OOC Chat

Furbies are pure at heart and the physical embodiment of all that is good in the world, yes yes.

Really now?

@Orikanyo Ugh, I know the feeling. I'm born on July 20th (yay, so is my charrie! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ  Because IRL references!) so I'm on the cusp of... Whatsit, Cancer and Leo? With the new Ophiuchus calendar, though, I'm Cancer-Geminin. :/  It's so confusing. "Just mix the two!" Yeah, easier said than done...

@Idea My internet likes to be stupid too. :D  It's almost as if it's on purpose ever since I mentioned Furby's.


But then again, it could just be coincidence.  ≧◡≦

actually I don't think you have to worry about Ophiuchus I don't think people are counting it.
I was looking at the clubs listing, and I refuse to believe that a Japanese high school wouldn't have a baseball team.
Natal horizons - aka stuff like this.


Call me crazy, but once upon a time I had a lot of time on my hands. And I can tell you just by looking at that chart that the person is a Sun Sign Cancer, Moon Aries and Ascendant Pisces, with emphasis on the family and relationships with people in general. There are a few trines and a few oppositions as well as semisextiles and one or two squares if I'm reading that right, so the person will progress through life relatively well, with a few bumps in a few areas of their life.
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@animegirl20 But I'm OCD, and I chart people's natal horizons as a hobby. I kinda have to. ;-;

eh I wouldn't say you have to XD. I mean why care now it was left out for reason.

Natal horizons - aka stuff like this.

Call me crazy, but once upon a time I had a lot of time on my hands. And I can tell you just by looking at that chart that the person is a Sun Sign Cancer, Moon Aries and Ascendant Leo, with emphasis on the family and relationships with people in general. There are a few trines and a few oppositions as well as semisextiles and one or two squares if I'm reading that right, so the person will progress through life relatively well, with a few bumps in a few areas of their life.

whoa cool I never been really into this but I do like my sign. XD I happen to be a Virgo in real life.
eh I wouldn't say you have to XD. I mean why care now it was left out for reason.

True... But then again, our Zodiac calendar is apparently behind by a month according to NASA? But then, like, no one goes to NASA for Zodiac advice? :/  

whoa cool I never been really into this but I do like my sign. XD I happen to be a Virgo in real life.

Cool! I really like Virgoans... It's just, people look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them they're actually a mixture of fourteen different signs instead of just one or two. And what can I say? I had a lot of time in late junior high to study all of these things because I didn't have, y'know, responsibilities? :/  
True... But then again, our Zodiac calendar is apparently behind by a month according to NASA? But then, like, no one goes to NASA for Zodiac advice? :/  

Cool! I really like Virgoans... It's just, people look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them they're actually a mixture of fourteen different signs instead of just one or two. And what can I say? I had a lot of time in late junior high to study all of these things because I didn't have, y'know, responsibilities? :/  

nothing wrong with that. also I have very few responsibilities to....and I just realized how much of a lazy butt I am haha....I need to fix that. o.O  Anyway! :smile2:  I think it's cool you know all this stuff.
nothing wrong with that. also I have very few responsibilities to....and I just realized how much of a lazy butt I am haha....I need to fix that. o.O  Anyway! :smile2:  I think it's cool you know all this stuff.

Well, the first step is always realising something you want to fix. ;D So kudos! And yeah, I think it's pretty cool too, though I eventually drew the line. I still haven't memorised the exact dates of each sign, because I didn't want to. I just sort of took down a quick vague idea of what months correlate and was done.
I used to be in astrology and numerology. Numerology takes your birthday and other information regarding numbers and breaks down the meaning of each number. It was really an escapist time of my life because I had a hard time deriving personal meaning in my existence. Numerology is honestly interesting, especially when you pair it with astrology and the zodiac.
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I used to be in astrology and numerology. Numerology takes your birthday and other information regarding numbers and breaks down the meaning of each number. It was really an escapist time of my life because I had a hard time deriving personal meaning in my existence. Numerology is honestly interesting, especially when you pair it with astrology and the zodiac.

That sounds extremely interesting. :O Actually, I got so far into astrology where I required both the time of birth and birthdate. So I had a fair share of numbers in my experimentation.
Now that I think of it, @Spanner, my character is going to already know about yours. Because they both hail from England, and if that's the case then Mathias should at least know of Arthur... Unless you'd rather that not be the case? :O  
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Now that I think of it, @Spanner, my character is going to already know about yours. Because they both hail from England, and if that's the case then Mathias should at least know of Arthur... Unless you'd rather that not be the case? :O  

I don't see any problem with him knowing Arthur, not really something hard to happen considering Arthur's natural disposition to go around talking with strangers...


@Pretzel Heart I've been a little occupied recently so i didn't had the time to edit Arthur's power. I do have the power planned already though, probably I'm going to write it out tomorrow as soon as i get some leisure.
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I don't see any problem with him knowing Arthur, not really something hard to happen considering Arthur's natural disposition to go around talking with strangers...

Alright, that's cool. I'll try and find an opening and have it so the two coincidentally conveniently meet. 
Hmm, let's see

Delia and Haruo's relationship journals should be up-to-date.  Also, I think I should have all the key points of Delia's powers written out.  If I need to change anything/make things more clear, let me know!

Also, hi new people!  I'm ScatteredStars (though probably a bit more scattered than stars nower days).  I'm really excited to meet everyone and see your characters.  If anyone wants to plot with either Delia or Haruo let me know!  I'll probably get around to messaging people anyways because I love plotting, but if you guys have an idea, I'd love to hear them!  Haruo will probably have ties to a lot of characters later on, if he doesn't have ties to them already.

Seeing all these new characters makes me want to add another character into the mix, even though I know I probably shouldn't is there an rp equivalent to baby fever?  Muse fever maybe?

Also, I have a profound love for Pisces, and I'll be hecked if NASA tells me I'm an Aquarius.  My best friends are Cancer, Libra, Sagi, and Taurus though, so they have a special place in my heart as well.
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Hi! I'm Proxemae / Proxy / Prox / Jax / whatever your imagination can come up with! Pleased to meet ya! :3 Of course, I'm always open to plotting with other characters! Would you be open to my Mathais interacting with one or both of yours? :)

Hi! I'm Proxemae / Proxy / Prox / Jax / whatever your imagination can come up with! Pleased to meet ya! :3 Of course, I'm always open to plotting with other characters! Would you be open to my Mathais interacting with one or both of yours? :)

Both, absolutely!

He and Delia are a lot alike personality wise.  Both are empathetic and see the best in other people to the point of shoving their own emotions aside. I think the big difference is that Delia is more introverted while Mat is more of an extrovert.  I think she might find him a bit tiring, but not to the point of annoyance.  She kind of looks at extroverts with an admirable view.

Haruo is fun because he hates people like that.  Haruo is selfish to the core and doesn't really understand empathy.  He tries, but only because Ai hangs around him, and he needs to know why she's throwing chairs at him.  He'd probably sees Mat, and though he probably tolerates him more than Delia because he's outgoing, he's just curious as to what's going on in his head, and I could see at some point, him just being like "Look. I'm taking you out, and you're going to do things for yourself.  Not because someone wants you to, but because you clearly need to not think about other people for once."  

Cue the scene from the movie Big Daddy where Adam Sandler throws a branch at on-coming roller skaters, trying to trip them up, only Haruo is Sandler and Mat is Dylan/Cole Sprouse

"Why did you do that?!  That's awful!!"

"Because, Mat, it makes me happy."

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