-- It's a cognate anyhow, so I'm not gonna translate. I'll try to stop freaking out OCDing over everything now that I have a base to work with, but I'm not too sure how long that'll hold. Thanks so much!
@hudhouse Welcome to the RP! Let us know if you need anything! Did you have any ideas for which type of character you'll create?


My idea is a bit weird, but could it be possible to make an alien from a non-council of the twelve (apologies at work, so I don't recall if in the text it said thirteen, but I think it was mentioned) Who is a villian?
Yeah! Of course! He seems totally perfect¬ Kudos to you from a Cancer himself! ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ

Awesome, that's brill! And I now realise after a moment that 'brill' is a British word! <-- It's a cognate anyhow, so I'm not gonna translate. I'll try to stop freaking out OCDing over everything now that I have a base to work with, but I'm not too sure how long that'll hold. Thanks so much!

( ´ ◇ ` )ノ 

Im glad I got a Cancer's approval heheh. I'm an Aquarius myself. 

And its okay, I'm lowkey OCD myself, so I understand. And one of my good friends and a quarter of my family is British so picked up on quite a bit of slang over the years. [SIZE= 16px] [/SIZE] :smile5:
@Pretzel Heart

Hey, I love Aquariuns! :D  Very long history with those kinds of people.

And that is totally great! Alright, so I don't completely have to censor. That's ace! :P

...Actually, one more OCD-tangent. Do I have to add powers and stats and all that jazz for my character if he's not a Star Scout? Will it still be measured in some way despite his not being one?
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Aries here... or am i taurus? 

being born April 20th is strange, something about a cusp? hell if I know. 

Anycase, how ya'll doin?
That is so weird because I was just about to ask if my character could join the SC... x'D

I had to ask. They are doing the final review tonight and with how shit my internet is behaving, I have no idea how long it may take me to fix something and I definitely can´t afford to go around looking again.
@Orikanyo Ugh, I know the feeling. I'm born on July 20th (yay, so is my charrie! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ  Because IRL references!) so I'm on the cusp of... Whatsit, Cancer and Leo? With the new Ophiuchus calendar, though, I'm Cancer-Geminin. :/  It's so confusing. "Just mix the two!" Yeah, easier said than done...

@Idea My internet likes to be stupid too. :D  It's almost as if it's on purpose ever since I mentioned Furby's.


But then again, it could just be coincidence.  ≧◡≦
historicly a few things happened on my birthday, one is obvious, one, less so. 

one died my birthday, the other was born .

Do your own research on that. 

My idea is a bit weird, but could it be possible to make an alien from a non-council of the twelve (apologies at work, so I don't recall if in the text it said thirteen, but I think it was mentioned) Who is a villian?

Gonna tell you what we've told everyone else about villains. 

There's a lot of secret lore about the aliens which you guys have to unlock over the corse of the RP (something like, you know the same amount of info as your characters, well actually you already know a little bit more, but anyways you discover things together). Because of this it's hard for us to approve alien villain ideas without spoiling large chunks of lore. But if you have a firm idea try to type it out and PM it to us and we'll do our best to work it into the RP. At the moment my best advice would be to stay away from creating villain type characters until we've gotten further into the plot. The villains that we are looking for now are more like one-off bosses who will be defeated by the Scouts and not be plot important.

Planning to type out some extra stuff to help clarify these kinds of things tonight.........really wish they hadn't gotten rid of tabs, tabs would be so helpful to create multiple versions of the CS for Scouts, Civies, and Villains.....>,>> muttergrumblegrumble 

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